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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. I would reccomend disabling Open Proxy registrations for PHPBB. http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... e9d9a15825
  2. I reccomend a Subnet ban. as that clown probably has a Dynamic IP. search.php?author_id=30992&sr=posts
  3. I will try that Corrupt, and i will pass that info on to my mates who also have the same issue.
  4. i left it for 30 minutes. and i just heard from [-aRcTiC-] that he has been having the same issue in the last few days. Me, in Shepparton, Australia.... Spink, in Melbourne, Australia...... and Arctic, who i belive is from the UK, all confirm this issue. And usually for me the Server list is there, right from load, it never taks more than a second to recive it.
  5. Yes, i am using DM DP2.1 and up till about 2 days ago, the Server browser in it was working fine. Now it i go to the server browser, nothing shows up in it. if i hit refresh, t sits at "Refreshing..." and does nothing. I checked with another friend of mine (Spinkstar) and he said he is getting the same issue. all my favorites have [Offline] infront of them also. I have not changed anything on my computer, and i have also tried reinstalling DM, which has not fixed it. Anyone else got this? and also, If somone knows how to fix it, please tell.
  6. Its a Normal and VERRY COMMON problem with MTA, ive seen it in race 1.1.1 and in Both versions of DM. Ive found that if you press Alt+tab a few times, or CTRL+ALT+DEL then Left Click, the mouse will begin to work. What the issue seems to be to me is that the game dosent get priority of the mouse from explorer.
  7. Heres a little test i did. I have My PC: AMD Athlon 4800+, Ati X1950XTX 512MB GDDR4, 2GB DDRII ram, 300GB SATAII 3gbps and my old PC: AMD Sempron 2000+, Ati 9550 256MB, 512MB DDR Ram, 8GB ATA100 5400RPM I ran a Race map on Race 1.1.1 on the Old Slow PC. and got a Stable 25FPS Then, i ran the same map on the Far Suporier PC, on DM 2.1, Most of the time it was at 47, but two main points thru the track, it dropped below 15FPS, these lag points didnt exist on the far slower Computer in the older Version of MTA Race. So, FPS Lag is deffinatley an issue with MTA:DM and i hope its fixed in DP3. Also, i dare not turn off my Pagefile, As MTA OFTEN uses over 1GB of ram and about 1GB of Pagefile as it is., if all that is pushed into the ram, then that leaves no space for anything else. and i can smell the Bluescreens waiting to happen. SinglePlayer on my Fast PC runs at almost 200FPS. Race Driver 3 runs at almost 400FPS with Max graphics settings. The fact that my PC cant hold 47FPS is Deffinatley a DM issue. My pagefile is under verry little inbound / outbound usage when playing DM, only the initial load that takes abour 3 seconds makes it work hard. I would almost count Pagefile out as a cause of DM being laggy.
  8. Well, we recently got our First Clan Racewar! it well be held on Saturday. [PS] vs [XED] [Pothole Studios] Vs [Xtreme Estonian Drivers] Car: Infernus Should be a Blast. I will Post the Results here.
  9. Every Crash dump all the Pothole Studios Servers have made in DP2 are located here: http://public.potholestudios.com/mtadumps/dp2/ The list was updated [25th - June - 2008] They are all downloadable and whatever..... Heres an idea on the list: (Filenames were shortened by Apache in the browser, but they are the Full fiilename when Downloaded)
  10. Well, its not working, and i have no idea why... (then again, my knowlage of scripting is enought to copy sections of code from other scripts and put them together with guesswork) function DisplayMapCreator() outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFFThis map was created By #FCE059[PS]#A85AFFDazzaJay#FFFFFF[AU]", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true ) end ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),DisplayMapCreator) and the error is: INFO: Loading Script Failed: ...ver 2 DM Race/mods.deathmatch/resourcecache/race-PHS 0000 Track/dazz.lua:4: unexpected symbol near ')'
  11. Well, that would be why the Wiki searches came back blank wouldnt it, i was searching for somthing that didnt exist. iil take another look at it, and report back if i got it working, or if it fails miserably.
  12. to get somthing to trigger on Server Recource load of itself... is all i have to change this: addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),displayMainPlate) To this: addEventHandler("onServerResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),DisplayMapCreator) Or is there somthing more to it? like a section that shouldnt be there, or? (its to go in a script that will output to everyones chat that the map that just loaded was made by me, so im putting it in with my map files.) function DisplayMapCreator() outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFFThis map was created By #FCE059[PS]#A85AFFDazzaJay#FFFFFF[AU]", player, 255, 255, 255, true ) end ) addEventHandler("onServerResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),DisplayMapCreator)
  13. Ah, well, im trying to use it on the Trusty ol Rizon Network
  14. i found a bug. it connects to the IRC, says all this to the IRC: [02:43] *** [RACE] has joined #PotholeStudios. [02:43] [RACE]: *** Global Gamemode Initialized *** [02:43] *** [RACE] has signed off IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer). thats it, server has crashed. within a second of the Echo starting, the servers process has ended. it happens too fast to see any errors thru VNC. it has made a server dump file tho. i would post its code, but it looks all scrambled when i open it with notepad. Server log file, from load of server, to server crash:
  15. Thats cool, its just cos i remember asking this once before and being told it dosent work, but this was about a day after DP1 was released.
  16. Well, like that, but in Multiple different recources.... So like this.... Race Gamemode: addCommandHandler("info", function(player,cmd) outputChatBox("Pothole Studios Race v10.7.1") end ) and say, in some other script in a different recource. addCommandHandler("info", function(player,cmd) outputChatBox("Some other script V7.11") end ) Would that work like this... [PS]DazzaJay[AU]: /info Pothole Studios Race v10.7.1 Some other script V7.11
  17. Basically, back in MTA Race, with mIRC, there were multiple independant scripts that had the same command, such as !info, our old server had 4 independant scripts that responded to !info, MTAMA, PRS, Pothole Emotes, Pothole Scripts. So basically, can multiple independant LUA scripts in DM have the same command handler, such as /info in a bunch of different scripts?
  18. All my scripting abilities are full of Guesswork and Ripping code from other scripts. From what i understand from another script, the timer should start on recource load as it is, and run on a loop, well, thats what it does in all other scripts ive written in this manner. As for adding Outputs.... If i knew how, i would. but frankly, Guesswork and Ripping code from other gamemodses / scripts is the only way i know how to script, it was the same for me on mIRC, (which i was a lot better at) but i still dont understand LUA enough to be able to do complex things like that, and Most of the Wiki pages show Examples that either make no sence, or have Nothing to do with what i am attempting.
  19. Well, seeing how this has all been pretty much fail from the beginning, im thinking the System were going about is Wrong. So, what im now gonna ask about is, Any ideas on a good Vehicle Respawn system that can run Serverside.... It would have to respawn after the vehicle is Exploded (that bit allready works) And also, If the vehicle ends up in the water, and seeing as the ideas that we have had so far havnt worked, What about a 30 second timer From exit of vehicle, till the vehicle is respawned., timer would have to be cancelled if somone else got into the vehicle tho. ??
  20. well, what could i use for a Map over the ocean? im guessing that Water level is 0.0, so any way to make it so it dosent get water level, but instead respawns vehicles under the level of 0.0?
  21. I might have missed somthing when putting the code together.... ive checked /debugscript 3 and no errors loading the map, no errors when vehicles are in the water.... just no errors function respawnExplodedVehicle() setTimer(respawnVehicle, 6000, 1, source) end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), respawnExplodedVehicle) setTimer(checkWater, 5000, 0) --[[function checkWater() local vID = getVehicleID ( g_Vehicle ) if ( vID == 539 or vID == 460 or vID == 417 or vID == 447 or vID == 472 or vID == 473 or vID == 493 or vID == 595 or vID == 484 or vID == 430 or vID == 453 or vID == 452 or vID == 446 or vID == 454 ) then return; end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(g_Me) local waterZ = getWaterLevel(x, y, z) if waterZ and z < waterZ - 1.5 then --setElementHealth(g_Me, 0) blowVehicle ( g_Vehicle, true ) end end]]-- function checkWater() for _, veh in pairs( getElementsByType( "vehicle" ) ) do if not getVehicleOccupant( veh ) then local vehID = getVehicleID( veh ) if vehID == 539 or vehID == 460 or vehID == 417 or vehID == 447 or vehID == 472 or vehID == 473 or vehID == 493 or vehID == 595 or vehID == 484 or vehID == 430 or vehID == 453 or vehID == 452 or vehID == 446 or vehID == 454 then local waterZ = getWaterLevel( getElementPosition( veh ) ) if waterZ and waterZ > z then blowVehicle( veh ) end end end end end
  22. Thanks 50P, i will try it out after this ep of DS9 and then report if it works or not.
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