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Found 18 results

  1. Preface Hi all! Today I want to present to you a piece of work that I have been working on for two and a half years! I was once an MTA:SA scripter, but life has turned out in such a way that now I develop Android applications, but I still have a love for MTA. That's why I wanted to make a small contribution to the MTA and create a mobile application. Actually, let me introduce MTA:SA Developers: Mobile - a mobile application for MTA:SA developers! About the application MTA:SA Developers: Mobile is an improved version of the MTA Compiler & Script editor application, which contains features such as: Mobile version of the MTA:SA forum Readable MTA:SA Wiki Improved file manager And, of course, a code editor By the way, I wrote about MTA Compiler & Script editor in this article. Now the file manager has the ability to work separately with archives and individual files, as well as the ability to save and encrypt both a separate script and an entire archive with a resource. The code editor has acquired a new engine, it has become more convenient to work with. Also, in addition to XML, Lua, HLSL syntaxes, I introduced into it support for HTML syntax with support for Lua functions. In addition, the application allows you to follow MTA:SA online: by opening the application, or by placing a widget on your desktop. Background In fact, three years ago I did not plan to improve the application; the idea arose spontaneously when I opened the MTA Wiki on my mobile phone and the site seemed very inconvenient to me. Later, I decided that it would be cool to also have news when opening the application. Two years later, I had the Forum and Wiki tab ready. But they didn’t look very cool, to put it mildly. And everything worked poorly: images in the news feed jumped after loading when scrolling, there were a lot of bugs. In part, this is due to the fact that I essentially did not have (and ultimately did not have) a forum API. Here's what it looked like: Thanks to my wife, she was the one who implemented the new mobile application design! What is the status now and what are your plans for the future? I'm very glad that I finally released this app! In version 3.0 of the application, I tried to implement a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). In addition, I have removed all advertising from the application. I have a project on GitHub that has scheduled issues for versions 3.0.1 and 3.1. In future versions of the application, I would also like to implement the MTA Server list, as well as the MTA Community. Naturally, the project will live if I see that it is being used and there is some support in my direction. What else Haha, I forgot the most important thing, to leave you links to the application! Actually, at the moment, you can download and use the application as a regular user, as well as as an open testing tester (updates will come earlier for testers). Link to participate in the testing program: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/ru.limedev.mtacse Link to install the application on Google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.limedev.mtacse Link to install the application in Huawei App Gallery (if you see an old application, it means the new one has not yet been approved): https://appgallery.huawei.com/#/app/C103285117 Please, if you find a bug in the application, report it here, or better yet, become a tester and write to me on Google Play! I would like to express special thanks to @Sarrum and @Tut for their good feedback and help when I had questions. Thank you all for your attention!
  2. There's no much to say about this suggestion but Crowdin/translations are barely announced although it's really helpful to Community. So i was wondering if we could have at least a link at the top and an icon on the bottom of the forum that forward people to to the plataform.
  3. Dear MTA forums administration, there appears to be a fair amount of users on our forums that auto-translate all of the content on this web-page. Support topics start with the impression that they are awkwardly-speaking-but-trying English speakers but in replies the quotes turn out to be Spanish, Polish, etc giving away that they actually auto-translate everything. There are people who do not know about this problem because they just set the auto-translator for everything English. Those people suffer from issues of understanding, essentially because the auto-translator botches-up the original writing. I suggest that users should have the ability to decide whether their forums posts should be posted using auto-translation disabled on the HTML elements. This can be done using the HTML translate attribute on div tags. I suggest that there be a new option in the user's preferences to put this attribute on all of their posts by default. Then you should be able to decide on an individual post's basis if auto-translation should be allowed. Please think about the future of our forums. ?
  4. Como posso apagar minha conta no fórum? Eu pesquisei tudo e não consigo encontrar como apagar. - How can I delete my forum account? I have searched everything and can't find how to delete it
  5. Ola pessoal, estou querendo desenvolver um sistema de empurrar um carro que esteja acabado a gasolina ou esta quebrado, para poder fazer um rp maneiro. Mas infelizmente n sei por onde começar vocês podem me dar uma ideia dos comandos para ser usados? desde ja agradeço muito.
  6. Ola pessoal, estou com um problema no painel de admin eu gostaria de remover a parte de Serial e IP do painel admin para que a minha equipe de staff n pegue nenhum ip ou sla tente fazer algo ilícito com o ip do player, eu procurei em todos os arquivos da pasta admin e n achei alguem poderia me ajuda com isso, desde já agradeço Print Painel Admin: https://imgur.com/a/sHm9dwX
  7. Ola pessoal, então eu ativei um radar aki que tenho configurado para meu servidor, mas esta aparecendo o radar do mta nativo ( O do GTA:SA) e o Radar modificado que eu coloquei alguem me ajuda por favor pra deixar somente o modificado ligado. Link Erro: https://prnt.sc/udxm62
  8. ola pessoal, andei pesquisando e tentando fazer um script que quando eu der /stats ele aparecera as mortes as kills e o KD(ratio) mais por algum motivo n sei pq esta dando errado olhem os codigos e pfv me ajudem com isso. Codigo server: function chat( sourcePlayer, commandName, targetPlayerName ) if ( thePlayer ) then local kills = getPlayerKills( getLocalPlayer() ) local deaths = getPlayerDeaths( getLocalPlayer() ) outputChatBox ( "O Player"..getPlayerName(player).."Tem"..kills.."/"..deaths"", root, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addCommandHandler("stats", chat) Codigo Client: function kills() setElementData ( getLocalPlayer ( ), "kills", 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, kills ) o KD(ratio) n testei por enquanto mais se vcs quiserem ja colocar pra me ajudar eu ficaria muito grato OBS: Nao deu nenhum erro mais tambem n apareceu no chat quando eu digitava /stats
  9. Ola pessoal, estou procurando um script de que qundo eu der /stats tanto faz o cmd ele mostrar quantas pessoas matei e quantas morri e o "kd" que eu estou, pfv se alguem me ajudar
  10. Ola pessoal meu sistema de radar esta dando o aviso de função deprecated não sei oque é isso pois sou novo no .lua, mas se alguem conseguir me explicar e me ajudar a resolver fico grato:) Codigo Erro 1: local states={ ["radar_zoom_in"]=false, ["radar_zoom_out"]=false, ["radar_move_north"]=false, ["radar_move_south"]=false, ["radar_move_east"]=false, ["radar_move_west"]=false, } local mta_getControlState = getControlState function getControlState(control) local state=states[control] if state==nil then return mta_getControlState(control) else return state end end local function handleStateChange(key,state,control) states[control]=(state=="down") end for control,state in pairs(states) do for key,states in pairs(getBoundKeys(control)) do bindKey(key,"both",handleStateChange,control) end end Codigo Erro 2: function checkMovement() -- Zoom if getControlState("radar_zoom_in") and zoom<maxZoomLimit then zoom=zoom+zoomRate if zoom>maxZoomLimit then zoom=maxZoomLimit end elseif getControlState("radar_zoom_out") and zoom>minZoomLimit then zoom=zoom-zoomRate if zoom<minZoomLimit then zoom=minZoomLimit end zoomOutRecalculate() end -- Move if getControlState("radar_move_north") then local newY=y-yOffset*zoom+(yOffset+movementSpeed)*zoom if newY<0 then yOffset=yOffset+movementSpeed end end if getControlState("radar_move_south") then local newY=y-yOffset*zoom+(yOffset-movementSpeed)*zoom if newY>(-vSize+screenH) then yOffset=yOffset-movementSpeed end end if getControlState("radar_move_west") then local newXOff=(xOffset+movementSpeed) local newX=x-xOffset*zoom+newXOff*zoom if newX<0 then xOffset=xOffset+movementSpeed end end if getControlState("radar_move_east") then local newX=x-xOffset*zoom+(xOffset-movementSpeed)*zoom if newX>(-hSize+screenW) then xOffset=xOffset-movementSpeed end end end addEvent("onClientPlayerMapHide") addEvent("onClientPlayerMapShow") Erro: https://prnt.sc/uca2gd essas 2 funções esta dando deprecated pfv alguem me ajude.
  11. I wanted to ask if there is a possibility of the disappearance of the weapon that we are currently holding ... for example, I will enter a function in the script addEventHandler(" onResourceStart ", root, function () giveWeapon (source, 31, 69) end) And the gun I got, I want her to disappear. So how can I do that?
  12. Olá tudo bom meu nome é Pedro Faria tenho 22 anos tenho maturidade e interesse em ajudar o proximo, desejo entrar na staff do Mta Sa para ajudar a resolver problemas do mta, ja faço isso no canal meu que coloquei a ativa novamente contendo soluções não encontrada em tópicos do fórum, auxiliando na jogabilidade dos players, muitos erros são achados somente em sites estrangeiros, e nos tópicos brasileiros não são encontrada todos os erros, queria estar apoiando a staff Brasileira nestes quesitos tenho total responsabilidade, conheço todos tipos de regras seja de freeroam, RP, Drift e etc.. sei todas funçoes e como responder ate mesmo os que estão iniciando um servidor do ''0'' ficaria grato se pudesse fazer um teste oral para poder estar desempenhando esta função! Atenciosamente Pedro Faria Discord: Paizãão #6969 email: [email protected] canal no youtube: www.youtube.com/Paizaao
  13. Esse mod esta dando conflito com o mesmo mod, pq quando eu estou colocando ele numa base, e depois for colco ar em outra ele esta dando conflito com eles mesmo queria saber como poderia arrumar esse bugs desse script, esse mod não e meu e também nao tem aturo pois ja vi varias paginas come esse mod e não tem nenhum autor fixo!!!, http://www.mtabrasil.com.br/2019/10/gerenciador-de-base-bca.html preciso de muita ajuda mesmo espero que tenham paciencia para me ajudar por favor !!! script: servidor carro1 = {} carro2 = {} carro3 = {} local Protecao = "PMERJ" -- ACL da protecao, se o player nao tiver nela, o alarme joga ele pra fora da base local Acesso_ADM = "..." --- Acesso a base e gerenciador sem precisar colocar a senha local id_skin1, id_skin2, id_skin3 = 285, 156, 133 -- 3 skins local id_carro1, id_carro2, id_carro3 = 596, 521, 402 -- 3 carros local carro_1, carro_2, carro_3 = true, true, false --- true = sim , false = nao local skin_1, skin_2, skin_3 = true, false, false local alarme = false --- /// PROTECAO BASE RestricLocation = {} TeleportLocation = {} RestricLocation["location1"] = {1751.9000244141,-1942,30.60000038147} -- Local 1 RestricLocation["location2"] = {1811.0999755859,-1881.1999511719,13.60000038147} -- Local 2 TeleportLocation = {1821.6999511719,-1920,13.39999961853} MsgInvasao = "Base da PMERJ, Ja foi chamado a policia." --- /// PORTAO BASE local idportao = 980 portao = {1810.7998046875,-1889.099609375 ,15.39999961853 , 0, 0, 90} --- /// TELEPORTE POR COMANDO DO GERENCIADOR Teleporte_BASE = {} Teleporte_BASE = {1774.9443359375,-1936.95703125,12.667187690735} --- Teleporte pelo comando do gerenciador local marker = createMarker ( 1774.9443359375,-1936.95703125,12.667187690735, "cylinder", 2, 0, 0, 255, 150) --- Coordenadas do Gerenciador function Abrir_painel (source) triggerClientEvent (source, "Event_Painel", root) triggerEvent ("Password", source) triggerEvent ("AlamrConf", source) end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, Abrir_painel) function onResourceStart() for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local account = getPlayerAccount(v) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup(Acesso_ADM)) then setElementData(v,"AcessoPainel",true) end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,onResourceStart) function onPlayerLogin(_,account) local accName = getAccountName(account) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accName, aclGetGroup(Acesso_ADM))then setElementData(source,"AcessoPainel",true) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,onPlayerLogin) --- /// VEICULOS function Veiculo_1 () if carro_1 == false then outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Não é permitido esse veiculo.",source,255,255,255,true) return end if carro1[source] and isElement( carro1[source] ) then destroyElement( carro1[source] ) carro1[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) carro1[source] = createVehicle(id_carro1, x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,carro1[source]) setVehicleDamageProof(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),true) outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Você pego o veiculo 1.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEvent("Veiculo_1",true) addEventHandler("Veiculo_1",root,Veiculo_1) function Destruir_carro1 () if carro1[source] and isElement( carro1[source] ) then destroyElement (carro1[source]) end end --addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", root, Destruir_carro1) --addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, Destruir_carro1) --addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, Destruir_carro1) addEvent("Veiculo_1_Destruir",true) addEventHandler("Veiculo_1_Destruir",root,Destruir_carro1) function Veiculo_2 () if carro_2 == false then outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Não é permitido esse veiculo.",source,255,255,255,true) return end if carro2[source] and isElement( carro2[source] ) then destroyElement( carro2[source] ) carro2[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) carro2[source] = createVehicle(id_carro2, x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,carro2[source]) setVehicleDamageProof(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),true) outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Você pego o veiculo 2.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEvent("Veiculo_2",true) addEventHandler("Veiculo_2",root,Veiculo_2) function Destruir_carro2 () if carro2[source] and isElement( carro2[source] ) then destroyElement (carro2[source]) end end --addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", root, Destruir_carro2) --addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, Destruir_carro2) --addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, Destruir_carro2) addEvent("Veiculo_2_Destruir",true) addEventHandler("Veiculo_2_Destruir",root,Destruir_carro2) function Veiculo_3 () if carro_3 == false then outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Não é permitido esse veiculo.",source,255,255,255,true) return end if carro3[source] and isElement( carro3[source] ) then destroyElement( carro3[source] ) carro3[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) carro3[source] = createVehicle(id_carro3, x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,carro3[source]) setVehicleDamageProof(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),true) outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Você pego o veiculo 3.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEvent("Veiculo_3",true) addEventHandler("Veiculo_3",root,Veiculo_3) function Destruir_carro3 () if carro3[source] and isElement( carro3[source] ) then destroyElement (carro3[source]) end end --addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", root, Destruir_carro3) --addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, Destruir_carro3) --addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, Destruir_carro3) addEvent("Veiculo_3_Destruir",true) addEventHandler("Veiculo_3_Destruir",root,Destruir_carro3) --- /// SKINS function skin1 () if skin_1 == false then outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Não é permitido essa skin.",source,255,255,255,true) return end setPedSkin(source,id_skin1) outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Você pego a skin 1.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEvent("Skin_Event_1",true) addEventHandler("Skin_Event_1",root,skin1) function skin2 () if skin_2 == false then outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Não é permitido essa skin.",source,255,255,255,true) return end setPedSkin(source,id_skin2) outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Você pego a skin 2.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEvent("Skin_Event_2",true) addEventHandler("Skin_Event_2",root,skin2) function skin3 () if skin_3 == false then outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Não é permitido essa skin.",source,255,255,255,true) return end setPedSkin(source,id_skin3) outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Você pego a skin 3.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEvent("Skin_Event_3",true) addEventHandler("Skin_Event_3",root,skin3) --- /// ARMAS function Armas_1 () giveWeapon(source, 23, 500) outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Você pego a tazer.",source,255,255,255,false) end addEvent ("Armas_1", false) addEventHandler ("Armas_1", root, Armas_1) function Armas_2 () giveWeapon(source, 14, 500 ) outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Você pego a Tear Gás.",source,255,255,255,false) end addEvent ("Armas_2", false) addEventHandler ("Armas_2", root, Armas_2) function Armas_3 () giveWeapon(source, 44, 1 ) outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Você pego o Night Vision.",source,255,255,255,false) end addEvent ("Armas_3", false) addEventHandler ("Armas_3", root, Armas_3) --- /// ALTERAR SENHA GERENCIADOR function trocar_senha(senha_nova) local config = xmlLoadFile("gerenciador/configuracoes.xml") local markernode = xmlFindChild(config, "Gerenciador", 0) xmlNodeSetValue(markernode, tostring(senha_nova)) Gerenciador = xmlNodeGetValue ( markernode ) xmlSaveFile(config) xmlUnloadFile(config) triggerEvent ("Password", source) outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Senha do gerenciador alterada para: '#00FF00"..senha_nova.."#FFFFFF'.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEvent ("Change_pass", true) addEventHandler ("Change_pass", getRootElement(), trocar_senha) function validar_senha() senha = Gerenciador triggerClientEvent (source, "Senha_Portao", root, senha) end addEvent ("Password", true) addEventHandler ("Password", getRootElement(), validar_senha) --- /// ALTERAR SENHA PORTAO function trocar_senha_portao(senha_nova) local config = xmlLoadFile("gerenciador/configuracoes.xml") local markernode = xmlFindChild(config, "Base", 0) xmlNodeSetValue(markernode, tostring(senha_nova)) Base = xmlNodeGetValue ( markernode ) xmlSaveFile(config) xmlUnloadFile(config) outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Senha do portão alterada para: '#00FF00"..senha_nova.."#FFFFFF'.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEvent ("Change_pass_portao", true) addEventHandler ("Change_pass_portao", getRootElement(), trocar_senha_portao) --- /// ALTERAR TELEPORT function trocar_teleport(tele_novo) local config = xmlLoadFile("gerenciador/configuracoes.xml") local markernode = xmlFindChild(config, "Teleporte", 0) xmlNodeSetValue(markernode, tostring(tele_novo)) Teleporte = xmlNodeGetValue ( markernode ) removeEventHandler(""..Teleporte.."",Tele) addCommandHandler(""..Teleporte.."",Tele) xmlSaveFile(config) xmlUnloadFile(config) outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Teleporte alterado para: '#00FF00"..tele_novo.."#FFFFFF'.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEvent ("Trocar_teleport", true) addEventHandler ("Trocar_teleport", getRootElement(), trocar_teleport) function Tele (source) setElementPosition (source, Teleporte_BASE[1], Teleporte_BASE[2], Teleporte_BASE[3] ) end --- /// ALTERAR TAG function trocar_tag(tag_nova) local config = xmlLoadFile("gerenciador/configuracoes.xml") local markernode = xmlFindChild(config, "Tag", 0) xmlNodeSetValue(markernode, tostring(tag_nova)) Tag = xmlNodeGetValue ( markernode ) xmlSaveFile(config) xmlUnloadFile(config) outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: A tag foi alterada para: '#00FF00"..tag_nova.."#FFFFFF'.",source,255,255,255,true) end addEvent ("Trocar_tag", true) addEventHandler ("Trocar_tag", getRootElement(), trocar_tag) function chatbox(text, msgtype) local new = "" local iter = 0 msg = string.gsub(text,"ـ","") for word in msg:gmatch("%S+") do iter = iter + 1 if iter == 1 and word:len() > 0 then word = word:gsub("%a",string.upper,1) end new = new..word.." " end if new ~= "" then msg = new end text = msg local root = getRootElement() local name = getPlayerName(source) login = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, chatbox) --- /// DAR TAG addEvent("MoverACL",true) function MoverplayertoACL(player, groupname) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if ( not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( groupname ) if ( group ) then local isInACLGroup = isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName ( account ), group) if ( not isInACLGroup ) then aclGroupAddObject ( group, "user."..getAccountName ( account ) ) setElementData(player,"Tag_PainelBase",true) outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: " .. getPlayerName(player) .. "#ffffff foi adicionado no grupo "..groupname..".", source, 255, 255 ,255 ,true) outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: " .. getPlayerName(player) .. "#ffffff você foi adicionado ao grupo "..groupname..".", player, 255, 255 ,255 ,true) elseif ( isInACLGroup ) then aclGroupRemoveObject ( group, "user."..getAccountName ( account ) ) setElementData(player,"Tag_PainelBase",false) outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: " .. getPlayerName(player) .. "#ffffff foi removido do grupo "..groupname..".", source, 255, 255 ,255 ,true) outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: " .. getPlayerName(player) .. "#ffffff você foi removido do grupo "..groupname..".", player, 255, 255 ,255 ,true) end else outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: O grupo #FFFFFF" .. groupname .. "#ffffff não existe.", source, 255, 255 ,255 ,true) end else outputChatBox ( "[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: Erro, o jogador não está logado.", source, 255, 255 ,255 ,true) end end addEventHandler("MoverACL", getRootElement(), MoverplayertoACL) -- /// ALARME ON function Alarme_on() local config = xmlLoadFile("gerenciador/configuracoes.xml") local markernode = xmlFindChild(config, "Alarme", 0) xmlNodeSetValue(markernode, "true") Alerta = xmlNodeGetValue ( markernode ) xmlSaveFile(config) xmlUnloadFile(config) triggerEvent ("AlamrConf", source) triggerClientEvent (root, "Alarme_Painel", root) alarme = true end addEvent("Alarme_on",true) addEventHandler("Alarme_on", getRootElement(), Alarme_on) --- /// ALARME OFF function Alarme_off() local config = xmlLoadFile("gerenciador/configuracoes.xml") local markernode = xmlFindChild(config, "Alarme", 0) xmlNodeSetValue(markernode, "false") Alerta = xmlNodeGetValue ( markernode ) xmlSaveFile(config) xmlUnloadFile(config) triggerEvent ("AlamrConf", source) triggerClientEvent (root, "Alarme_Painel_OFF", root) alarme = false end addEvent("Alarme_off",true) addEventHandler("Alarme_off", getRootElement(), Alarme_off) function alarmeconf() evento = Alerta triggerClientEvent (source, "Alarme_Config", root, evento) end addEvent ("AlamrConf", true) addEventHandler ("AlamrConf", getRootElement(), alarmeconf) --- /// PROTECAO BASE ColCuboid = false EnableVehicleGodMode = true HabilitarAdmin = false GodMode = true NaoAtirar = false --------------------------------------- CONFIGS -------------------------------------------- function sendMsg(iplayer,msg) outputChatBox ( msg, iplayer, 255, 0, 0, true ) end function EnterPlace ( theElement ) triggerEvent ("AlamrConf", root) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(theElement) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(theElement)) if HabilitarAdmin == true then if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( PlayerID, "command.mute", true ) ) then return end end if alarme == false then return end if (getElementType ( theElement ) == "player") and (PlayerHaveLevel (theElement) == false) then sendMsg(theElement,MsgInvasao) if veh then setElementPosition( veh, TeleportLocation[1], TeleportLocation[2], TeleportLocation[3]) triggerClientEvent (root, "Alarme_Painel", root) else setElementPosition( theElement, TeleportLocation[1], TeleportLocation[2], TeleportLocation[3]) triggerClientEvent (root, "Alarme_Painel", root) end sendMsgOwners(theElement) elseif getElementType ( theElement ) == "vehicle" then SetVehicleGodMode(theElement,true) end end function ExitPlace ( theElement ) if GodMode == true then setElementData(theElement,"blood",12000) end if NaoAtirar == true then toggleControl(theElement, "fire", true) toggleControl(theElement, "vehicle_fire", true) toggleControl(theElement, "vehicle_secondary_fire", true) toggleControl(theElement, "aim_weapon", true) end if getElementType ( theElement ) == "vehicle" then SetVehicleGodMode(theElement,false) end end function PlayerHaveLevel( PlayerID ) login = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(PlayerID)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..login, aclGetGroup(Protecao)) or isObjectInACLGroup("user."..login, aclGetGroup(Acesso_ADM)) or getElementData(PlayerID,"Tag_PainelBase") then if GodMode == true then setElementData(PlayerID,"blood",999999999999999) end if NaoAtirar == true then toggleControl (PlayerID, "fire", false) toggleControl (PlayerID, "vehicle_fire", false) toggleControl (PlayerID, "vehicle_secondary_fire", false) toggleControl (PlayerID, "aim_weapon", false) end return true else return false end end function ResourceStart( ) LoadLocations() CreateCollision() end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ),ResourceStart) function LoadLocations() local RX, RY, RZ, WRX, WRX, WRX if(RestricLocation["location1"][1] > RestricLocation["location2"][1]) then RestricLocation["maxx"] = RestricLocation["location1"][1] RestricLocation["minx"] = RestricLocation["location2"][1] else RestricLocation["maxx"] = RestricLocation["location2"][1] RestricLocation["minx"] = RestricLocation["location1"][1] end if(RestricLocation["location1"][2] > RestricLocation["location2"][2]) then RestricLocation["maxy"] = RestricLocation["location1"][2] RestricLocation["miny"] = RestricLocation["location2"][2] else RestricLocation["maxy"] = RestricLocation["location2"][2] RestricLocation["miny"] = RestricLocation["location1"][2] end if(RestricLocation["location1"][3] > RestricLocation["location2"][3]) then RestricLocation["maxz"] = RestricLocation["location1"][3] RestricLocation["minz"] = RestricLocation["location2"][3] else RestricLocation["maxz"] = RestricLocation["location2"][3] RestricLocation["minz"] = RestricLocation["location1"][3] end end function CreateCollision() RX = RestricLocation["minx"] WRX = RestricLocation["maxx"] - RestricLocation["minx"] RY = RestricLocation["miny"] WRY = RestricLocation["maxy"] - RestricLocation["miny"] RZ = RestricLocation["minz"] WRZ = RestricLocation["maxz"] - RestricLocation["minz"] ColCuboid = createColCuboid ( RX, RY, RZ, WRX, WRY, WRZ ) if ColCuboid then addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", ColCuboid, EnterPlace ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", ColCuboid, ExitPlace ) else outputDebugString("Erro, verifique: location1 e location2") end end function ResourceStop( ) destroyElement ( ColCuboid ) end addEventHandler( "onResourceStop", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ),ResourceStop) function sendMsgOwners( PlayerID ) local connectedPlayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for i, aPlayer in ipairs(connectedPlayers) do if(PlayerHaveLevel (aPlayer) == true) then sendMsg(aPlayer,"#FFFFFFO jogador " ..getPlayerName ( PlayerID ) .."#FFFFFF está tentando invadir a base.") end end end function SetVehicleGodMode( VehicleID, godEoD ) if EnableVehicleGodMode == true then setElementData(VehicleID, "godmode", godEoD) setVehicleDamageProof (VehicleID, godEoD ) end end --- /// SALVAR CONFIGURACOES local nodes = { "Tag", "Teleporte", "Gerenciador", "Base", "Alarme" } if not fileExists("gerenciador/configuracoes.xml") then local node = xmlCreateFile("gerenciador/configuracoes.xml","Configuracoes") for ind, nn in ipairs(nodes) do local child = xmlCreateChild( node, tostring(nn)) end xmlSaveFile(node) xmlUnloadFile(node) outputDebugString("Configuracoes do painel base foram criadas com sucesso.") end function event() triggerEvent ("AlamrConf", root) end function Config_load () xml = xmlLoadFile ( "gerenciador/configuracoes.xml" ) local node = xmlFindChild( xml, "Tag", 0 ) local node_2 = xmlFindChild( xml, "Teleporte", 0 ) local node_3 = xmlFindChild( xml, "Gerenciador", 0 ) local node_4 = xmlFindChild( xml, "Base", 0 ) local node_5 = xmlFindChild( xml, "Alarme", 0 ) Tag = xmlNodeGetValue ( node ) Teleporte = xmlNodeGetValue ( node_2 ) Gerenciador = xmlNodeGetValue ( node_3 ) Base = xmlNodeGetValue ( node_4 ) Alerta = xmlNodeGetValue ( node_5 ) addCommandHandler(""..Teleporte.."",Tele) setTimer(event, 1000,1) alarme = true end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource () ), Config_load ) --- // PAINEL PORTAO local m_portao = createMarker (portao[1], portao[2], portao[3]-1, "cylinder", 10, 0, 255, 255, 0) function painel_portao (source) login = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) if getElementData(source,"Tag_PainelBase") or isObjectInACLGroup("user."..login, aclGetGroup(Acesso_ADM)) then triggerEvent ("abrir", source) return end if getElementData(source,"Portao_senha") == 3 then outputChatBox ('[ ATENÇAO ] - Você foi bloqueado por 2 minutos, de tentar digitar a senha.', source, 255, 255, 255, true) return end triggerClientEvent (source, "Event_Painel_2", root) triggerEvent ("Password_2", source) end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", m_portao, painel_portao) function validar_senha() senha = Base triggerClientEvent (source, "Senha_Portao_2", root, senha) end addEvent ("Password_2", true) addEventHandler ("Password_2", getRootElement(), validar_senha) function Portao () gate = createObject (idportao, portao[1], portao[2], portao[3], portao[4], portao[5], portao[6]) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource () ), Portao ) function abrir (source) setElementData(source,"Tag_PainelBase",true) moveObject(gate, 2000, portao[1], portao[2], portao[3]-10) setTimer ( function() moveObject(gate, 2000, portao[1], portao[2], portao[3]) end, 6000, 1 ) end addEvent ("abrir", true) addEventHandler ("abrir", getRootElement(), abrir) function abrir2 () setElementData(source,"Tag_PainelBase",true) end addEvent ("abrir2", true) addEventHandler ("abrir2", getRootElement(), abrir2) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, function() setElementData(source,"Portao_senha",0) end) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for i,p in ipairs(players) do setElementData(p,"Portao_senha",0) end end ) addEventHandler("onResourceStop",resourceRoot, function() local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for i,p in ipairs(players) do setElementData(p,"Portao_senha",0) end end ) timer = {} function erro_senha() if getElementData(source,"Portao_senha") == 3 then if timer[source] then outputChatBox ('[ ATENÇAO ] - Você foi bloqueado por 2 minutos, de tentar digitar a senha.', source, 255, 255, 255, true) triggerClientEvent (source, "Painel_exit", root) setElementPosition( source, TeleportLocation[1], TeleportLocation[2], TeleportLocation[3] ) setElementPosition( getPedOccupiedVehicle(source), TeleportLocation[1], TeleportLocation[2], TeleportLocation[3] ) else timer[source] = setTimer (setElementData, 60000*2, 1, source, "Portao_senha", 0) outputChatBox ('[ ATENÇAO ] - Você foi bloqueado por 2 minutos, de tentar digitar a senha.', source, 255, 255, 255, true) triggerClientEvent (source, "Painel_exit", root) setElementPosition( source, TeleportLocation[1], TeleportLocation[2], TeleportLocation[3] ) setElementPosition( getPedOccupiedVehicle(source), TeleportLocation[1], TeleportLocation[2], TeleportLocation[3] ) end return end if getElementData(source,"Portao_senha") == 2 then outputChatBox ('[ ATENÇAO ] - Senha incorreta, voce pode apenas 1 tentativa.', source, 255, 255, 255, true) end if getElementData(source,"Portao_senha") == 1 then outputChatBox ('[ ATENÇAO ] - Senha incorreta, voce pode apenas 2 tentativas.', source, 255, 255, 255, true) end if getElementData(source,"Portao_senha") == 0 then outputChatBox ('[ ATENÇAO ] - Senha incorreta, voce pode apenas 3 tentativas.', source, 255, 255, 255, true) end setElementData(source,"Portao_senha",getElementData(source,"Portao_senha")+1) end addEvent ("Erro_senha", true) addEventHandler ("Erro_senha", getRootElement(), erro_senha) --------------------- CRIA MARKER MOVE local descer = createMarker(1540.6694335938, -1609.2290039063, 21.2,"cylinder", 1, 0, 255, 255, 0) local subir = createMarker(1540.8563232422, -1609.2290039063, 12.6,"cylinder", 1, 0, 255, 255, 0) function desceu(source) fadeCamera(source, false) setTimer(fadeCamera, 1000, 1, source, true) setTimer ( function() setElementPosition (source, 1545.775390625, -1607.8100585938, 13.3828125) setElementRotation(source,0,0,218.36817932129) end, 1000, 1 ) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", descer, desceu) function subiu(source) fadeCamera(source, false) setTimer(fadeCamera, 1000, 1, source, true) setTimer ( function() setElementPosition (source, 1544.0809326172, -1609.0495605469, 22.155364990234) setElementRotation(source,0,0,229.6483001709) end, 1000, 1 ) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", subir, subiu) script: client local screenW,screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local resW, resH = 1280, 1024 local x, y = (screenW/resW), (screenH/resH) local xx, _ = (screenW/resW), (screenH/resH) -- /// ACL PARA RECRUTAR local ACL = "PMERJ" -- /// QUALQUER CORDENADA DENTRO DA BASE Sirene = {} Sirene = {1774.9443359375,-1936.95703125,12.667187690735} local painel = false local personagem = false local carros = false local armas = false local gerenciador = false local gerenciando = false local carro1 = false local carro2 = false local carro3 = false local tag = false local senha_branco = "" local senha_gerenciador = PMERJ667 fonte1 = dxCreateFont("gerenciador/gfx/fonte1.ttf", 15) fonte2 = dxCreateFont("gerenciador/gfx/fonte2.ttf", 10) fonte3 = dxCreateFont("gerenciador/gfx/fonte2.ttf", 13) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() Geren_senha = guiCreateEdit(x*95, y*467, x*122, y*27, "", false) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiEditSetMasked ( Geren_senha, true ) New_pass_gerenciador = guiCreateEdit(x*118, y*458+10, x*95, y*26, "", false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) change_pass_portao = guiCreateEdit(x*122, y*601+10, x*86, y*26, "", false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) change_tele = guiCreateEdit(x*122, y*698+10, x*86, y*26, "", false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) change_tag = guiCreateEdit(x*237, y*602+10, x*176, y*28, "", false) guiEditSetMaxLength ( change_tag, 20 ) -- Limite maximo de letras da tag guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) procurar = guiCreateEdit(x*240, y*323, x*172, y*24, "", false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) grdPlayers = guiCreateGridList(x*244, y*340+10, x*165, y*187, false) guiSetFont (grdPlayers, "default-bold-small" ) colPlayers = guiGridListAddColumn(grdPlayers, "Jogadore: ", 0.9) guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do addPlayerToList(v) end end ) function alarme_conf (info) if info == "true" then alarme = true elseif info == "false" then alarme = false end end addEvent ("Alarme_Config", true) addEventHandler ("Alarme_Config", root, alarme_conf) function paineldx () if personagem == true then Retangulo(44, 284, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("Painel Base", 221, 284, 396, 315, tocolor(13, 163, 249, 221), 1.00, fonte1, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 391, 175, 31, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) Retangulo(44, 427, 175, 31, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) Retangulo(44, 462, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 320, 175, 31, tocolor(1, 60, 4, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 355, 175, 31, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) Texto_2("PERSONAGENS", 221, 320, 396, 351, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("Personagem 1", 221, 355, 396, 386, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("Personagem 2", 221, 391, 396, 422, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("Personagem 3", 221, 427, 396, 458, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 497, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 534, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 569, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("VEICULOS", 221, 462, 396, 493, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("ARMAS", 221, 497, 396, 528, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("GERENCIADOR", 221, 534, 396, 565, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("FECHAR", 221, 569, 396, 600, tocolor(253, 9, 9, 240), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) elseif carros == true then Retangulo(44, 284, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("Painel Base", 221, 284, 396, 315, tocolor(13, 163, 249, 221), 1.00, fonte1, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 319, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 354, 175, 31, tocolor(1, 60, 4, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 529, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 566, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("PERSONAGENS", 221, 319, 396, 350, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("VEICULOS", 221, 354, 396, 385, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("FECHAR", 221, 566, 396, 597, tocolor(253, 9, 9, 240), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 494, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("GERENCIADOR", 221, 529, 396, 560, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 390, 175, 31, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) Retangulo(44, 425, 175, 31, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) Retangulo(44, 460, 175, 31, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) Texto_2("ARMAS", 221, 494, 396, 525, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) if carro1 == true then Texto_2("Destruir", 221, 390, 396, 421, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) elseif carro1 == false then Texto_2("Veiculo 1", 221, 390, 396, 421, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end if carro2 == true then Texto_2("Destruir", 221, 425, 396, 456, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) elseif carro2 == false then Texto_2("Veiculo 2", 221, 425, 396, 456, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end if carro3 == true then Texto_2("Destruir", 221, 460, 396, 491, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) elseif carro3 == false then Texto_2("Veiculo 3", 221, 460, 396, 491, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end elseif armas == true then Retangulo(44, 284, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("Painel Base", 221, 284, 396, 315, tocolor(13, 163, 249, 221), 1.00, fonte1, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 319, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 390, 175, 31, tocolor(1, 60, 4, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 529, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 566, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("PERSONAGENS", 221, 319, 396, 350, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("FECHAR", 221, 566, 396, 597, tocolor(253, 9, 9, 240), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 494, 175, 31, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) Texto_2("GERENCIADOR", 221, 529, 396, 560, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 354, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 425, 175, 31, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) Retangulo(44, 460, 175, 31, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) Texto_2("ARMAS", 221, 390, 396, 421, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("Armas 1", 221, 425, 396, 456, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("Armas 2", 221, 460, 396, 491, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("VEICULOS", 221, 354, 396, 385, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("Armas 3", 221, 494, 396, 525, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) elseif gerenciador == true then Retangulo(44, 284, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("Painel Base", 221, 284, 396, 315, tocolor(13, 163, 249, 221), 1.00, fonte1, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 355, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 426, 175, 31, tocolor(1, 60, 4, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 390, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 320, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 542, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("VEICULOS", 221, 355, 396, 386, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("ARMAS", 221, 390, 396, 421, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("GERENCIADOR", 221, 426, 396, 457, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("FECHAR", 221, 542, 396, 573, tocolor(253, 9, 9, 240), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("PERSONAGENS", 221, 320, 396, 351, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 461, 175, 76, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto("SENHA:", 53-8, 456, 118-8, 484, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(95, 504, 67, 20, tocolor(0, 37, 32, 255), false) Texto_2("Entrar", 272, 504, 339, 524, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) else Retangulo(44, 284, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("Painel Base", 221, 284, 396, 315, tocolor(13, 163, 249, 221), 1.00, fonte1, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 319, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 355, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo(44, 390, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) if gerenciando == false then Retangulo(44, 460, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("FECHAR", 221, 460, 396, 491, tocolor(253, 9, 9, 240), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end Texto_2("PERSONAGENS", 221, 319, 396, 350, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("VEICULOS", 221, 355, 396, 386, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto_2("ARMAS", 221, 390, 396, 421, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo(44, 425, 175, 31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto_2("GERENCIADOR", 221, 425, 396, 456, tocolor(224, 249, 11, 221), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end if gerenciando == true then local info_tag = guiGetText(change_tag) Retangulo_2(44, 450, 175, 61, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto("Nova \n senha:", 53, 456, 118, 484, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo_2(91, 489, 89, 18, tocolor(2, 63, 42, 255), false) Retangulo_2(44, 517, 175, 48, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 215), false) Texto("Alarme da base", 91, 521, 180, 538, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) if alarme == false then Retangulo_2(139, 542, 32, 19, tocolor(229, 0, 0, 215), false) else Retangulo_2(139, 542, 32, 19, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) end if alarme == true then Retangulo_2(97, 542, 32, 19, tocolor(5, 223, 5, 215), false) else Retangulo_2(97, 542, 32, 19, tocolor(32, 31, 31, 240), false) end Texto("OFF", 139, 542, 171, 561, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto("ON", 97, 542, 129, 561, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 215), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo_2(44, 571, 175, 98, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto("Alterar senha portao", 92, 576, 181, 593, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto("Nova \n senha:", 53, 599, 118, 627, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto("Alterar", 91, 489, 180, 506, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo_2(92, 639, 89, 18, tocolor(2, 63, 42, 255), false) Retangulo_2(44, 674, 175, 98, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Retangulo_2(88, 744, 89, 18, tocolor(2, 63, 42, 255), false) Texto("Alterar", 88, 744, 177, 761, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto("Novo \n comando:", 54, 696, 119, 724, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto("Alterar teleporte", 92, 679, 181, 696, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo_2(232, 285, 187, 280, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 215), false) Texto("Membros", 242, 295, 389, 313, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "left", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto("Alterar", 92, 639, 181, 656, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo_2(279, 537, 89, 18, tocolor(2, 63, 42, 255), false) if aVisible then Texto("Dar Tag", 279, 538, 368, 555, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end if rVisible then Texto("Remover Tag", 279, 538, 368, 555, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) else Texto("Dar Tag", 279, 538, 368, 555, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end Retangulo_2(233, 571, 186, 137, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 221), false) Texto("Alterar tag", 279, 575, 368, 592, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Texto("TAG: "..info_tag, 237, 636, 302, 664, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "left", "center", false, false, false, true, false) Retangulo_2(279, 670, 89, 18, tocolor(2, 63, 42, 255), false) Texto("Alterar", 279, 671, 368, 688, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, fonte2, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) Retangulo_2(233, 715, 186, 57, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 215), false) Texto("FECHAR", 233, 714, 419, 772, tocolor(229, 0, 0, 215), 1.00, fonte3, "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end end function Retangulo (a, b, c, d, t) dxDrawRectangle(x*a, y*b, x*c, y*d, t, false) end function Retangulo_2 (a, b, c, d, t) dxDrawRectangle(x*a, y*b+10, x*c, y*d, t, false) end function Texto (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) dxDrawText(a, x*b, y*c+10, x*d, y*e+10, f, x*g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) end function Texto_2 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) local screenW,screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local resW, resH = 2900, 1024 local x, y = (screenW/resW), (screenH/resH) dxDrawText(a, x*b, y*c, x*d, y*e, f, xx*g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) end function fechar (_,state) if painel == true then if state == "down" then if personagem == false and carros == false and gerenciador == false and gerenciando == false and armas == false then if isCursorOnElement(x*41, y*460, x*175, y*31) then personagem = false carros = false armas = false gerenciador = false gerenciando = false painel = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), paineldx) showCursor(false) end end if painel == true and personagem == true then if isCursorOnElement(x*44, y*569, x*175, y*31) then personagem = false carros = false armas = false painel = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciador = false gerenciando = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), paineldx) showCursor(false) end end if painel == true and carros == true then if isCursorOnElement(x*44, y*569, x*175, y*31) then personagem = false carros = false armas = false painel = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciador = false gerenciando = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), paineldx) showCursor(false) end end if painel == true and armas == true then if isCursorOnElement(x*44, y*569, x*175, y*31) then personagem = false carros = false armas = false painel = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciador = false gerenciando = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), paineldx) showCursor(false) end end if painel == true and gerenciador == true then if isCursorOnElement(x*44, y*542, x*175, y*31) then personagem = false carros = false armas = false painel = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciador = false gerenciando = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), paineldx) showCursor(false) end end if painel == true and gerenciando == true then if isCursorOnElement(x*233, y*715, x*186, y*57) then personagem = false carros = false armas = false painel = false gerenciador = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciando = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), paineldx) showCursor(false) end end end end end addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, fechar) function obter_senha(pass) senha_gerenciador = pass end addEvent ("Senha_Portao", true) addEventHandler ("Senha_Portao", root, obter_senha) function gerenciar (_,state) if painel == true then if state == "down" then if gerenciador == true then if isCursorOnElement(x*90, y*504, x*67, y*20) then if getElementData(localPlayer,"AcessoPainel") then gerenciador = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) gerenciando = true guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, true) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, true) guiSetVisible(change_tele, true) guiSetVisible(change_tag, true) guiSetVisible(procurar, true) guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, true ) else if guiGetText(Geren_senha) == senha_branco then return end if guiGetText(Geren_senha) == ""..senha_gerenciador.."" then gerenciador = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) gerenciando = true guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, true) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, true) guiSetVisible(change_tele, true) guiSetVisible(change_tag, true) guiSetVisible(procurar, true) guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, true ) else outputChatBox("[#00FF00Painel#FFFFFF-#00FF00Base#FFFFFF]: A senha '#00FF00"..guiGetText(Geren_senha).."#FFFFFF' digitada está incorreta.", 255, 255 ,255, true ) end end end end end end end addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, gerenciar) function onClientGUIClick(button) local name = guiGridListGetItemText(grdPlayers, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grdPlayers), 1) if name ~= "" then local player = getPlayerFromPartialName(name) if player then if getElementData(player,"Tag_PainelBase") then aVisible = false rVisible = true else aVisible = true rVisible = false end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot,onClientGUIClick) function configuracoes (_,state) if painel == true then if state == "down" then if gerenciando == true then if isCursorOnElement(x*91, y*489+10, x*89, y*18) then local chgpass = guiGetText(New_pass_gerenciador) if guiGetText(New_pass_gerenciador) == senha_branco then return end triggerServerEvent("Change_pass",getLocalPlayer(), chgpass) guiSetText(New_pass_gerenciador, "") elseif isCursorOnElement (x*92, y*639+10, x*89, y*18) then if guiGetText(change_pass_portao) == senha_branco then return end local chgpass_portao = guiGetText(change_pass_portao) triggerServerEvent("Change_pass_portao",getLocalPlayer(), chgpass_portao) guiSetText(change_pass_portao, "") elseif isCursorOnElement (x*88, y*744+10, x*89, y*18) then if guiGetText(change_tele) == senha_branco then return end local telport = guiGetText(change_tele) triggerServerEvent("Trocar_teleport",getLocalPlayer(), telport) guiSetText(change_tele, "") elseif isCursorOnElement (x*279, y*537+10, x*89, y*18) then local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grdPlayers) if row == -1 or col == -1 then return end local name = guiGridListGetItemText(grdPlayers, row, col) local target = getPlayerFromPartialName(name) if target then triggerServerEvent("MoverACL", getLocalPlayer(), target, ACL) end guiGridListClear(grdPlayers) --- LISTA JOGADORES for id, players in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(grdPlayers) guiGridListSetItemText(grdPlayers, row, 1, getPlayerName(players):gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), false, false) end elseif isCursorOnElement (x*279, y*670+10, x*89, y*18) then if guiGetText(change_tag) == senha_branco then return end local tag = guiGetText(change_tag) triggerServerEvent("Trocar_tag",getLocalPlayer(), tag) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*97, y*542+10, x*32, y*19) then alarme = true triggerServerEvent("Alarme_on",getLocalPlayer()) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*139, y*542+10, x*32, y*19) then alarme = false triggerServerEvent("Alarme_off",getLocalPlayer()) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*319, x*175, y*31) then personagem = true gerenciando = false carro = false armas = false gerenciador = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*355, x*175, y*31) then carros = true armas = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) personagem = false gerenciador = false gerenciando = false removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*425, x*175, y*31) then carros = false armas = false personagem = false gerenciador = true guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciando = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, true) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_gerenciamento) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_inicial) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*390, x*175, y*31) then carros = false armas = true personagem = false gerenciador = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciando = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_gerenciamento) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) end end end end end addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, configuracoes) function botoes_jogador(_,state) if painel == true then if state == "down" then if personagem == true then if isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*319, x*175, y*31) then personagem = false removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_inicial) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*355, x*175, y*31) then triggerServerEvent("Skin_Event_1",getLocalPlayer()) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*391, x*175, y*31) then triggerServerEvent("Skin_Event_2",getLocalPlayer()) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*427, x*175, y*31) then triggerServerEvent("Skin_Event_3",getLocalPlayer()) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*462, x*175, y*31) then carros = true armas = false personagem = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciador = false removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*497, x*175, y*31) then carros = false armas = true personagem = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciador = false removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*534, x*175, y*31) then carros = false armas = false personagem = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciador = true removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_gerenciamento) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, true) end end end end end function botoes_veiculos(_,state) if painel == true then if state == "down" then if carros == true then if isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*355, x*175, y*31) then carros = false removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_inicial) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*390, x*175, y*31) then if carro1 == false then carro1 = true triggerServerEvent("Veiculo_1",getLocalPlayer()) else triggerServerEvent("Veiculo_1_Destruir",getLocalPlayer()) carro1 = false end elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*425, x*175, y*31) then if carro2 == false then carro2 = true triggerServerEvent("Veiculo_2",getLocalPlayer()) else triggerServerEvent("Veiculo_2_Destruir",getLocalPlayer()) carro2 = false end elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*460, x*175, y*31) then if carro3 == false then carro3 = true triggerServerEvent("Veiculo_3",getLocalPlayer()) else triggerServerEvent("Veiculo_3_Destruir",getLocalPlayer()) carro3 = false end elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*497, x*175, y*31) then carros = false armas = true personagem = false gerenciador = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*319, x*175, y*31) then personagem = true carros = false armas = false gerenciador = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*534, x*175, y*31) then carros = false armas = false personagem = false gerenciador = true guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_gerenciamento) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, true) end end end end end function botoes_armas(_,state) if painel == true then if state == "down" then if armas == true then if isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*390, x*175, y*31) then armas = false removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_inicial) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*425, x*175, y*31) then triggerServerEvent("Armas_1",getLocalPlayer()) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*460, x*175, y*31) then triggerServerEvent("Armas_2",getLocalPlayer()) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*494, x*175, y*31) then triggerServerEvent("Armas_3",getLocalPlayer()) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*319, x*175, y*31) then personagem = true carro = false armas = false gerenciador = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_gerenciamento) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*355, x*175, y*31) then carros = true armas = false personagem = false gerenciador = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*534, x*175, y*31) then carros = false armas = false personagem = false gerenciador = true guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_gerenciamento) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, true) end end end end end function botoes_gerenciamento(_,state) if painel == true then if state == "down" then if gerenciador == true then if isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*425, x*175, y*31) then gerenciador = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_gerenciamento) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_inicial) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*390, x*175, y*31) then carros = false armas = true guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) personagem = false gerenciador = false removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_gerenciamento) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*319, x*175, y*31) then personagem = true carro = false armas = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciador = false removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*355, x*175, y*31) then carros = true armas = false personagem = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciador = false removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) end end end end end function botoes_inicial(_,state) if painel == true then if state == "down" then if isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*319, x*175, y*31) then if personagem == false then personagem = true addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_jogador) carros = false armas = false gerenciando = false gerenciador = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_inicial) else personagem = false end elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*355, x*175, y*31) then if carros == false then carros = true personagem = false gerenciador = false armas = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciando = false addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_veiculos) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_inicial) else carros = false end elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*390, x*175, y*31) then if armas == false then personagem = false carros = false armas = true gerenciador = false guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciando = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_armas) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_inicial) else armas = false end elseif isCursorOnElement (x*44, y*425, x*175, y*31) then if gerenciador == false then personagem = false carros = false armas = false gerenciador = true guiSetVisible ( grdPlayers, false ) gerenciando = false addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_gerenciamento) guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, true) guiSetVisible(New_pass_gerenciador, false) guiSetVisible(change_pass_portao, false) guiSetVisible(change_tele, false) guiSetVisible(change_tag, false) guiSetVisible(procurar, false) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, botoes_inicial) else gerenciador = false guiSetVisible(Geren_senha, false) end end end end end function Alarme() if alarme == true then if isElement( sound ) then stopSound( sound ) end sound = playSound3D( 'gerenciador/gfx/alarme.mp3', Sirene[1], Sirene[2], Sirene[3], false) setSoundMaxDistance( sound, 250 ) end end addEvent ("Alarme_Painel", true) addEventHandler ("Alarme_Painel", root, Alarme) function Alarme_off() if isElement( sound ) then stopSound( sound ) end end addEvent ("Alarme_Painel_OFF", true) addEventHandler ("Alarme_Painel_OFF", root, Alarme_off) function addPlayerToList(ply) local row = guiGridListAddRow(grdPlayers) local name = getPlayerName(ply) guiGridListSetItemText(grdPlayers,row, colPlayers, name:gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor(grdPlayers, row, colPlayers, 255,255,255 ) end function onClientGUIChanged() if source == procurar then guiGridListClear(grdPlayers) for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if string.find(string.lower(getPlayerName(v):gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '')), string.lower(guiGetText(source))) then local row = guiGridListAddRow(grdPlayers) guiGridListSetItemText(grdPlayers, row, colPlayers, getPlayerName(v):gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor (grdPlayers, row, colPlayers, 255,255,255 ) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", root,onClientGUIChanged) event_player_join = function() addPlayerToList(source) end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), event_player_join) function removePlayerFromList(ply) local name=getPlayerName(ply) for row=0,guiGridListGetRowCount(grdPlayers) do if guiGridListGetItemText(grdPlayers, row, colPlayers) == name then guiGridListRemoveRow(grdPlayers, row) end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), removePlayerFromList) function atualizarlista() guiGridListClear(grdPlayers) for id, players in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(grdPlayers) local name = getPlayerName(players) guiGridListSetItemText(grdPlayers,row, colPlayers, name:gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor ( grdPlayers, row, colPlayers, 255,255,255 ) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement(), atualizarlista) function Painel_open () if painel == false then addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, paineldx) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, botoes_inicial) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") showCursor (true) painel = true end end addEvent ("Event_Painel", true) addEventHandler ("Event_Painel", root, Painel_open) function getPlayerFromPartialName(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end --- // PAINEL PORTAO local painel_p = false local senha = Cps69 addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() password = guiCreateEdit(x*362, y*369, x*171, y*29, "", false) guiEditSetMasked ( password, true ) guiSetVisible(password, false) end ) function paineldx_portao() local px,py,pz= interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, 255, 185, 1, ((getTickCount() - bot) / 2000), "Linear") local tentativas = getElementData(localPlayer,"Portao_senha") guiSetAlpha(password, pz) dxDrawRectangle(x*328, y*266, x*245, y*204, tocolor(0, 0, 0, py), false) dxDrawRectangle(x*328, y*266, x*245, y*37, tocolor(255, 255, 255, px), false) dxDrawText("Digite a senha do portão", x*327, y*266, x*535, y*303, tocolor(0, 0, 0, px), x*1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) if isCursorOnElement(x*383, y*415, x*128, y*31) then dxDrawRectangle(x*383, y*415, x*128, y*31, tocolor(0, 0, 0, px), false) dxDrawText("Abrir", x*383, y*415, x*511, y*446, tocolor(255, 255, 255, px), 1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) else dxDrawRectangle(x*383, y*415, x*128, y*31, tocolor(255, 255, 255, px), false) dxDrawText("Abrir", x*383, y*415, x*511, y*446, tocolor(0, 0, 0, px), 1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end dxDrawText("Digite a senha no quadrado abaixo", x*328, y*313, x*573, y*331, tocolor(255, 255, 255, px), x*1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) if tentativas == 0 then dxDrawText("Tentavivas: 3 restantes.", x*365, y*341, x*533, y*359, tocolor(255, 255, 255, px), x*1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) elseif tentativas == 1 then dxDrawText("Tentavivas: 2 restantes.", x*365, y*341, x*533, y*359, tocolor(255, 255, 255, px), x*1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) elseif tentativas == 2 then dxDrawText("Tentavivas: 1 restantes.", x*365, y*341, x*533, y*359, tocolor(255, 255, 255, px), x*1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) elseif tentativas == 3 then dxDrawText("Tentavivas: Ultima tentaiva.", x*365, y*341, x*533, y*359, tocolor(255, 255, 255, px), x*1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end if isCursorOnElement(x*535, y*266, x*38, y*37) then dxDrawRectangle(x*535, y*266, x*38, y*37, tocolor(255, 255, 255, px), false) dxDrawText("X", x*535, y*266, x*573, y*303, tocolor(0, 0, 0, px), x*1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) else dxDrawRectangle(x*535, y*266, x*38, y*37, tocolor(0, 0, 0, px), false) dxDrawText("X", x*535, y*266, x*573, y*303, tocolor(255, 255, 255, px), x*1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end end function abrirpainel () if painel_p == false then addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, paineldx_portao) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") showCursor (true) painel_p = true guiSetVisible(password, true) bot = getTickCount() end end addEvent ("Event_Painel_2", true) addEventHandler ("Event_Painel_2", root, abrirpainel) function exitpainel () removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, paineldx_portao) showCursor (false) painel_p = false guiSetVisible(password, false) end addEvent ("Painel_exit", true) addEventHandler ("Painel_exit", root, exitpainel) function fecharpainel (_,state) if painel_p == true then if state == "down" then if isCursorOnElement (x*535, y*266, x*38, y*37) then removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, paineldx_portao) showCursor (false) painel_p = false guiSetVisible(password, false) end end end end addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, fecharpainel) function obter_senha_2(pass) senha = pass end addEvent ("Senha_Portao_2", true) addEventHandler ("Senha_Portao_2", root, obter_senha_2) function abrir (_,state) if painel_p == true then if state == "down" then if isCursorOnElement(x*383, y*415, x*128, y*31) then if guiGetText(password) == ""..senha.."" then triggerServerEvent ("abrir", localPlayer) triggerServerEvent ("abrir2", localPlayer) removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, paineldx_portao) showCursor (false) painel_p = false guiSetVisible(password, false) else triggerServerEvent ("Erro_senha", localPlayer) end end end end end addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, abrir) function isCursorOnElement(x,y,w,h) local mx,my = getCursorPosition () local fullx,fully = guiGetScreenSize() cursorx,cursory = mx*fullx,my*fully if cursorx > x and cursorx < x + w and cursory > y and cursory < y + h then return true else return false end end
  14. Hello ! I have a problem on form that is related to 'Insert Existing Attachment' option. As you may know there is a button called 'Insert Existing Attachment' on every replying spaces and under that button, there are 02 options as 'insert image from URL' as well as 'Insert Existing Attachment'. When click on 'Insert Existing Attachment' a windows will display with 'You do not have any existing attachments' with 02 unusable buttons. So, how to add attachments to display in 'Insert Existing Attachment' window ?
  15. Здравствуйте, дорогое коммюнити, у меня проблема, я прописал ресурсы в mtaserver.conf, но последние прописанные не включаются при запуске сервера (вручную все работает) Что делать? Помогите пожалуйста!
  16. Hi all forum dev's administrations, i was trying to use the search in the forum but sometimes when i search there's no results at all but i'm pretty sure there's a result for that the message : There were no results for your search. Try broadening your criteria or choosing a different content area. so that's annoying and i'm not sure it's just for me or all forum members some words i was just trying to search for Top top sql SQL In arabic : توب And i was choosing all content so i'm not sure why there's no results but i'm sure there's at least one topic i found have the results . Hope someone tell me what's the problem and is that normal? Regards
  17. Hello everybody! It's just kindy a suggestion but don't know where to put this topic. So, is the forum lua highlither avaible somewhere? It would be usefull for the community in my opinion (or at least for me ). (Sorry i'm blind.. Site/Forum/IRC/Mantis/Wiki related. Can someone please move it? I can't delete it )
  18. Hey all, Today is the first day I'm using this new forum and I'm loving it so far especially the like feature for liking the reply/posts. I just have another suggestion that I've noticed would be nice to add with this lovely forum as it's because we all scroll through replies but sometimes when we want to go back to the navigation links it's really tiring to scroll all the way back to the top. All I'm really asking for is to add a overlay icon or text link for allowing us to get back to the top instead of scrolling the whole way our selves. Thanks MTA Team and everyone else that contributed.
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