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MTA: Blue Updates

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I was just wondering if the team could possible post more updates to what is going on with the dev status of Blue. I know you guys are busy, but little blurbs here and there about what has been accomplished would be cool. Maybe throw in one or two screenshots every now and then. I think this would just cause people to be more active in the dev of Blue and it would also inform us of whats going on so people don't think MTA is dead.

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Make publicity for MTA:Blue after it comes out. Then the commutiy can do it and have the team apporve it and put it on there website. Then the team has more time to do other things like code. Besides if you over hype it before it comes out and it turns out bad then you will lose even more poeple in the long run.

MTA blue looks likes it going to rule, I would like the team to spend the time to make it rule, not make a video rule.

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  • MTA Team

No, completly normal. When you put one function in it is possible you break another function, or sometimes we decide to do something clompletly different and have to rewrite a lot. We have had blue in a state before where we could play and then a couple of days later we coudn't even connect to the server. and it's that way in any project.

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We have a target with blue of a finished product with X Y and Z features, if we were to split that up into little bits and expect to have somthing we could show other people at the end of each "little bit" it'd take much longer to do, as each little bit would have to be tidied up, put together and propperly tested.

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maybe just some text updates everyonce in a while then, like stating what has been accomplished, what bugs you were able to work out and what not. I don't know, just some way of involving the community in what goes on with the dev of MTA. I really would just like to see that. Builds aticipation. Like, for example: at this point I am actually thinking in the back of my head that this project will die out. When you guys first started developing this project there was a lot of news being posted. Even if you dont think it will interest everyone, posting dev news is what some people look forward to seeing. It also let's people know that the project is being worked on. Also, I know you guys might not be able to do this legally, but i seriously wouldn't mind donating money to the team whenever I could to help support the servers you guys rent out and what not. Paypal is a very easy way to accept donations and I assume others would definatly consider donating to help keep the project from going broke.

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Anticipation leads to dissapointment... Almost everything in blue has been done twice. We've worked on some things for months that aren't going to be in the final version... People aren't sensible enough to understand the developement process, so its best to tell people what will be in the final product and leave the how we got there out of it, at least until after the release.

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They're delaying news on purpose and arent working very much on BLUE because they are waiting on news from Rockstar on GTA San Andreas for PC. They wanna see what Rockstar does. They're most important goal is to see if 2player stays or if it doesnt. The real I say they cant work on BLUE is because they dont know anything about San Andreas so they cant work on it. They gotta make it tri compatible between GTA3, VC, and SA.

Dev team; would it have been so hard to say that?

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  riahc3 said:
They're delaying news on purpose and arent working very much on BLUE because they are waiting on news from Rockstar on GTA San Andreas for PC. They wanna see what Rockstar does. They're most important goal is to see if 2player stays or if it doesnt. The real I say they cant work on BLUE is because they dont know anything about San Andreas so they cant work on it. They gotta make it tri compatible between GTA3, VC, and SA.

Since when were you their spokesperson?

What difference does it make if Rockstar make 2 player multiplayer? It's only 2 players, not the 26 you can currently have with VC (32 with GTA3).

And anyway, SA's multiplayer on the PS2 has no netcode at all. That's why they were able to sync the pedestrians. Since Rockstar are not allowed to make significant changes, I doubt they will add netcode.

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  JonChappell said:

Since when were you their spokesperson?

What difference does it make if Rockstar make 2 player multiplayer? It's only 2 players, not the 26 you can currently have with VC (32 with GTA3).

And anyway, SA's multiplayer on the PS2 has no netcode at all. That's why they were able to sync the pedestrians. Since Rockstar are not allowed to make significant changes, I doubt they will add netcode.

Because the team is like that....

And yes Rockstar is allowed to do that because the PS2/Sony contract applies i believe only to consoles not other forms of reproducing games. Anyways i think it expired too....

Yes i know they are sync'd. And why? idk.......MAYBE BECAUSE THE 2 PLAYERS ON THE SAME CONSOLE?!?!??!!

SA's MP didnt have netcode because a) it was stupid to write netcode when they can do it on the same console b) it isnt worth it for a console like PS2 c) if it did then the PS2 would burn down because it wouldnt be able to handle it (altho there have already been reports of PS2s overheating and damaging)

End of story. And yes MTA Team deny your delay all you want.......but ill be "Waiting" for your so called release of 0.4.5 and i wont even wait for Blue because its been months. Its all hype and to get publicity and money to keep the servers running so they can work on MTA when they want to. Another thing they are really smart is buying/renting their domain: http://www.mtavc.com . It is so stupid to go to a site for MP for San Andreas and its http://www.mtavc.com . Something more logical would be http://www.gtamta.com or just kill the MTA thing and name it something else. It deserves it after (and this is a long way till) Blue comes out.

my 2 cents.....if noone is with me fine it there are followers thank you

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  riahc3 said:
  JonChappell said:

Since when were you their spokesperson?

What difference does it make if Rockstar make 2 player multiplayer? It's only 2 players, not the 26 you can currently have with VC (32 with GTA3).

And anyway, SA's multiplayer on the PS2 has no netcode at all. That's why they were able to sync the pedestrians. Since Rockstar are not allowed to make significant changes, I doubt they will add netcode.

Because the team is like that....

And yes Rockstar is allowed to do that because the PS2/Sony contract applies i believe only to consoles not other forms of reproducing games. Anyways i think it expired too....

Yes i know they are sync'd. And why? idk.......MAYBE BECAUSE THE 2 PLAYERS ON THE SAME CONSOLE?!?!??!!

SA's MP didnt have netcode because a) it was stupid to write netcode when they can do it on the same console b) it isnt worth it for a console like PS2 c) if it did then the PS2 would burn down because it wouldnt be able to handle it (altho there have already been reports of PS2s overheating and damaging)

End of story. And yes MTA Team deny your delay all you want.......but ill be "Waiting" for your so called release of 0.4.5 and i wont even wait for Blue because its been months. Its all hype and to get publicity and money to keep the servers running so they can work on MTA when they want to. Another thing they are really smart is buying/renting their domain: http://www.mtavc.com . It is so stupid to go to a site for MP for San Andreas and its http://www.mtavc.com . Something more logical would be http://www.gtamta.com or just kill the MTA thing and name it something else. It deserves it after (and this is a long way till) Blue comes out.

my 2 cents.....if noone is with me fine it there are followers thank you

umm and who are you to come here and talk about bs that you have no clue about?

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I'm not sure wtf he is talking about... gtamta.com? What? Whats publicity and hype? How do we make money? We don't even run any banner ads on the site... We lose money by making MTA and running the site...

Blue isn't intentionally delayed... its taking longer than we want because its such a huge project and because many of the team members have real-life obligations that are much more important than MTA.

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  eAi said:
I'm not sure wtf he is talking about... gtamta.com? What? Whats publicity and hype? How do we make money? We don't even run any banner ads on the site... We lose money by making MTA and running the site...

Blue isn't intentionally delayed... its taking longer than we want because its such a huge project and because many of the team members have real-life obligations that are much more important than MTA.


Right right no banner ads but you have affiliates right right....

It isnt intentionally delayed?? I cant wait for the screenshots to come out after something about San Andreas for PC is announced....

And if its not true why do you even address me? Your just fronting and trying to make yourself look good. Its a very good act tho; me the bad guy and you the good MTA Team member... Good job on that

Hype and publicity? You perfectly know what that is. I found out about the project thru a magazine...This really gets me mad that you people wanna sound stupid when your perfectly know whats going on around you. That really pisses me off...

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