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Report your Cheaters:

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really? wow, how stupid are they, all they need to edit it is NOTEPAD...

i mean fuck thats lazy, "we dont even edit our own files".

i dont know why the MTA team didnt just modify their files for the stunt servers, then have the client check for the new crc on their modded files...

personally, im sick of seeing 500mph packers. especially when im on a stock pcj.

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tsk tsk tsk it seems when u guys see a cheater u run, when i see one i say bring on teh pain


you just have to kill them with one shot i.e. chopper blades,explode into water (that works really well cause their cheat keeps them alive in the water they get stuck and have to exit vc i think) and the robber shotgun can kill these cheats.

and a good way to not get killed by cheaters is to run up really close to them (close enough to punch) as the minigun cannot turn around fast enough to shoot you if you run circles around him, the only thing he could get u with is maybe a flamer. This works well in conjunction with the robber shotgun.

btw to all those ppl who say just find another server to play on, there is only 1 austrailian server(the next best ping is from canada), which is hosted in opposite side of austrailia to the majority of aussies so me seeing a 200 ping in mta is basically impossible.

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Also, you cannot ride with someone who uses a map mod or have fun with someones minigun when they drop it and still say you hate cheaters. (Not you personally @ndy but "you" generally)

sure you can, in fact i did that today (killed a cheater and took his minigun). Because i dont support the specific act of hacking into gta / mta's memory and altering it myself, via trainer or any other method, does not mean i dont approve of the use of these specific weapons. the moment the cheater "drops" his weapon, it is immediatley available for anyone to pick up, and instantly fair game across the board. it was cheating for the cheater to obtain it initially, but upon his death, all his weapons are fair game as anyone can get them. If you think this si cheating, kill me and get the gun yourself. if you can 8)

the minigun is ultimate. it owns the m60.

Then you're as bad a cheater as the initial player that you took it off of. That makes you a hypocrite.

I admin on the official servers, thus why I'm keeping my name Anonymous. I still want to be able to catch cheaters, not have them turn off their cheats and hacks when they see me log in.

If you are caught with a hacked weapon, you will get banned. It's your responsibility as an honest player to be sure that minigun doesn't spread around to the other players because you get killed. If that were ok to do, soon the entire server would have the minigun. One person dies and up to 31 people can get his weapons if they are there when he falls. KFG does the right thing, you can either do a /quit or jump in the nearest River. /quit is faster and makes it less likely that you'll get killed on your way to the river. You don't lose your kill count, so there's no loss except that Minigun.

Why do I hold this policy? Simple.. Let's say Person A, we'll call him MrVercetti (since he seems to be the main name folks associate with all this) uses his trainer and pulls out a Minigun. What's to stop him from saying "I picked it up off someone else, I should not be banned!"? There is nothing to stop him from saying that, so therefore a no tolerance policy is in place. I usually warn folks about this when the subject of hacked weapons comes up.

Why oh why are we keeping things out the game in the first place anyway??? Its really annoying, if we want less cheaters, we give folk more choice! If R* made the MTA, they would keep everything in it. GTA is about staying alive, every gun has a topper, spot some git with a MiniGun then shoot him with the sniper rifle. Without these weapons, killing opertunities are limited.

I'm not sure of the official reasons, with the exception of the Sniper Rifle and other Secondary fire mode weapons. They haven't got the Secondary Fire modes working just yet. This is why you can't really go into targeting mode with the M60 or the Kruger. It's also why you can't whack somebody with a Chainsaw unless your standing completely still (So I've heard). And if you think about it, the minigun is WAY overpowered. When / If they put it in, I hope that it's both extremely difficult to get and toned down a bit. As for killing oportunities being limited, that's nonsense. If you're dependant upon the Minigun and Sniper rifle to get a kill you just need to practice more. :)

I am a relatively ruthless Admin. I know all too well that cheaters and hackers are ruining the game for honest players and it pisses me off to no end. :xBut know this,I never ban without being absolutely sure. Does this mean that I've not made mistakes? No, I'm human too. But I like to think that I run a tight ship and I've got my methods down pretty solid. If you don't cheat, you won't get banned, pretty simple, huh?

Simply put, MTA is here to be played and to have fun with. If you're cheating, you're having a blast but you're ruining it for everyone else. Would you like it if someone was screwing up your favorite passtime by being a little prick? Of course you wouldn't.

It's even worse when the cheater is part of a Gang (or is posing as part of a gang), because that casts an entire bad light on the whole lot of your friends; regardless if they share your assinine "must win" mentality or not.

Oh well, I'm done now. Don't cheat, it makes you look like an asshole and you're ruining a good thing.

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Then you're as bad a cheater as the initial player that you took it off of. That makes you a hypocrite.

I'd be a hypocrite if i told ppl not do something, while i did it myself. id be a hypocrite if i said smoking is bad, while lighting a cigar. I am not as bad as the inital cheater, as i have done no cheating, and am therefore not a hypocrite. i killed a man, and took his gun. that is not cheating. i said it before, when the gun is on the board, it is immediately available to all players on the map, and therefore, fair play. As the gun is now available, fairly, to all players present at the time, its aquisition or method therof is not in question; it was there and i took it, through perfectly fair play.

summary: I killed him and got his gun. thats not cheating. you show me where in the documentation that currently comes with mta, that says i cant use the minigun, or any weapons pertaining to the situations i listed above, and i will stop immediatley. it doesnt say jack shit about it. and if they really dont approve of it, the simplest solution is to remove them (useless and unauthorized weapons) from the main.scm, since they have to be loaded before they can be used. and of course, since these guns dont work and arent allowed, there's no loss to us anyway...

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I am so sick of cheaters. Wtf is wrong with this world? Why do people have to cheat? Its not just this mod "MTA" its all the games ever developed. Nobody can just play a regular game. They must make it so u can never die, have unlimited ammo, radar hacks, aim-bots, glowin players... come on... :oops::cry:

You can try the method of takin the mod "mta" away, but they probably could give a $hit less. You can try and battel the cheaters but it will be a forever lasting war. :oops:

*I guess I choose fight. :?:

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KFG does the right thing

I agree with Nonnymoose. lol

ashdexx wrote a paragraph then stated a new paragraph with "summary:" and it was just as long as the first one. wtf does summary mean anyway?

The bottom line. If you use cheating weapons you are a cheater no matter how you say you got them. You will be kicked or banned and if your not a punk you will just fight fair.

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it was supposed to be a summary, but i thought of more as i was typing. who cares?

KFG, im not going through it again, you can read, what im doing is not cheating. period.

Looks like we think otherwise. period.

Edit: When I see anyone with minigun on one of my servers, he/she gets banned, no questions asked.period.

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Why oh why are we keeping things out the game in the first place anyway??? Its really annoying, if we want less cheaters, we give folk more choice! If R* made the MTA, they would keep everything in it. GTA is about staying alive, every gun has a topper, spot some git with a MiniGun then shoot him with the sniper rifle. Without these weapons, killing opertunities are limited. :roll:

Try killing someone with the sniper rifle with the packet loss, lag, people sucking, [insert excuse here] problems? The minigun comes with a rediculous amount of ammo as it is, even if it hacked. At 2-3 shots your dead, so that could take a fraction of a second to be killed by it, with those problems above, it doesn't matter, sweep the gun from side to side on the person, eventually one of those hundreds of bullets will hit and kill. Not too fun if you ask me. I was just driving along once going to pick up someone, another player whipped out the minigun and shot my car, blew me up, killed me outta nowhere. Didn't even know what hit me. Sound fair? Didn't think so.

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Looks like we think otherwise. period.

Edit: When I see anyone with minigun on one of my servers, he/she gets banned, no questions asked.period.

lol, as if i REALLY give a shit what you f*cktards think. i play by my own rules, if ppl dont like them or dont agree, they can piss off. if i get booted from a server for using a weapon as mentioned above, too bad, ill move along. Oddly enough, you know how many times ive been kicked or banned, for any reason? none. obviously SOME ppl agree with me...

I was just driving along once going to pick up someone, another player whipped out the minigun and shot my car, blew me up, killed me outta nowhere. Didn't even know what hit me. Sound fair? Didn't think so.

Just cry about it why dont you. you must be under the mistaken impression that life, this game, are fair. NEWSFLASH! its not. if every person complained about everything that happened in the game thats not fair, this section would be about 1000 pages longer.

Edit: i posted my first words about the minigun Nov 28. its been 2.5 weeks, and i have yet to have a moderator, admin, someone who's important, even the mta devs, tell me what im doing is wrong. mr bill has a post just a few before this one, i assume he read the topic somewhat, if im cheating so bad why didnt he say anything?

kfg, you think pausing the game so you can take a piss break is cheating, i value your opinion as much as a dead hobo.

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Then you're as bad a cheater as the initial player that you took it off of. That makes you a hypocrite.

I'd be a hypocrite if i told ppl not do something, while i did it myself. id be a hypocrite if i said smoking is bad, while lighting a cigar. I am not as bad as the inital cheater, as i have done no cheating, and am therefore not a hypocrite. i killed a man, and took his gun. that is not cheating. i said it before, when the gun is on the board, it is immediately available to all players on the map, and therefore, fair play. As the gun is now available, fairly, to all players present at the time, its aquisition or method therof is not in question; it was there and i took it, through perfectly fair play.

summary: I killed him and got his gun. thats not cheating. you show me where in the documentation that currently comes with mta, that says i cant use the minigun, or any weapons pertaining to the situations i listed above, and i will stop immediatley. it doesnt say jack shit about it. and if they really dont approve of it, the simplest solution is to remove them (useless and unauthorized weapons) from the main.scm, since they have to be loaded before they can be used. and of course, since these guns dont work and arent allowed, there's no loss to us anyway...

Ashdexx, simple enough, you're a dumbass. You are a hypocrite, and you blatently prove that you're an idiot by saying you are doing no wrong. You picked up a gun that is hacked into the game and used it, thats the problem. If you picked it up and never used it, then no worries, I could care less, but you still used it and using the gun is what gets you banned. Now, for instance you didn't know you were using a gun that isn't allowed. Then I would reconsider your placement on the list of retards, but no, you know its not a legal weapon. So if you're going to pick up his weapons after you kill him, kill ONLY him and other actual cheaters with it, serves them right.

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It's Magus. And just to add, I've never cheated, nor would I. I'm simply stating if he feels the need to have to use the gun to kill since he apparantly isn't good enough, he should kill only the person he got the gun from, fight fire with fire, and hopefully that person will leave, then lose the gun.


I was just driving along once going to pick up someone, another player whipped out the minigun and shot my car, blew me up, killed me outta nowhere. Didn't even know what hit me. Sound fair? Didn't think so.

Just cry about it why dont you. you must be under the mistaken impression that life, this game, are fair. NEWSFLASH! its not. if every person complained about everything that happened in the game thats not fair, this section would be about 1000 pages longer.


I was attempting to make a simple to understand relation to the topic and how it isn't fair for someone to use a weapon that not everyone is able or wants to get. How would you like to finally be able to play legitimatly and get constantly killed like that? Fuktard. You obviously didn't see that. Plain and simple, you are the least intelligent person I've met on the board and I vote for you as the forum idiot.


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Christ, you guys wont let up, well this is my last post on the topic, ive made my point already. where to begin...

I'm simply stating if he feels the need to have to use the gun to kill since he apparantly isn't good enough, he should kill only the person he got the gun from, fight fire with fire, and hopefully that person will leave, then lose the gun.

"he feels the need to have to use the gun to kill"

and exactly what else do/would you use the gun for? it should be noted for the record, that since mtavc has come out, ive used the minigun on one occasion, no more, using the moethods described before. its not something i rely on (and cheaters can be damn hard to kill :!: ).

Btw, its hypocritcal to call me a hypocrite when you suggest using the weapon yourself to kill the cheater. this is black and white, either you use it or you dont, there is no inbetween.

The problem in question, is legality of the origin of the weapon. im of the opinion that, its ingame, and i personally didnt cheat to get it there, and in that respect, im innocent. therefore since i have done no wrong to obtain this weapon, and anyone else has the same opportunity as i, and its not my exclusive right, its "fair" at that point. cleary we have opposing views on the matter, and until mta makes an offcial declaration about this, i will continue to do so, given the opportunity.

at this point i can choose to be an immature prick or not, ill choose not, as ive already made my points, and prefer not to drop to your levels, although the pics are not without humor. if you feel the need to comment on this matter further, these forums do have a PM system active, but i shall not actively participate in this conversation, in this topic, anymore.

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the player: tecppsot is cheating in server: sowera.homenoip.net port: 2001 please ban him he ruins it for everyone

also i have many pics of him if u wan't 'em i'll mail 'em to you

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Get real guys.. If you don’t like cheaters then Don’t play... The game was so easy to hack it's not even cheating..

I hope all my annoyance on the servers, spreading cheats far and wide, has encouraged the programmers to Do a bit better job on cheat prevention.

Because if it is any ware as easy on next Release, Things wont be any better! I'll make sure of that!

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