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important/needed suggestions for future mta releases


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please dont delete this thread, ill delete it myself if it doesnt work

about this thread:

-this thread is a list of suggestions for the next release that are really important/needed (of course the MTA-team will decide whats important but its good to have it all in one place)

some rules:

-only post ideas that refer to the next version/release

-dont post about complex gamemodes or such, only essential things like server admin controls/commands or stuff to improve the gameplay for example: colored healtbars to enable better team recognition...

every now and then i will delete all unneeded replies and add the reasonable ideas to my post (we can still discuss posted suggestions but the goal is to keep it all in one big list)

when you post a suggestion please add a link to the topic where it is discussed

ACIDman's suggestions:

* Fix the bug with spaces - when you try to send a PM to somebody with spaces in the nickname, for ex. you wanna send Bill Gates a message "Hey, wanna share your money?". You type "/msg Bill Gates Hey, wanna share your money?". But what it does is it sends a message to Bill which contains "Gates Hey, wanna share your money?";

* It would be great if besides nicknames you could just enter player's number. Like "/msg 13 Kill the cheater!" which would send a message to player number 13. Some people have really long or weird nicknames, and this would solve it easily, making the private talk a lot easier, and solving the 1st problem mentioned. _____________________________________________________________

Aeron's suggestions:

*Show with the killed-command which weapon was used.

*And hopefully some Icons of weapons or other things..?

*A command to set scores (handy for every game-mode script)

*And some legal colors! (Handy for teams)

*A kill-player command for admins ('s idea)

*A command to the admin when the player spawned and what skin

*Kick reason

*and not "blah parts." if somone floods and get kicked but "blah kicked: flooding."

*A knock command (if somebody joins and can't get in it sends a command that can't join because )

to the topic^

Got some idea's for the netcode:

*Add a extra $null after every user-input (unban , addban, join, pass)

*A "ID-doesn't-exist" reply if you enterd a unexisting ID (kick, ban, getip, getnick) (This helps my MTAMA)

*A GetNickCommand for admins

*Compressed IP's (4 bytes) not full strings.

*No score packet let the client count.

*No spawn packet let the client decide on xyz location.


ByteMe's suggestions:

*What Bugs me about the game, minor nitpick perhaps, is that when I try playing with friends, if you're on a different z coordinate level (IE: just up the hill, or up a flight of stairs) you can shoot the other person all you want, and it LOOKS like you're shooting them, but to them, you're shooting level and not hitting them at all.


Robpol86's suggestions:

*Whenever the server restarts, instead of turncating logfile, append to it.

-whenever i restart my sever my log is killed... and id like to have history, and also, those ppl that dare to use logparsing scripts will loose their stuff

*logfile stuff

-(rotate logfile) if the above is applied, then i dont want a 25 MB logfile...

-it would also be nice to have timestamps on the log, configged in the conf file (hh:mm:ss tt) [hour:min:sec am/pm]. stuff like that (like in progs such as mirc)

*More info printed out a seperate port to query the mta server w/ fsockopen()

-i dont think any more info would be needed on the ase port, and i dont wanna use a damned logparser. this isnt as high priority anymore but would be nice to have. maby more info like perhaps ip or if theyre ingame or not.

*Dont scroll up when clicking on chatbox on mta client

-whenever i minimize or change focus to another app, and then want to go back to the client by clicking on the chatbox, it scrolls up, after a file it gets annoying . but set this as a lower priority level

*Do something about colors

-this is just a personal want, isnt as important. like, whenever sum1 kills some1 else, sho it in (lets say) red. whenever sum1 parts/join, yellow. whenever sum1 says something, white. etc. and, if u can, dont let those kiddie bastards use colors in their nick! (i dont know nething about directx so i dunno)

*About the nicks

-most games support around 16 or more characters in nicks (ut, t2, etc). this is more of begging, but wtvr. this is more important, limit on what characters ppl can use. allow A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and a few special chars, but not essential characters like ? (or a special ? that shows up as a ?). i use ? to seperate nicks in my stats page, and when sum1 entered w/ a nick of "??", it effed up my stats page. also, sum type of server side character limit would b nice (sum ppl get in my game w/ too many chars and it only displays a few, and at the end it shows a messed up character that screws up the log, admintool, and statspage).

*chatbox stuff

-ingame, the chatbox is a badass enhancement. but, sometimes ppl start talkin shit to each other and it floods everything. in tribes2, u can press pageup and down to scroll though the box. a similar feature would be favorable. also, setting the width and height of the box might provide useful to those with large resolutions and now resolutions.

*Banning stuff

-ok, if that irc admin tool thing is gunna work, then hell yes! if u would be so kind, please let it sumhow extract hostmasks from players (like in real irc). i think this will also need to be supported in the mta-server, but i just want it to work. doing this will end the war between ME and DHCP!! scripting bots to autoban on wat ppl say (badwords, racism, ips) is good (i know its going to be supported for the irc thingy)

*admin stuff

-sometimes it might be wise to kick another admin form your server (u know who u r!). if possible, make a different list for admins or flag them somehow in the list (in the admin thing). Also, whenever i ban someone, it shows them as kicked. i think it would be more offencive to the lamer if people knew he was banned instead of kicked. maby say Banned instead of kicked?

*Seperate file for rules

-ok, since blokker said that motd is not used for rules, then what is?! a solution would be a seperate file for the rules. and, instead of showin the rules upon entering the actual game (not server), make it print the rules when the player enters the server. those n00bs need to be pointed in the right direction sumhow

*non-static title

-for example, my server is a normal dm server. then comes bump and tests his stuff on my server, this would be a good time to be able to alter the server name without bringing it down. maby altering the config file and doing something like a graceful restart (like apachectl). or if that cant be done, a simple /title command from the admin.

*/notice in mta

-sumtimes, in teamdm game mode, when players join, it autogreets them. this will get hella annoying, peoples screens and the admin tool's screen. im hoping that in the next server release, to add /notice support in sum way, so when people join, only they see the greeting.

to the topic^


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- Exit offset change for ppl dying from heli-jackings maybe?

- A few more armour pickups for cops.

- Change the Sparrow back to its former white Mav self plz. In fact, kill a few of the slower & bigger box cars too for the sake of gameplay, i.e. getting around faster (Securicar, VCC spawn construction building, Ryton Aide PnS and docks boxcars, airport bus, bobcat etc upgraded to other better cars). Some1 also mentioned a taxi for the transportation services (obsessed) aficionados out there.

- Crouch anim first and foremost & maybe a few more like vec enters, pillion jumps, chainsaw down walk, etc (I know they're tough to find, so I'm just hoping here).

Be back with more when/if I remember some other good old suggestions.

Edit (3/15/04):

- Mols/nades chucking distance.

- Objects "inertia" prob: players standing over moving cars, bikes in pickups, etc.

- Right click aiming sync

- A katana sword pickup (or two!) somewhere.

- MTA servs could have a small data struct where they'd store players' roles ID. Each time a player would die and choose again as well as every 2-3 mins the client would send a packet with that info to the serv. Hopefully that should deal with the skins prob.

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shit, my post was lost during the downtime.

ok, again...

-Ping kick - admin option to kick players when their ping drops below a specified amount for so many ms, keep the fast players on the server.

-Sync Time, weather, radio stations? Time being the most useful, meet me @ at . weather, radio, just for an extra touch of realism.

-Admin CRC options. you know what im talking about.

-Team creation / editing; ie team names, which models go to the team, weapons, health, spawnpoints, etc.

-Improved Team balancing, cops only get armor, sailors only get regen health, thats just weak, these should be available to all teams or none. atleast if someone has a weapon i want, i can kill them to get it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

#1 Map loader for Apartment 3C

#2 Map loader for Ammo Nation shooting range

#3 Sync the tires popping

#4 Sync drive bys

w/ tires and drive bys synced the bikes of game shall become a lot more impressive then they're now

I would really love to have all out wars in the ammo nation shooting range, and it'd be lovely to be able to hold down apartment 3c

  Ben Lagg said:
->Teaming Script

->Friendly Fire -option

->Option (for Admin) to make all players invisible in radar. Their location could be shown in scoreboard as text (Downtown, Little Haiti 'n whatever...)

The scoreboard idea is beautiful, this would allow you to identify individuals and their locations which is impossible, since their's no way of knowing which colored blip is which person without locating them, also this would make manhunt an actual manhunt since you'd have some kind of information about the whereabouts of the man hunted.

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msg to all: plz dont mention stuff like anims or obviously bugs, the team is trying to get as much of SP into mta as possible

this is just a list of things that i would add to the list, everyone can still argue why something else should be added too


- Exit offset change for ppl dying from heli-jackings maybe?

- A few more armour pickups for cops.

- Change the Sparrow back to its former white Mav self plz. In fact, kill a few of the slower & bigger box cars too for the sake of gameplay, i.e. getting around faster (Securicar, VCC spawn construction building, Ryton Aide PnS and docks boxcars, airport bus, bobcat etc upgraded to other better cars). Some1 also mentioned a taxi for the transportation services (obsessed) aficionados out there.

- A katana sword pickup (or two!) somewhere.

- MTA servs could have a small data struct where they'd store players' roles ID. Each time a player would die and choose again as well as every 2-3 mins the client would send a packet with that info to the serv. Hopefully that should deal with the skins prob.

dunno about the last one^


-Sync Time, weather, radio stations? Time being the most useful, meet me @ at . weather, radio, just for an extra touch of realism.

-Team creation / editing; ie team names, which models go to the team, weapons, health, spawnpoints, etc.

-Improved Team balancing, cops only get armor, sailors only get regen health, thats just weak, these should be available to all teams or none. atleast if someone has a weapon i want, i can kill them to get it.

the last one is pretty often discussed but i would put it in anyways, doesnt hurt anyone

ping kick: is possible with MTAMA

crc option: i think we had that, be patient

Ben Lagg:

->Option (for Admin) to make all players invisible in radar. Their location could be shown in scoreboard as text (Downtown, Little Haiti 'n whatever...)

mind if i add TDM suggestions myself? coz i have some other releated stuff but of course ill add friendly fire

Serial Killer:

ill just add: add all the interiors to vice (ammunation, concert hall.....)

i guess all the other things mentioned are in work :)

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Yeah, multiplayer GTA 2 has that. It is SO laggy, even across a 100 Base-T LAN with only 2 players (in my experience). Add to that 24 extra players and all the synced animations, and you'll see why they don't include civilians in MTA.

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Ay.. sorry.

i played it with my friends a few times and i can see why now.

i notice there are very little cars too.. but thats no big complain.

i just wish the cars are scattered evenly. Like the Beach front. There were hardly any vehicles. i had to literally run on foot all the way down north to get a Spyder or a scrambly from the water tower. it's pretty exhausting... for me and the char :?

Btw, is there a Skimmer around? i haven't managed to find one around.

Did i get that correct? Skimmer = Water plane. I'm a PS2 convert and it's been a while i last played VC

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  Steve.Chevy said:
Btw, is there a Skimmer around? i haven't managed to find one around.

Did i get that correct? Skimmer = Water plane. I'm a PS2 convert and it's been a while i last played VC

yes "Skimmer" is correct but there are no boats nor planes in mtavc at the moment, hopefully soon, in gta3 mta you can fly the dodo (wait for 0.4 ;)) i prefer the dodo handling

sorry but there are already as many cars as possible in mtavc :|

i use to type "/kill" instead of running thru the whole city for a car

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- Is there any way to SYNC cars once someone jumps out of them? IE: If you jump out of a moving car, it still moves on your screen, but on everyone else's, it does something different, and the car becomes unsync'd. Also, boats floating on water would be messed up, unless this is fixed. A boat could float randomly some place, once you get out of the driver seat.... thus it would probably look like you were floating on the water, to some people...?

- Disable nick colors. Make people's names the color they are on the radar. IE: all cops are blue, all sailors green, etc.

- anytime the person's name is used, it should be that color. So it would say


- how about an actual "TEAM PLAY" mode?

-- Deathmatch will be left how it is. But in TEAMPLAY mode, friendly fire is OFF, and cars will change colors (PAINT) depending on the class that is driving them. A sailor gets into a black (or some other random color)JEEP... the jeep turns GREEN. the sailor gets out, the jeep can either stay green or turn a default "unused" color (black, grey, whatever, or random color) doesn't matter which choice is picked...

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BIG problem with the admin tool - quite funny to, as u can take the p outta people

If you type /me bla bla bla in the admin, it will pick a player in the game, and set it as there text, I dunno how it picks that person, if its random or whatever, But the /me /slap /bla bla bla commands should be banned in the admin tool! (Or /me does a admin message saying 'Admin thinks mta is cool!')

or sumtin... just thought u would like to kno :)

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- M60 is unavailable by weapon pickup, whereas every other ingame weapon used by the teams is available by pickup. Please include an M60 pickup somewhere in next version please.

- Body armor for everyone, cops still have an advantage because they spawn with it whereas the robbers,sailors,mexican's have to travel and aquire an armor pickup

- NPC's it would be nice to purchase weapons from the store & Phil's place with money you earned ingame, perhaps merge in the store NPC's so they can be robbed & allow insane stunt bonus's in DM to earn money, eventually it'd feel nice to actually be able to earn enough money in DM to purchase a rocket launcher or minigun legitimately

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Gj reminding us of that 1 (y): Would it be possible to enable the stunt stats reporting in DM mode as well?

This would be just for the sake of knowing if a random stunt we pulled while idling around or just trying something else was any good or not. I mean I know stunt mode was introduced for that reason, but I don't think it would undermine it since that's a whole other deal and appeals to ppl for a different set of reasons with the ramps and its car spawn setup and the strip girls and the drunk pills and and and... you get the point.

Hopefully it shouldn't be a big enough hassle to miss the next MTA:VC version and it'd really make us happy :D.

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  Minister2100 said:
BIG problem with the admin tool - quite funny to, as u can take the p outta people

If you type /me bla bla bla in the admin, it will pick a player in the game, and set it as there text, I dunno how it picks that person, if its random or whatever, But the /me /slap /bla bla bla commands should be banned in the admin tool! (Or /me does a admin message saying 'Admin thinks mta is cool!')

or sumtin... just thought u would like to kno :)

its an mta bug, as aeron 'kindly' 'explained' to me before :P . if u do stuff like pm in /me etc, mta has a bug where it will do it with the player of the same id as the admin:

  Aeron said:

You have players:

ID Nick

0 Black_dragon

1 Wartech

2 MrBump


And you have admins:

ID Nick

0 Aeron

1 Blokker

MrBump (a player) sends a /msg to Wartech:

MrBump typs: "/msg Wartech hello!"

MrBump sees: "PM sent: hello!"

Wartech sees: "PM from MrBump: hello!"

This was fine good no problems.

Now Aeron (a admin) sends a /msg to MAD_BOY:

Aeron typs: "/msg MAD_BOY bye!"

Aeron sees: "PM sent: bye!"


MAD_BOY sees: "PM from Black_dragon: bye!"

Aeron and Black_dragon has the SAME ID but MTA can't SEE it's from a ADMIN so it gives the NICK of the PLAYER.

^^ same problem with ur '/me'

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problem : everytime mta crashes the mouse sensitivity selection defaults back to orginal settings

can you please add an option to the ui of the mta client to select your mouse sensitivty and have the client force this value on "start" game.

I've also noticed if you change the mouse settings before useing "start mta" then when you get ingame they're defaulted again can this value be forced by the mta client.

this would single handely remove my main pet peeve with crashes

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Hi! :D

-Synched fists.

-That voices synched :P.

-Synched hunter weapons.

-Cough.. more ramps in stuntmode.. cough.. :wink:

-Fix passenger on bikes bug.

-More vehicles.. and maybe boats?

-Possibility of repair your vehicles.

-It would b great to place Bomb cars oround vice city same as SP) (8 balls place).

-More caddies for racings :P

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Armour pickups, definatley

Sailors don't re-heal

Larger range of ppl (like the chef, SWAT guy, French bloke ect) like on the Stunt servers

Cash bounties (see below)

Poorer weapons to begin with, have to earn better weapon by killing ppl for them and thier money

Ability to buy weapons at Ammunation and Phils place

Ability to Re-Spray cars

Cash Bounties


I reckon you should get cash bounties for everyone you kill wich you could spend on better weapons at Ammunation. The highest scoring person on the server has the most cash on his head. Newer players in the server have less... if any. This would deter ppl from killing folk who have just entered the game and focus on killing people higher up than them who have more weapons, Armour and money for which they can then go buy their own guns and Armour at Ammunation.

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