Guest Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 name is corsair(not really but ok) and i seem to have a problem. I will tell u my problem knowing full well that U admins at MTA may never allow another human to see this.which is fine,i dont care,but i have been playing this and supporting it and by making rather large donations to the Woojie Network. First...i just got done playing and was banned from a server ip: | port: 2003 for NO REASON! i am very very pissed.i have made several large donations and consider myself a "paying" be banned for no reason is a outrage. Secondly...this cheating shit,i understand there will always be cheaters,cracks,trainers,and other cheating devices...what i dotn understand is WHY!!! they get away with it???? If your admins have enough balls to BAN me!!!why cant they ban cheaters?!?! i am not going to just sit by.i am going to One,demand my money that i have donated back ASAP! or i want this little problem fixed.this can remain a little problem.i used to like playing,before that is i got banned,i logged in and i began playing as normal,not even said a word,sumone asked,how do u know if sumone is cheating,and i replied if theyve been taking hits and there health level doenst seem to go down...and BAM i was banned.My second option of action is to potentially sell you out and steal your source and sell it to the highest bidder,who will modify and take this already good mod to a even higher level,which is why i cannot wait for GTAT 0.5 to be released. I consider this a slap in the face and a insult that u would ban me and,sumone who plays and enforeces policy,and not sumone who breaks it periodically.that is all i have to say.Thank you for hearing me out. Link to comment
ijsf Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 Sir, first of all you don't speak to us in this attitude, although we understand your problem. I'm warning you, one more post like this (forbidden words: stealing source, sell you out), and you're on our blacklist, some general rules. On the other side, if you donated some stuff, thanks.. but there is no difference at the moment between paying and non-paying members, so you're not 'higher' than somebody who is not paying, because MTA is a non-profit organisation. On another side I have to say, if you're banned without a reason (which is rare), you may be right at some point, if you want to talk directly to the admins, you could do that on IRC ( as well, and we'll be kicking your ass Link to comment
MTA Team Blokker_1999 Posted December 23, 2003 MTA Team Share Posted December 23, 2003 I don't like the way ur talkin. The official servers run a special designed program for adminning, we can not be on them 24/7. If you feel you have been banned without reason, then you should contact MrBump who maintains the servers. Then, It seems you are a big GTAt fan so i suggest not to play on MTA but on GTAt. Buying is out and selling the source? good luck my friend. Thirdly, making donations is impossible. Wojjie Networks is our sponsor, but does not take any donations, only sells services. Furthermore, MTA itself does not receive any money either, therefore you can not be a paying player and therefore refunds are impossible. This is one of the reasons why we do not accept money, ppl like you who think they can make profit out of nothing! Link to comment
slush Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 let this be a lesson to all this holiday season: stop smoking crack -slush Link to comment
Guest Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 ohh spooky words!spooky words!blacklist me i dont care what the hell ya gonna do?you fucked up admit it.your just a bunch of small children playing a mans game,and yes,i do/did donate money to the Wojjie network,who sponser you,who keep you alive.i am a fan of GTAT because its going to blow u out of the water.and i will do what i please.if you allow others to exploit your code,then i feel i am no different,i am just informing you because im a careing guy .i like what you have done,i do,but you should be you realize i donated over 5 grand this past year alone!u add up what it cost to run this crap versus what your sponser gives you,and u see what 5,000 less this next year will do towards your production.i will NOT contact you admin becaus i have done so in the past and they are the biggest assholes.they act they can do as they please like they actually created this in response to your response i say fuck it.i will no longer be a "pest".and you can kiss my ass and that 5 grand good bye.thank you so much for helping,thanks for realize that you piss enough ppl off,no one will play.what good is a mod that no one uses or plays?hmm sumthing to think about Link to comment
ijsf Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 oh dude, look what you've just reached.. now you're REALLY SPECIAL you got yourself the Forum Idiot rank, together with the super-special Forum Idiot avatar! Link to comment
Guest Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 skcirp resol uoy ssa ym tae haey os.dettops ecno dennab eb lliw sretaehc dna nosaer on rof dekcik teg tnow sresu sti dna sdnoces 5 yreve hsarc tnow hcihw.emag ereht fo noitelpmoc DETCEFREP eht rof tiaw ot si emit htrow si tahw tub,elssah ro emit eht htrow ton era uoy dias yeht?dias yeht tahw wonk u dna siht tuoba yabe dlot evi mmu dna,enog ereht,emag rey yalp staht )sresu 4(sdnierf ym fo lla deifiton evi.xus emag ruoy,yaw siht ti ta kool sklof nomc?"tsil kcalb uoy no em gnittup" ekil looc yllaer gnihtmus od.em esahp tnseod.toidi eht saw I wenk enoyreve erus gnikam emit eht tneps ohw resol citehtap eht mi,toidi eht mi haey aHAHAHAH!!!os tnsi ti yas esaelp OON!!!!dog ddooog...eman ym ot txen noci toidi a sereht os koooooo?ftw?em esahp ot desoppus yllaer taht si -bleh- Link to comment
ijsf Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 Nice effect, ey? btw, what did you say? Link to comment
[KFC]KungFu Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 Let me apologize in advance if the gods from mount MTA are not finished with you. I have no idea what your cryptic unabomber signature means but If I was going to brag about my linguistic skills I might run a spellcheck Forum Idiot, no comma or spacebar usings asswipe, anticheaters said: If you want to talk it out thats fine we can talk,but if you can only speak that one certain language,then you might find out i can speak that language just as well if not bettor. Plus, why is it that the great champions of the "someday it'll be great" mods only get their zeal after they feel they have been wronged by the only properly working multiplayer gta mod? Your original complaint is asinine because just because you can't take health from someone does not make them a cheater. It was more than likely lag and sync issues. I gave five thousand bucks to the "Make a wish foundation" my wish is that you catch that flesh eating disease. You were correctly named forum idiot. assmunch. Your first post while idiotic and pompous was at least articulate. Did you have fun punching your keyboard in frustration as you garbled together those run on sentences? Sit by the fire this fine christmas and a enjoy a nice frothy warm mug of STFU. Link to comment
MAD_BOY Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 1. he donated for more then a year, but mta isn't a year old 2. you think gtat is better? then wtf are you doing herE? 3. keeping mta up by donating? then why were they up when they didn't has sponsors? 4. i need to say more? Link to comment
Keva Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 anticheaters said: skcirp resol uoy ssa ym tae haey os.dettops ecno dennab eb lliw sretaehc dna nosaer on rof dekcik teg tnow sresu sti dna sdnoces 5 yreve hsarc tnow hcihw.emag ereht fo noitelpmoc DETCEFREP eht rof tiaw ot si emit htrow si tahw tub,elssah ro emit eht htrow ton era uoy dias yeht?dias yeht tahw wonk u dna siht tuoba yabe dlot evi mmu dna,enog ereht,emag rey yalp staht )sresu 4(sdnierf ym fo lla deifiton evi.xus emag ruoy,yaw siht ti ta kool sklof nomc?"tsil kcalb uoy no em gnittup" ekil looc yllaer gnihtmus od.em esahp tnseod.toidi eht saw I wenk enoyreve erus gnikam emit eht tneps ohw resol citehtap eht mi,toidi eht mi haey aHAHAHAH!!!os tnsi ti yas esaelp OON!!!!dog ddooog...eman ym ot txen noci toidi a sereht os koooooo?ftw?em esahp ot desoppus yllaer taht si-bleh- me no speaky retardish Link to comment
Si|ent Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 Yawn Oh gosh, he's not going to play our mod anymore. Lawks! whatever shall we do? Verily we shalt faileth yest yonder single f.ucking person doth refrain from partaking of our work. Alas, Alack, Doom and forsooth, we dont give a f.uck if you want the truth. Take you attitude elsewhere, and your 'donations' too, then rescue your sister from los Angeles Zoo, Meanwhile all us gamers will kill and be killed, lambasting the cheaters and praising the skilled, while you mope in your miserable dark dingy life We'll enjoy mta and leave you to your strife. So go moaning fellow, play that other mod, its solitary server suits you. Lonely sod. Link to comment
Ransom Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 All I can say is... thanks for the laugh. It was great reading. Link to comment
Mr.Bill Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 wow..... This guys an idiot, he must think we CARE what he thinks HA! that'll be the day... Link to comment
ijsf Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 btw, don't know if it's useful.. just found his 'personal card' Link to comment
Wartech Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 shouldnt it say Robert Pooley? Link to comment
Guest Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 lol that was funny as hell, he definently livened up the forums Link to comment
Boss Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 Lmao...,what a lamer. (Sry for going off-topic.Hey death u registered again because of gang changes?) Link to comment
happyrock Posted December 23, 2003 Share Posted December 23, 2003 Quote if you allow others to exploit your code I got a question what the hell does this mean? I don't think blizzard allows poeple to exploit their code. It happens because there is nothing they can do about it at that point in time. It would be the same with mta. It's not like they want it to happen it just does. Link to comment
{ULK}Posty Posted December 24, 2003 Share Posted December 24, 2003 MrBump said: YawnOh gosh, he's not going to play our mod anymore. Lawks! whatever shall we do? Verily we shalt faileth yest yonder single f.ucking person doth refrain from partaking of our work. Alas, Alack, Doom and forsooth, we dont give a f.uck if you want the truth. Take you attitude elsewhere, and your 'donations' too, then rescue your sister from los Angeles Zoo, Meanwhile all us gamers will kill and be killed, lambasting the cheaters and praising the skilled, while you mope in your miserable dark dingy life We'll enjoy mta and leave you to your strife. So go moaning fellow, play that other mod, its solitary server suits you. Lonely sod. You finally said something i agree with This guy is a complete idiot. What didn't he get about the donatiosn thing? He thinks Wojjie networks "$5,000" is going to affect mta? MTA gets no money at all. God, what an idiot. Link to comment
Guest Posted December 24, 2003 Share Posted December 24, 2003 fuck you:heres what iw rote to GTAT hi whats up all im new to the forums here and would just like to say how asome it is that sumone is creating GTAT.ive been playing MTA and well since day one its been nuthing but problems.the admins tried to shut me down cuz i said the truth,there game sux.i havent even played yours yet and can say it def will rule.most of the ppl in MTA are getting banned because while the non cheaters are talking about how we cant wait for GTAT so we can stop playing this POS.more power to ya and if you need any help in advertiseing,codeing anything at all,even if its just dissing MTA,ill do it free of charge.i hate MTA and i Love GTAT.good lucka dn cant wait to see u all in the game. Dracoblue rules!!!long live GTAT! Link to comment
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