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WARNING. new hackers

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It's much easier to destroy then to build. Your smart brilliant work is really

The work of the MTA team. They are the smart ones that figured out how to make

your toilet all you did was shit on it and you want a prize

First it is quite difficult to exploit some things, so do not give all the credit to the mta team. Even tho i do because they left an exploit like this wide open. And they can not fix it without rebuilding half the game. Second the mta team is not that creative or NONE of this would be possible.And no i dont want a prize, i want the reason for this destructive tool to disapear. But i know that it will not happen. And the more it happens the closer the release date gets for this program. U MAGGOTS WILL PRAISE ME. OR I WILL DESTROY THIS GAME FOR ALL ITS WORTH.

Don't laugh, i WILL find a weakness in ur bot and wildcard HOST-BAN all the bots and clones of it.

And you have probs with the 1337-est scripter and official net-code knower and cracker here...

I'm more advanced then you are and my MTA:mA can update very easy.

So let's say:

You hava a BIG problem

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And you have probs with the 1337-est scripter and official net-code knower and cracker here...

Sorry.. off topic but Aeron just called himself a cracker.. :lol:

cracker ass cracker

[ontopic]Blood is a :o[/ontopic]

How else do you say when you _cracked_ the netcode (in the beginning) ?

Lol that reminds me of Blokker's first reaction of my MTA:mA:

we hate hackers!

Blokker has always hated me... :'(

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what a fucking douche

he developed a bot, so now he feels smart. go develop a prog to compete with mta, then wel see how smart you really are. oh wait dont bother. il tell you right now. you cant

go develop all the bots you want like the lamer u are. at the end of the day your still a kid trying to get attention that needs to do nothing short of jumping off a big cliff

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lol i can't believe ppl like this

u know i bet hes got one of those little black books with all the names of the ppl that picked on him in high school and a sniper rifle in the closet

tell me blood do u dress in ur moms clothes and tuck ur :o between ur legs to look at ur self in the mirror (lol sileince of the lambs :) )

/me thanks aeron for getting rid of stupid shit like this so ppl can acually enjoy this game

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tell me blood do u dress in ur moms clothes and tuck ur :o between ur legs to look at ur self in the mirror


ur prolly right tho :D

if i knew anythin about makin bots and such, i'd try and make sumthin useful, instead of wastin my time on sumat thats gona get me banned from stuff, especially mta...

BlooD ur gona be deprived of MTA for the rest of ur life! i feel sorry for u!

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What a dumbass... You think the admins won't be able to spot something like this.. It'll be detected, it'll have its weaknesses, it'll be removed from the game. Simple as that. You won't destroy MTA by using your dumbass hacks. If you think packet sniffing and coding a hacking app in vb6 makes you smart, well then, your even dumber than I thought.

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