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Player Skin bug

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yeah this happened to me ... i entered a server and asked ppl if there where teams and where were they fighting ... a nice guy told me he was a cop and ppl were fighting near the film studio ...

so i join cops and go there to try to help :) ... as i reach there i kill a sailor ... well... not really ... he was the cop guy that told me where things were happening ...crap ... :(

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This is a known issue, and technically not a bug. It's just that there were a lot of problems when a player joins a server with players on it, to receive all the updates of the other players so far. We therefore gave the initial skinchanging less priority. So basically, when you join a game, all the players who are in there and haven't respawned do not have the proper skin. You can tell by looking at their radar dot color, and If it doesn't match, they haven't respawned. So kill them and make sure they have. =)

Then their skin will be properly sychronized. *shrugs*

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this really is a shame ... as there are no team modes so far it would be really usefull to make some kind of team thing ...

i joined a MMorph server and was shot at by other cops ... and kept seing guys that i already seen as a cop not a cop (ps i confronted him with that and he said he was still a cop) ... it's hard cause what i really like is team games, and like this MTA isn't there yet :(

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yea, the f10 thing should be shown by default, without having to activate it (so people don't ask and shuch) then players would have color, or just a flat out tag that says "POLICE TEAM" or "POLICE" or "EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE SKIN OF A ROBBER, I AM ON THE POLICE TEAM, SO DON'T SHOOT ME YOU MORON"

seriously, if the skin problem mayhem could be fixed...omg, i...i would just like, have an orgasm or sumthing cos that would rock.

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I think you peeps are missing the point, a tag showing the 'caree' would also be incorrect, as all 3, tag, skin, radar blip colour rely on the same informations packet, therefore all would be incorrect. As said elsewhere if you wish to play a team game then its as simple as asking all participants to do /kill then once respawned the skins will be correct.

p.s. the racers are lovefist, so any of the 'rockers' is correct not a bug

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im sorry but I tried what u said on a local server this dont fix anything I keep appearing as a cops although I took robber occupation

I use a no cd blood patch I'll check without if i can

update i've tried to change occupation and stuff I still appear as a cop And the other player keep appearing as what he first choose in this case robber. To me it seems that the game is linking the player ID with the skin no matter what u do :-( hope this will help fixing this problem

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Hmmm, yes, I've seen prostitutes and other non-team people show up, which I thought was odd... I'm not sure, but don't you have to actually have those models somewhere in the map for them to load?

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Yeah, this is a more serious problem than the MTA team is acknowledging. It isn't even in the bug forum either! It's a real problem. For me, my radar blips don't work right at all. Once in a great while I will see someone with a purple blip, but from day one, the vast majority of them are always yellow. I've yet to see any color besides purple and yellow though.

As far as getting players to type /kill in the console, FORGET IT. That will never work. Maybe in a perfect world, but not any time soon.

I think the only way to solve it would be if you somehow got everyone to include the team name in their player name. But there's a couple of problems with that: 1. No one will listen to you. 2. You have to rename yourself everytime you want to change teams...which also means disconnecting and then reconnecting in order to do that.

This isn't a minor issue. This is serious...it completely defeats the purpose of the MTA team even making teams...might as well revert back to FFA as far as I'm concerned...

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Ok, people. I am willing to release a new(er) mta.scm, to enable the skinsupport from the beginning on. It may or may not increase the amount of bugs you people experience. I will discuss it with the rest of the team soon.

Well the game already have so many bugs, so go ahead make my day :D

your doing a great job MTA team keep it up

one other thing is it possible for you to make a truck with a trailer<--dont no if this is the correct word for it) what im thinking about is the truck at the harbour it would be so cool if it had a trailer on it.

excuse my bad english

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