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sniper rifle?

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I'm sure they'll balance it. I think that the reason they're releasing such a massive update is so that they'll have more time for fine tuning in future versions. I mean, I can't really think of many things that they haven't covered in this new core.

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its still all very experimental though :-P

but the goal is to give you all the functionality we can for MTA, then you guys can work it into a gamemode... its only fair to have the backbone working smoothly before good gamemodes can be effective.


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so anyways what about the toy cars and planes and helis??? that was the other question. I know no one cares but any info?

Well... they experimented with that before, and it was really weird:

http://www.planetgrandtheftauto.com/ima ... 2beta1.jpg

http://www.planetgrandtheftauto.com/ima ... 2beta2.jpg

(pics nicked from this article: http://www.planetgrandtheftauto.com/fea ... tahistory/)

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