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MTA:VC 0.2 Feature list

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  Flesh eater said:

wanted level????

have you played our mod before?

i just read it, and so i have an question lol, does the next mta (0.2 or later) will come with an wanted level that can be seen next to the gauge life ?. I explain a bit : Its only an detail, but it can be fun to see stars on top of players, so we can go beating there ass cause they're wanted lol. Yup Yup

Hey that's better.

How about a wanted level(Not cops,I'm not stupid)of stars above players heads?

EX:U see someone with 6 stars above they're arrow.

That would mean they're on a 'killing spree'

Just to tell u wich players are killing alot in little time :wink:

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  AbcZ said:
well i says if you see a hunter dont stop, think and complain pull out a MG of some sort and blast the mofo in the hunter out of the sky whilst running all over the place, but yes yes it is quite hard to do but still just try. RPG would come in handy though...

Well, if they put an rpg in, they would have to fix the aiming bug. If you fire at someone in target mode, it doesn't do any damage to them even though it appears to.

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ahh good dam, no walkin animations :cry:

the 2 main reasons i dont play it much is because it freezes when some smack tard enters with a trainer and because theres no walking animation.

dont like to be negative but that walking animation should have been top of the priority list for 0.2 surely lol

mta vc is still f*****g awesome, flame me if you like tho, just being honest here.

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  ganjauk said:
ahh good dam, no walkin animations :cry:

the 2 main reasons i dont play it much is because it freezes when some smack tard enters with a trainer and because theres no walking animation.

dont like to be negative but that walking animation should have been top of the priority list for 0.2 surely lol

mta vc is still f*****g awesome, flame me if you like tho, just being honest here.

damn straight :)

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cant wait!

only wanted to ask some things:

1: Ok, there will be another key to enter as a passenger in the car BUT does this key will be configurable like any other controls? that's because I'm using a Gamepad to play and it is configurated exactly as a PS2 controller.

2:did you added all cars into both city or there is some you didn`t added (tank, boats, ???)

3: does the car colors will be random (those in game) or they will always be of the same color??

4:It seems like modified handling.cfg and added cars don't makes the game crash. I played over an hour with some friends with a modded handling.cfg and 2 added car(for me) without any crash ( no trainers :)). Same thing in other normal games.

5: also, it seems like normal in-game cheat are working SOMETIME! I have the reflex of doing the BIGBANG code when I die or get busted. I do this in MTA (not always) but sometime, it says: "cheat activated" , i hear all the car explode and my game crash (of course :roll: ) maybe you can look at that.

6: does the hotring will be added?

7- looks like everyone in the team will look identical, why not make possible the choose the team and after, a specific character of the team?, like, cops, be tommy in cop uniform , a normal cop, a SWAT guy, A FBI guy), etc.. ?

8: My opinions:

-driveby/hunter shooting shouldn't be added.

-Boat would be cool

-Peds and traffic shouldn't be added because it would totally eat the transfer and make the game almost impossible to play. And it's a multi player game, not a co-op game ( but it would be cool, 2 players in the normal game.. idea! idea!)

-cops/wanted level : would not be fun, get busted all teh time or the cops in the way when trying to have fun.

9: The liberty City mod will be realeased soon (Alpha1 ) will you, when it will be finished, make a MTA for it?

10:.... nothing else for the moment....

It's the biggest post I made of my life in a forum!

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i can answer 2 ... no boats yet ... and probably no tank either

4 . it may not crash but it is not fair to the other players ... ah and there is an example i heard about a mod car with diferent size geting stuck in a place for everybody but the moder ...(dunno if it crashes)

7. there are diferent skins in the same team ... as you can see herehttp://mysite.freeserve.com/heavenbbs/mta/scoop/lineup1.jpg

and i do agree with the cops being fun ... but ... to synch it ... maybe later :cry:

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