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MTAMA Scripting


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nivko... dont u take the hint that no one here wants to help you... esp when u start emailing ppl stupid vb progs to spam the crap outta their computers with msgboxes. Please do everyone a favour and learn some manners, learn some scripting and stop being a class A hole.

Is that too complex for u btw cos if so i can boil it down later if need be.

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Use a decent editor, parentheses error!

For you in dutch: Je haakjes kloppen voor geen meter... leer tellen.. evenveel ( als ) ...


if (($2 == Time) && ($mta.time($1) < 10:00)  && ($mta.time($1) > 6:00) ) { 

The rest of the code depends on your own structure, can't say anything about it (except something stupid... but there is allready someone calling stupid things inhere)

Edited by Guest
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ThnX Harry!

In Dutch, i can not good write english: Harry hij doet het maar ik bedoel dat hij tussen 10 uur en 18 uur de tijd niet verandert dus 10 smorgens en 10 savonds en als het bijvoorbeeld 18:01 is dat hij weer terug zet naar 10:00 dus aleen dag tijd.

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heh well GRS is just there for ppl who just want a script that works on their server.. which can be customised... of course ppl can use their own scripts if they want :)

Only prob is that nivko(mtafreak, neils, etc...) cant script, so hes shooting himself in the foot by saying "i hate grs"

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Jani from my reading of the script I think it only involves deleting

if ($mta.mode($1) == Stunt) {
       mta.log $1 * DB: Not possible in stunt mode!
     else {

from the script as that is the place where it disables stunt. BTW fellow scripters if I am wrong please correct me

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