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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. ok, you said that the cable goes right into your PC right? if it does, then we would need to know your PC from the inside. In order to do so, I would need you to run this MTADiag, while running this, press n for no and a link would be given to you. Post that link here.
  2. NICE!!! They look so updated!
  3. Sorry, i don't know what DMZ does but you would still need to open it.
  4. The only thing i could say is make sure everything is up-to-date, meaning if you have any updates in the Windows Update, Update them now.
  5. 1. Yes, At the start of the game, you download folders on to your computer in order to see them. For an example, the gui... You would need that folder downloaded in order to see any gui it has in it. 2. Try running this MTADiag and post the url here after.
  6. How much accounts is on your computer? If there's 1 then you're automatically an admin, if there's more than 1 accounts then you would need to go into the first account created and change another account to an admin.
  7. Are you login as a Administrator?
  8. I'll try explaining since I have Windows 7 Right now. EDIT: ok, check the page I've posted again.
  9. Do you have any Programs running in the background that isn't important?
  10. Where you creating the map for a GameMode?
  11. Jaysds1

    I CanT To Get IN!!!!

    Actually, I can't right now because My Computer is currently broken and needs repair, right now I'm on my mom's laptop... anyways, Try running MTA in Administrator. Sometime the computer or a Firewall/Anti-Virus Program blocks the MTA Program from do anything. Have you tried playing on any server?
  12. You know what's sad??? This topic!!! Sorry '[s.K]' but I think you're bored.
  13. http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/chert ... action.jpg
  14. For the windows firewall, do this: viewtopic.php?f=114&t=33722&hilit=+Port+Problems#p352164 but don't do Part 2.
  15. Jaysds1

    I CanT To Get IN!!!!

    well, try downloading the Client and the Server, and try it again.
  16. Ok, It seems like your Firewall closed the ports. What's your Firewall/Anti-Virus Program?
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