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¡Hola a todos! Hoy les presento un proyecto único, un servidor de roleplay diferente a todo lo que han visto. Hemos creado un gamemode completamente desde cero, diseñado para ofrecer una experiencia de juego más rica, inmersiva y dinámica. ¿Qué lo hace especial? Cada sistema y mecánica ha sido pensado para brindarte un rol auténtico, donde tu historia, tus decisiones y tu interacción con el mundo tienen un impacto real. Desde un sistema económico estable hasta facciones equilibradas, todo está hecho para que vivas una experiencia de roleplay profunda y auténtica. Seleccion de personajes: Creacion de Personajes: Este es solo el comienzo. Estamos trabajando (yo solo) para ofrecer un mundo único, en constante evolución, y queremos que tú seas parte de él. ¡Únete a nosotros (a mi) y construyamos juntos algo increíble! Esta es mi idea de servidor y ya la llevamos por delante. ÚNETE. **Se necesitan**: -Scripters -Mappers -Administradores -Moderadores -Gente con amplio conocimiento en Roleplay Contactame en discord
- Yesterday
MrQuestionsMX joined the community
dime de q se trata y veo si puedo ayudarte, no se si mas de 10 años en mta programando te sirvan
Duff1995 started following textura de arma por comando
client-side local m4ModelID = 356 addEvent("replaceM4ForPlayer", true) addEventHandler("replaceM4ForPlayer", resourceRoot, function(txdPath, dffPath) -- Carrega o arquivo TXD local txd = engineLoadTXD(txdPath) if not txd then outputChatBox("Não foi possível carregar o arquivo TXD do Parafal.", 255, 0, 0) return end engineImportTXD(txd, m4ModelID) -- Carrega o arquivo DFF local dff = engineLoadDFF(dffPath, m4ModelID) if not dff then outputChatBox("Não foi possível carregar o arquivo DFF do Parafal.", 255, 0, 0) return end engineReplaceModel(dff, m4ModelID) outputChatBox("Sua M4 foi substituída pelo Parafal.", 0, 255, 0) end) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, function() engineRestoreModel(m4ModelID) end) --server-side local parafalTXD = "parafal.txd" local parafalDFF = "parafal.dff" addCommandHandler("m4", function(player) triggerClientEvent(player, "replaceM4ForPlayer", resourceRoot, parafalTXD, parafalDFF) end) na teoria ao usar /m4 deveria mudar a skin da m4 apenas para o jogador que usou o comando, os outros deveriam ver ele com a fall, mas ele deveria ver os outros que nao usaram o comando com uma m4
Sheep1533 joined the community
washington carlos joined the community
jamalbouss joined the community
Sobre o seu primeiro erro (Offset 0x003C91CC) se refere a falta de memória de vídeo. Ocorre quando o servidor exige mais memória de vídeo que o seu PC possui ou caso o seu PC já esteja usando toda a memória de vídeo para outra coisa e faltou para o MTA. Muito frequente em servidores mal otimizados que abusam da memória de vídeo colocando texturas com altas resoluções. Sobre o seu segundo erro (Offset 0x003FDEE4) não encontrei nenhuma referência a ele.
IIYAMA started following fileExists / dxDrawImage
I wouldn't run that function either in combination with onClientRender. Since you are fetching the file from another resource, you could increase or decrease the download priority for either resource. Or just wait a little bit longer before start rendering. (I also recommend to convert the image into a texture before rendering)
Boda123 joined the community
keevons joined the community
skoozeblood started following Sons
skoozeblood started following Symes
Jaspher joined the community
Intercessor started following Ban appeals archive
Intercessor joined the community
jotaazz7.vx joined the community
zkBieeeeeL started following Estou com problemas de crashs em meu servidor.
moed1911 started following GTA SA NYC MAP
this is my gta sa lcxvc map mod i make lc so huge based to NYC 90s map join my discord here pic:
- Last week
DonnySheffield started following Resources loading by itself
Hi all. i have a following problem. i started to edit one role play mod and because i already done lots of changes i decided to change the resource list in the server config file to make sure if i have to restart the server for some reason only the right resources are loading. I stopped the server and started again and what i saw in the console basically all the resources i can find on the ftp sever are started. Did anyone had this issue before? Any chance if one specific resource is starting all the others? I’m very new to MTA scripting and i never had this issue. I beleive if i delete the resources what i don’t need will solve my problem but wanted to find out for what reason this can happen. Thank you for your answers in advance
Получил БАН по железу, за то, что переустановил винду! Прошу разобраться с этим!
* Ваш серийный номер: 79747EB9314256521E7BDFD45204C442
The walking GTA DayZ! A DayZ server consisting of Multi Theft Auto Game 1.Loots that appear on the ground 2.Inventory system 3.Base system 4.Car panels 5.FPS optimization system 6.Air-firing system 7.51 Arena alarm and loot systems 8.Sometimes extremely fast zombies 9.Zombies that appear on the roads or in loot areas 10.Nice textures 11.Appearance selection panel - F9 12.Information panel - F9 13.Base system / Base with gated access 14.Series copy panel - F1 15.Helmet armor first aid kit bullets weapon loot 16.Group systems and panel - F2 17.Discord Server copy panel - F10 18.Vehicle usage 19.Best cars / BEST VEHICLES 20.Vehicle speedometer KM/H 21.Death texts (shaking system) 22.F11 loot points hospital points 23.Vehicle Mods 24.Vehicle crash objects on the map 25.You will spawn with a bag when you die 26.There is a GAME/CHARACTER selection panel on the main screen and there is music 27.There is a Loading Screen with a song 28.There is a Radio button that opens with R 29.Vehicle does not explode when they fall upside down 30.Health Humanity helmet armor huds 31.GPS SYSTEM 32.F5 Debug Monitor 33.F7 Interface 34.Other Boxes 35.Base blips that appear in F11 Walking GTA Discord: IP mtasa:// SNOW MODE
Na Infinity Nuvem, você encontra a hospedagem mais barata do mercado para servidores de MTA! Oferecemos planos incríveis com jogadores ilimitados – não há limite de slots, para que você possa reunir o máximo de amigos e jogadores no seu servidor. Tudo isso por um preço superacessível! Além disso, aceitamos diversas formas de pagamento: PIX, boleto bancário, cartão de crédito, TED e PayPal, para facilitar ainda mais a sua experiência. Não perca tempo com soluções caras e complicadas. Escolha a Infinity Nuvem e tenha a melhor hospedagem com a maior flexibilidade. Visite nosso site agora: e aproveite!
Sorry, I wrote the wrong debug output. The actual error is: Error loading image @ 'dxDrawImage' [:resource2/images/image.png] The PNG file in resource2 does indeed exist in the meta.xml, everything is in order with the path and the image does render normal. It just briefly outputs an error before it renders. It's like fileExists returns true while there is a (clear path to image.png), then when using dxDrawImage it has problems loading the image because the image.png itself is not yet recognized as a PNG file by the MTA client. So perhaps fileExists being used onClientRender is a bad move..
Reinstall MTA from
Mouse and keyboard arrow completely stuck when entering any server
Nico834 replied to Baianio_Noob's question in Client
I wouldn't recommend uninstalling the entire MTA installation right away, especially not along with the configuration files and cache. The issue they're experiencing is likely not caused by them. Please follow the steps below: - Please download and run the latest version of MTADiag on your computer. - Post the pastebin link generated by the tool here. * Requires administrator rights on Windows Vista and newer operating systems. * Requires the 2017 version of Visual C++ Redistributable. -
check the meta.xml of resource2
Mouse and keyboard arrow completely stuck when entering any server
Emnadai replied to Baianio_Noob's question in Client
Try reinstalling your gta or changing your gta file. Second/ You must delete your mtasa with all resources, maybe you have configured some key or bind command to exit or pause keys -
Im trying to run Mirc and mtama for mtavc 0.5.1r2 server but i have a problem not loading the adminpanel. After i do the rs load mta.mrc it loads but then after i do /mta i get this error * /if: '=>' unknown operator (line 87, mta.mrc.) and ofcourse no adminpanel apears what could be the problem?
Good day, What is the best way to check if a or (any) file actually exists while using onClientRender? I'm using onClientRender to draw a PNG image located in another resource but if the image is missing (not yet downloaded by the client), then still, debug would output an error message. "Error loading image @ 'dxDrawImage' [:resource2/images/image.png]" To avoid that, should the file path become some type of local variable or? I'm not sure because I've tried a bunch of different ways and each of them have the same result. -- resource1: onClientRender if fileExists ( ":resource2/images/image.png" ) then dxDrawImage ( sx, sy, 32, 32, ":resource2/images/image.png" ) end -- Debug: { Error loading image @ 'dxDrawImage' [:resource2/images/image.png] } (x1)
Eu consegui resolver colocando uma condição de ACL na opção em si, como é feito nas outras abas do painel. Fica a dica para quem tiver a dúvida no futuro.
Mouse and keyboard arrow completely stuck when entering any server
Baianio_Noob posted a question in Client
Recently I've been having problems with Multi Theft Auto, which has really affected my gameplay. One of the main errors that I can't solve and that makes it impossible for me to play is that, when I enter any server, even a local server, the keyboard and mouse crash completely, I can't give any shortcut commands, except for pressing esc, but even pressing esc I can't change any options. I've tried to solve this error by searching on Youtube and even here on the Forum, but I haven't found any video that matches my problem, I've tried leaving it in window mode, but it still makes it impossible for me to move anywhere, my pc only works again after I restart it, if you can help me with that I'd be grateful. -
Приветствую всех, я спустя несколько месяцев выяснил как зайти в игру, для начала стоит попробовать выключить полностью во всех доступным настройках ваш брандмауэр(следует очень хорошо все проверить так как Windows может обратно включить, после этого попробовать зайти в игру, после этого у большинства людей уходит эта проблема, но у меня она также вернулась после какого то времени, если вернулась также как у меня вам тогда надо отключить интернет на пк, после этого раздать любой интернет с других устройств, главное не ваш основной вай фай и попробовать зайти, у меня началосб обновление игры, после перезапуска я заходил на сервер и как только была середина загрузки сервера я быстро перешел на свой основной и вот сколько сижу играю, проблема не возвращается ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings everyone, after a few months I found out how to enter the game, first you should try to turn off completely in all available settings your firewall (you should check everything very well because Windows can turn it back on, after that try to enter the game, after that most people have this problem goes away, but I also had it back after some time, if it came back like me you need to disconnect the internet on your PC, then give out any internet from other devices, the main thing is not your main wi-fi and try to enter the game.