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Will MTA:Blue also be applied for GTA SA when it comes out?

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Well, with the upcoming release of blue, you'll be able to create much more interesting game modes in smaller areas. For example, a race mode wouldn't need the entire map, or a huge number of players, so you could just use a little corner of Vice City for the race instead of the entire area, making a probably much more interesting experience.


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Well, with the upcoming release of blue, you'll be able to create much more interesting game modes in smaller areas. For example, a race mode wouldn't need the entire map, or a huge number of players, so you could just use a little corner of Vice City for the race instead of the entire area, making a probably much more interesting experience.


you mean that you can set boundaries that players cannot get out of? that would rule, it would open up lots of possiblities to game modes. like turf wars... the fight is only possible inside the turf you are trying to overtake 8).

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  • 3 weeks later...
acually its possible that GTA:SA can be online hwen it comes out for pc. True crime (crappy game.....not rly) was single player for ps2. bu when it came out to pc it was online and they had several diffrent weapons

Rockstar has a special contract with Sony, that states that R* CANNOT make SIGNIFIGANT changes to the PC version whilst porting to another platform. Netplay wouldnt be allowed.

Activision didn't have this contract when they made TC.

So, its basically a 0% chance.

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Rockstar has a special contract with Sony, that states that R* CANNOT make SIGNIFIGANT changes to the PC version whilst porting to another platform... []

Can you post a source for this information? That has always been one of the rumours, but whenever someone from R* talks about multiplayer in a magazine interview or web posting, they say it simply comes down to the fact that they don't know how to do it. That is, there is no clear way to turn this large, non-linear, world into a production quality multiplayer game.

This problem has always been apparent to us. We can get away with alot of stuff simply because MTA is a hack, a feature that wasn't meant to be in there. It's unlikely R* would ever release a gamemode similar 0.4 deathmatch where people are just free to roam around the city. Gamers would complain that there's no point to it. I have always shared this view myself.

There are a couple of solutions however, and you'll see them in MTA:Blue.

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in general R* has had no interest in multiplayer, their focus has always been on making a great SP game, the GTA games, as well as both Max Payne games are testament to that. I'm sure R* could make some sort of MP but it would'n't be anything like SP, no AI, no peds etc.. doing so would require R* to change the way a lot of it has been coded. And bandwith would still be a concern. as kye said, blue will aid this because we are giving MTA a bit of direction. We are giving mp a "point" so to speak. AND giving gamers the ability to do the same.


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in general R* has had no interest in multiplayer, their focus has always been on making a great SP game, the GTA games, as well as both Max Payne games are testament to that. I'm sure R* could make some sort of MP but it would'n't be anything like SP, no AI, no peds etc.. doing so would require R* to change the way a lot of it has been coded. And bandwith would still be a concern. as kye said, blue will aid this because we are giving MTA a bit of direction. We are giving mp a "point" so to speak. AND giving gamers the ability to do the same.


I always feel that people forget about GTA1 and 2 when they talk about R* and their multiplayer views. The multiplayer modes on those are not merely afterthoughts - they have been well integrated with the game. Oh and they just happen to be deathmatch style with not much "point" except getting the most frags.

The multiplayer aspect of GTA2 is what got me hooked on the GTA series (before that I only played strategy/god games) and it's the most fun I've ever had on a multiplayer game.

So don't just go around saying R* wouldn't do this or they wouldn't do that because they already have.

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But why don't they anymore?

Exclusive contract with Sony, maybe?

Go DomSpy, go DomSpy. ;)

If you have to churn out three games for a console, you're not going to be thinking about many extra features for your conversion to another platform.

Since the next GTA will undoubtedly be for PS3 and/or PC, both of which (will) have more support for online play, we may see return to a multiplayer mode.

It certainly does look like they are experimenting with different ideas with the two-player missions in SA.

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