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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. That page is funny... I went on it the first time and started laughing at the first photo.
  2. Jaysds1

    High CPU Usage

    lol, I was just about to suggest to you to clean all the Program Data from your computer using CCleaner
  3. He's talking about a hack that changes the players stats. Anyways, Like Anderl says it might be a script that enables it. I suggest you talk to your server owner.
  4. well, I'm thinking the cable is connected to a router because our cable connects through routers and nothing else... anyways, What's your cable connected to?
  5. well, we aren't sure, it might be the hosting or something, plus MTA Files is offline. I think it should be up and running again tomorrow.
  6. Sorry for the bump... I've recently updated the script and since I learned more about MTA Scripting, I've noticed that it wasn't actually synchronizing with other players... Meaning if you drop one then others wont see it or die from it. oh, and I uploaded the video again. Thanks all for the comments and have fun with the script
  7. Sorry, but for some reason it's not available at this time.
  8. i don't have any of those , but i dont get it What???? Just download them and post your Log again!!!
  9. Jaysds1


    What he means by that is, Do you have any proof that he's doing this or so? Like a chat with him saying he does these stuff or anyone else as a witness or something...
  10. Can you download and run this MTADiag and post the Pastebin url Here please
  11. A: lol, I would fly Q: Who would you like to be in the matrix(the movie)?
  12. http://www.net2ftp.com/index.php
  13. I was wondering what you mean about "it hurts everybody"??? It only hurts the company and the government. anyways, CyberLink Products are one of the best... That's why I bought the PowerDirector and it was voted Top Movie Maker Product of 2011 not sure about this year.
  14. Jaysds1

    Tab doesn't work..

    All you have to do is download the DxScoreboard again, since it's the Official Scoreboard Resource for MTA. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Res ... scoreboard
  15. Try running this and tell us what's your connection. http://www.speedtest.net
  16. Make sure the game is ACTUALLY installed on your computer and BTW, We don't support pirated games, so you would need to buy it or if you have problems with MTA Connecting to it then it's not our problem.
  17. Jaysds1

    please help <3

    He is talking about another server. Which he wants to create a clan.
  18. How about MW2 on Xbox 360 anyone?
  19. jw137testing.atwebpages.com/pageLayout.php
  20. Jaysds1

    lua learning

  21. https://client02.chat.mibbit.com/?url=i ... gtanet.com
  22. Don't forget about the Hydraulics
  23. Jaysds1


    contact them: http://www.ptcl.com.pk/ !!!!
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