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What’s your opinion about sever rules

Do you feel that servers that ban people for using helis, spas’, cars etc have gotten out of control  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you feel that servers that ban people for using helis, spas’, cars etc have gotten out of control

    • yes
    • no

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This has bothered me for a while and I wonder if anyone else feels the same way I do. Of course I don’t think that cheaters should be allowed, but almost all of the popular servers don’t allow heli kills, don’t allow people to use a spas, and then to have rules that limit game play, I have been banned for killing people in a car. I KNOW it is annoying when some ass hole keeps on killing other in a robber war with a heli but its part of the game, the more I play mta I get the feeling that the best players all like to use robbers, and anyone who can kill a player armed with a stubby must be being a “lamer” (I fucking hate the word). I was just wondering if people agree with me that often server rules do nothing but make the robber the only class worth being.

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Well, on the ULK server, we allow heli kills. Its just, we dont allow them at spawn wars. And, i havent seen any rules about no spaz, people just dont like the weapon, and everyone usually gangs up on the n00bs who go for it :P:lol::D But you have to understand, it is up to the server on what they want to allow. Like i say to the people on the ULK server, "you follow the rules and like em, you leave, or i make you leave" Its as simple as that. If you dont like the way a server handles admin, then leave it, there are plenty of other servers out there.

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i actually see where your coming from here...

people take out whatever parts of the game they dont like in an attempt to make themselves better... its really sad and really lame.

i just looked at our server rules and saw the rules on gameplay.. those are gone. the spas is an annoying yet still part of the game weapon, and helikills are definently part of the damn game.

to disalow things like people do is just getting really old. iv even heard people calling others lamers for killing with an m60... its going way to far.

i dont know who u are or anything about u antichrist... but i do agree with what you just said

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I completely agree, it's annoying as hell to get nailed by a spaz, but so is getting hit with a stubby, and if you get helikilled, then you either need to learn to run more, utilize cover or turn your speakers up. No one should get kicked for doing this, let alone banned, since by using them they just make themselves a target.

And, i havent seen any rules about no spaz...

The 24hr DM server doesn't allow heli or spaz.

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VCES server doesn't allow heli killing either.

I believe it started out of fear of ppl playing exclusively that way, which is why such rules were set in the first place, but I agree it has gone out of hand.

I know lots of people - even from the server's gang - don't agree with such policies in place, while half of those that defend 'em online with a passion do so because it helps plug the holes in their game. They tried and failed (or can't be bothered to learn how to properly dodge and fight ppl in choppers or speeding cars), so rooting for kicking heli-killers under the pretense of anti-n00b protection is the way they go. If you're not playing their ball game, killin with stubbies and m60s or spamming nades and mollies, or anything else they've gotten figured out, you're a "lamer" from the get go cause you're trashing their l33t self-image.

With every heli kill now, the usual clichees follow: "it's lame", "it takes no skills", "anyone could do it", etc. It's pretty fu,cking annoying for one thing, and it's not even true. It takes as much effort as the defendant is putting up to dodge and it's just another way to fight and kill in MTA. If you're not careful, you'll mess up your wings and possibly die before you can bail. All along you'll be fired upon by a crowd with no means to defend yourself, but moving fast and using your rotor. In the end you got an offensive edge, but your defense sucks; that makes it a challenge. And it's a similar deal with cars, although the danger factor there for the peds isn't as high. Hell knows, it feels great to slice some poor bastard up and it royally pisses them off too, but do you seriously think stubby wars or anything else can't get equally obsessive?

Anyway, IMO it's as much an art form as any other fighting style in the game and with ppl that are cool about stuff like this (mostly those that don't feel they got something to prove every time they log in), it's as fun as anything else.

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Being heli killed or parked on top of is annoying yes (but very easy to avoid, you are much more agile on foot than the best of drivers in a car or pilots in a heli), but so is being killed in any form and having to watch unimaginative people having spawn wars.

The only guideline we have on the officials is we prefer the spaz not to be used, mainly becuase it is very 'crashy' and highly overpowered in comparison to any other weapon. To be frank we shouldn't have included it in the game, but too late now :P

Personally i think the BEST thing someone can do if the server has turned into a dull robber war is to climb into a heli or a car and disrupt it. Perhaps then those people nervous to stray to far from the fountain will take umbrage and actually see some of the city when they give chase hehe.

PS: i havnt voted in your poll as its far too narrow, and i dont feel either option suits my view.

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^ good point :) dropping a heli in any robber spawn war disrupts it nicely :)

Well the way I see it, anyway the MTA team let you kill people should be allowed ;) So I would say repetitive abuse should be the only kick.

I personally find it hilarious when some newbie or some determined guy goes and gets a flame thrower, mp5, and spaz which takes em oh.. about 3 minutes or more... and then I kill them and take em all while they are swearin their heads off. :lol:

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The only time things like that bother me is when two people are obviously having a 1on1, swooping down and killing them in a heli seems to be a bit...well, unsporting i guess lol.

Any other time, I've destroyed helis, cars, people with flames, and the spaz myself (one kid called me a cheater just recently...because he lost while holding a spaz lmao, proof of it's power.) Guess the point is, see a car, get ready to jump, see a heli, run like hell for cover, or...just don't play if you really can't stand any of it ;P

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Helikilling is allowed on the TmM server up to a certain extent. If I lama in a heli was too heli kill iin the middle of a fight, they would b kicked. Or people who dont listen too warnings, but otherwise its ok. Like Bump sed its quite simple avvoiding Helis proppellers.

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Sometimes a kick can be warranted, if the majority of people on the server are glitch hunting and the admin has requested no killing for instance. But i get the impression this post is referring to permenant server rules.

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its lame PERIOD to be kicked for heli killing. i love it how people try and plug up thier weak points in this game

i couldn’t agree more, all this shlt about "repetitive use" is stupid, when you complain about someone heli killing over and over and the go spend 20 minutes in a robber war something is wrong, the heli is no more or less a weapon than a stubby. When u make vague rules about heli killing etc IMO it has the same detrimental effect as if u just made a rule that flat out bans it.

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^ good point :) dropping a heli in any robber spawn war disrupts it nicely :)

Well the way I see it, anyway the MTA team let you kill people should be allowed ;) So I would say repetitive abuse should be the only kick.

I personally find it hilarious when some newbie or some determined guy goes and gets a flame thrower, mp5, and spaz which takes em oh.. about 3 minutes or more... and then I kill them and take em all while they are swearin their heads off. :lol:

its lame PERIOD to be kicked for heli killing. i love it how people try and plug up thier weak points in this game

i couldn’t agree more, all this shlt about "repetitive use" is stupid, when you complain about someone heli killing over and over and the go spend 20 minutes in a robber war something is wrong, the heli is no more or less a weapon than a stubby. When u make vague rules about heli killing etc IMO it has the same detrimental effect as if u just made a rule that flat out bans it.

He wasn't referring to what I said, but if he was, I would say theres a fine line between 'I can't handle the chopper kills' and 'Wow you chopper kill every time, how lame'. Also, not saying thats the way I would have it, but meaning thats what I would consider fair as far as those rules go. As for "detrimental effect", well thats not the rules fault, thats your admin's fault.

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the rules are vague for a purpose.

you wont see an admin or a member of his clan kicked for helikilling. only visitors to the server who do it.

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PartyServer and MiniServer are anything goes... except pausing and other forms of cheating.

I do find it refreshing to play at VCES sometimes because you get kicked for spaz or heli thou...

It's a marketplace... Play where you feel comfy.. if enough ppl agree then the servers that supply your demand will remain full the others will be empty. But I see open play and restrictive servers both doing well... It would be a shame if they were all the same

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/me agrees with kung

thats what help make it a good game, well any game a good onlline mp game . . server rules are set by owner/admin, people dont agree they dont play there

hell I stopped playing on official a few days before it went down cause I couldnt control my mouth . . err typing enough not to call someone a kunt :wink:

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thats what help make it a good game, well any game a good onlline mp game . . server rules are set by owner/admin, people dont agree they dont play there

The problem with that is that often the only servers with enough people to make them worth playing on have rules that u dont agree with. noone will join and empty server or one with only 3 people because its no fun to play, the citys just too big, so u get people (about 2/3ds of the mta users from the look of the pole) using servers that they dont like the rules of.

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