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Everything posted by eAi

  1. I try Enter a couple of times, then use Control + Alt + Delete -> G -> Tab -> Tab -> Space -> Space. This selects gta-vc.exe in the process list in the task manager, then two tabs takes you to the "End process button", first space gives you the "are you really sure?" box, and the final space selects yes. Obviously, this isn't required if you can get the task manager into focus. Easy. eAi
  2. Well in a fit of boredom, I decided to make an intelimoose (people from irc may have seen my slightly weird "slaps"): Its large, so I'll post it as a link: http://misc.opencoding.net/msintelimoose.jpg eAi
  3. Don't u dare i'm not american! That, is arguable.eAi
  4. I supose the people who don't want to break the law do? Even a bucket with a bunch of holes in has value. eAi
  5. There was this almost exact post here earlier today with a poll like "Use the Unlagged method?" "yes" "no", then this long post... Thats weird... eAi
  6. Am I going mad? Wasn't there a post very like this here earlier today? I replied to it in some length, and now its vanished eAi
  7. eAi


    I think perhaps this could be a server option, though as I don't think you can message the server with passwords at the moment. eAi
  8. Thats what I was trying to imply, my litteracy skills gave up on me slightly, and i couldn't be bothered to rewrite it. eAi
  9. eAi

    MTA:// Handler

    I don't see why this won't be implemented directly into MTA 0.4 (either as an option or by default). The code is pretty basic really. eAi
  10. Spectator mode is as accurate as normal MTA, you see almost exactly what the player you're spectating sees, except of course whatever gets change by MTA (i.e. lag, bad shooting accuracy or whatever)... eAi
  11. As always, no. Nobody in their right mind (in the game making world) ever states release dates, they very rarely work out.eAi *Cough*Half-Life 2*Cough* Exactly. VALVe were obviously not in their right mind, or it was just a marketing ploy...eAi
  12. As always, no. Nobody in their right mind (in the game making world) ever states release dates, they very rarely work out.eAi
  13. Its a programing matter really. Most programs work for 9x and 2k based systems, MTA uses relatively advanced methods to interact with the game, some of which aren't supported on 9x systems. Concequently, it'd be very hard (or impossible) to write MTA for 9x computers. eAi
  14. eAi

    MTA:// Handler

    I've made a new version people. This one fixes a few bugs (that you probably didn't notice) in the 0.75 version and supports the links on http://www.mtaservers.com. Download it at http://www.opencoding.net/zips/mtaph.zip Enjoy! eAi
  15. As I said, I think MTA's principle is to keep the features limited to multiplayer purposes, for the moment at least. I've personally got my own speedometer if i want to use it I can. Having it on the scoreboard could be useful in some game modes, maybe racing. Maybe an average speed for each player would be more useful. Btw, its eAi not aAi... eAi
  16. I think the reason theres no speedometer in MTA is that MTA are trying to create a multiplayer mod for GTA. In gta3/vc there is no speedometer, concequently, there is no speedometer in MTA. Basically, MTA are trying to create an authentic mod, instead of just adding random features that aren't required to make GTA multiplayer. Perhaps in the future it might be and addition, maybe it'd appear on the scoreboard or somthing, but have a purely client-side speedometer serves no multiplayer purpose. eAi Note, I'm sure theres pleanty of speedometer mods you can use safely with MTA (i.e. not SCM mods)... If there isn't i could knock one up in a few minutes...
  17. Maybe I should clarify things... MTA 0.4 is going to have Vice City and GTA3, in one client Core 0.4 is not related to MTA 0.4, when Core 0.4 is implemented into MTA, it'll have another version number, e.g. MTA 0.5. Note, I'm not saying that Core 0.4 will be in MTA 0.5 (or vice versa). eAi
  18. I think the way the ping is calculated on MTA is dodgy, as it is possible to get a 6000 ping, even with an OK connection... There are also the occasional problem with negative pings, for users with very high pings... eAi
  19. eAi

    Anti Cheaters ??

    If you look at the other forum (which one? - can't be bothered to look) I'm supposedly making an anti-cheat - whether i'll get around to finishing it is another matter entirely. eAi
  20. eAi


    Its possible, just not with the current core eAi
  21. Correct! But you could also use my program and not have to worry about it. Yep. Trust me, it doesn't interact with any of the areas mta uses. Ok...eAi
  22. So, there I was looking though those screen shots of people's stunts, and I though... Would it be useful if there was an app that would take and save screenshots for you when you did a stunt... Maybe the app could even tell what was good (e.g. above x distance etc)... I'm not really one of those stunting ppl, but if you think this is useful, plz post in the really sad poll that i've made - or post a comment... eAi
  23. eAi

    Friend and foe

    Interesting idea... Rather like the sims... Maybe somthing as an addon in the future... eAi
  24. How would you know? I know these things
  25. Radio station times aren't synced with the visible clock time I'm afraid... eAi
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