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It happens like this when a update today came up then i update it then it became like this i hope the developers will notice this and fixed it today. this is my files to where the vorbisFile.dll is at
When I enter MTA: San Andreas I get five errors in a row: Error loading netc.dll module! (Error 126: The specified module could not be found.) then I get: MTA:SA needs Administrator access for the following task: "Update Install settings" Please confirm in the next window. then I get another same netc.dll error two times, then I get: Loading core failed. Please ensure that the latest DirectX is correctly installed. When I say No to that last error, it just exits the program. I did the MTADiag thing and heres the link: I hope you help me cuz I want to play this! actually this is my first time playing MTA :D
Я скачал сегодня Лаунчер игры, основанной на базе MTA, а точнее "MTA Province", это игра на российских серверах. После установки и при попытке запуска я получил ошибку "AC 4 TURN OFF VPN"... Обратившись к поддержке этой игры, я выяснил, что проблема в Анти-Чите МТА, поэтому, собственно, я здесь. Я очень прошу помощи в решении этой ошибки, поскольку из-за неё я попросту не могу даже подключиться к серверу. Странно, что с такой проблемой из своего окружения столкнулся только я, а вот мой товарищ, на компьютере и аккаунте которого я играл буквально пару часов назад, может спокойно использовать игру вместе с ВПН. Хочу обратить внимание, что играть без ВПН попросту невозможно, поскольку я нахожусь на территории Украины, а здесь заблокированы все сервера как-либо связанные с Россией, а сервера МТА Провинции находятся именно в России. Скриншот ошибки в игре
Hi guys, I downloaded mta recently but after I finish setup then start game crashing causing MTA couldn't start GTA SA. I use steam version of GTA SA and I downgrade to 1.0 version but MTA still crashing. Error : How can i fix that problem?
After I updated MTA to version 1.6.0 when I try to start it I get this error message: Could not start Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Please try restarting, or if the problem persists,contact MTA at [Error 5: Access is denied. (ShellExecute)] I tried disabling anti-virus, checking/modifying permissions to files and folders both MTA and GTA SA and nothing seems to work. However when I try to perform an update from 1.5.9 from inside of MTA to 1.6 and launch the updated version it works fine, but when I try to join a server it prompts me to update MTA and after the update the game spits this error. My result from MTADiag:
- i wanted to learn scripting to make an rp server i downloaded this server but the login panel didnt work plz help me
Version = 1.6-release-22388.0.000 Time = Fri May 3 17:41:49 2024 Module = C:\ProgramData\MTA San Andreas All\1.6\GTA San Andreas\gta_sa.exe Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x0034DBCA EAX=00000000 EBX=00000000 ECX=FF00FF3C EDX=00000000 ESI=7BA641A8 EDI=FF00FF3C EBP=004C8840 ESP=0177F504 EIP=0074DBCA FLG=00210286 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B Anyone can help me??
Buen día, recientemente he estado fabricando un script que básicamente es un remake del "Briefcase Race" del propio MTA-SA, pero como un evento ocasional en un servidor. El script funciona completamente normal, sin embargo, cuando ocurre un evento en especifico (robarle el maletín al usuario), el servidor crashea, tanto en el host como en el servidor local. El error que aparece (en el host) es el siguiente: / line 13: 13 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./mta-server64 --port ${SERVER_PORT} --httpport ${SERVER_WEBPORT} -n En mi servidor local no muestra ningún error, solo se cierra la consola y ya. La función en cuestión que se ejecuta cuando el servidor crashea, es la siguiente: local function steal(p) if ( p ) and ( isElement(p) ) then if ( getElementType(p) == "player" ) then if ( p ~= BRIEF_HOLDER ) then detachElements(BRIEF_ELEMENT, BRIEF_HOLDER); attachElements(BRIEF_ELEMENT, p) --- setElementData(BRIEF_HOLDER, "haveBriefcase", false) BRIEF_HOLDER = p; setElementData(BRIEF_HOLDER, "haveBriefcase", true) --- end end end end ANOTACIONES: "BRIEF_HOLDER" es la variable que contiene al jugador que en ese momento sea el portador del maletín. "BRIEF_ELEMENT" es un ColSphere, que tiene attachado a su vez un marker y un blip Cuando se ejecuta dicha función, ocurre el crasheo del servidor. ¿Qué podría ser? ¿Un problema con los attach o algo así? Agradecido de antemano por el tiempo.
hi pls help me ... pls --------------------------- MTA: San Andreas [CL22] (CTRL+C to copy) --------------------------- Could not start Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Please try restarting, or if the problem persists,contact MTA at [Error 5: Access is denied. (ShellExecute)] Do you want to see some on-line help about this problem ? --------------------------- Yes No --------------------------- MTA Diag : I did everything but it didn't work... how to fix it ...
erro pelo qual você foi expulso do servidor (ac # 4 violação de segurança: genshin vunerable driver (mhyprotect.sys))
Hi, I have this problem now, Whats wrong? dbconmy.dll could not find in mtaserver.exe {mysql Type DataBase} ! But this file is available....Whats Wrong?? MTA Version: 1.6 [Last Update Launcher]!
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please help me I HAVE the lastest version (1.5.8) and when i want to run for second time the mta show mw this error --------------------------- MTA: San Andreas (CTRL+C to copy) --------------------------- Failed to load: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\mta\loader.dll' Error 998: Invalid access to memory location. Do you want to see some on-line help about this problem ? --------------------------- Yes No --------------------------- please help guys
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hi guys i want call marker from another function like this code local hidemark = createMarker(10,50,5,"cylinder",1,0,255,0) function mark(theplayer) markerveh =createMarker(0,0,5,"cylinder",1,0,255,0) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marker1,mark) function job1(theplayer) setElementVisibleTo(markerveh,root,false)-- for here end addCommandHandler("hidemark",job1)
Hi, i have problem for like a year ago to now, one day i can play normally for like a 2/3 hours without any errors and crashes and in a other day i cant join any serwer becausei have a cd16 error. i had tried everything: restarting internet, reinstaling mta and gta sa, changing a internet conection, changing a internet cable, changing a ip servers (idk i write it correct), reinstaling windows, i download a .bat file from the other post and it run it in my computer and it doesnt work, a change many times mta verision from a nightly version and backwards, i turned of a windows firewall, i run a MTAdiag.exe and nothing happend. Its possible that i do something not correct so u can instruct me step by step how to do this properly.
Hello Community, since i changed from my hdd to an ssd, i have the error CD48 on my main server to play on. Screen: Reinstall of the Game or MTA changed nothing. Also the delete of the resources folder doesn't helped. May one of you know what i can do here. I Can connect to every other MTA Server, just the Vio-Reallife Server gives me this error.
Necesito ayuda. Cada vez que ingreso a un servidor y juego un rato, se cierra el MTA y me arroja el error CL04 (error al reiniciar MTA)
Estou com um erro em um codigo de colisão entre veiculos, podem me ajudar? Ele inicia tudo ok, os carros n se batem, mas ai passa uns minutos e da erro no setElementCollidableWith(vehicle, v, false) function ghostmode_on() local v = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) -- Get her's Vehicle ID for index,vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do --LOOP through all Vehicles setElementCollidableWith(vehicle, v, false) -- Set the Collison off with the Other vehicles. end end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", root, ghostmode_on) Ai o erro:
Buenas, estoy en estos medios pidiendo ayuda con relación a la GM de LIFE STEAL RP, pues en esta todo va bien, excepto la tienda de ropas, al entrar a cualquier tienda de ropa aparece el [NPC] encima de su nombre, pero al intentar interactuar de cualquier forma, ya sea dandole click o acercandoce a el, no abre el panel de ropa para cambiarla, la verdad necesito la tienda de ropas donde debería, en esos interiores, porque he buscado otras y vienen con errores y no en los lugares típicos de tiendas de ropas, así que si alguien me pudiera aportar con cualquier tienda de ropa de otra GM que sea en los lugares típicos en los interiores de las tiendas de ropa se los agradecería, porque ninguna de las tiendas de este funcionan.
ERROR EN LA CONSOLA: ERROR: items/itemsS.lua:671: attempt to index global 'trash' (a nil value) El error me aparece cada vez que inicio el server y cada vez que le hago restart a cualquier script, no entiendo, me tiene cabezón. Resalto la línea 671 del error en amarrillo. (línea del supuesto error) local sistemaitems function loadTrash() local query = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM bins;" ) local result, numrows = dbPoll(query, -1) if (result and numrows > 0) then for index, trashPos in pairs(result) do trashPos = fromJSON(trash["pos"]) or "[[ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ]]" sistemaitems = createObject(1359, trashPos[1],trashPos[2], trashPos[3]-0.4, trashPos[4], trashPos[5], trashPos[6]) setElementData(sistemaitems, "sistemaID", trash['id']) setElementInterior(sistemaitems, trashPos[7]) setElementDimension(sistemaitems, trashPos[8]) end end end addCommandHandler("papelera", function(playerSource, cmd) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(playerSource)), aclGetGroup("Console")) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(playerSource) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(playerSource) local int = getElementInterior(playerSource) local Dim = getElementDimension(playerSource) local Query, _, insertID = dbQuery(connection,"INSERT INTO bins (pos) VALUES(?)", toJSON({x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, int ,Dim})) local checkQuery, _, insertID = dbPoll ( Query, -1 ) if checkQuery then outputChatBox("#7cc776[Inventario] #ffffff Papelera creada.", playerSource, 255,255, 255, true) sistemaitems = createObject(1359, x, y, z-0.4, rx, ry, rz) setElementData(sistemaitems, "sistemaID", insertID) setElementInterior(sistemaitems, int) setElementDimension(sistemaitems, Dim) end end end) El código es parte de un sistema de papelera para desechar items, todo lo demás corre muy bien. Será algún problema con mi sistema de ID?
BOM ESTE É O CLIENT.LUA do meu painel, quando do o /painel ele aparece e o cursor tbm, mas quando repito o comando " para fechar " só o cursor sai, e o painel fica Painel_On = false local function Painel_Agencia() Janela_Agencia_Emprego = guiCreateWindow(0.22, 0.07, 0.54, 0.80, "", true) guiWindowSetMovable(Janela_Agencia_Emprego, false) guiWindowSetSizable(Janela_Agencia_Emprego, false) guiSetAlpha(Janela_Agencia_Emprego, 1.00) guiSetProperty(Janela_Agencia_Emprego, "CaptionColour", "FF1B0743") Label_Top = guiCreateLabel(0.29, 0.11, 0.40, 0.09, "AGENCIA DE EMPREGO", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetFont(Label_Top, "clear-normal") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Label_Top, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(Label_Top, "center") Butoon_Catador = guiCreateButton(0.01, 0.26, 0.27, 0.10, "CATADOR", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_Catador, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") Butoon_Jornal = guiCreateButton(0.71, 0.26, 0.27, 0.10, "ENTREGADOR DE JORNAL", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_Jornal, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") Butoon_Pedreiro = guiCreateButton(0.01, 0.38, 0.27, 0.10, "PEDREIRO", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_Pedreiro, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") Butoon_Pescador = guiCreateButton(0.71, 0.38, 0.27, 0.10, "PESCADOR", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_Pescador, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") Butoon_MotoBoy = guiCreateButton(0.01, 0.49, 0.27, 0.10, "MOTO BOY", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_MotoBoy, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") Butoon_Gas = guiCreateButton(0.71, 0.49, 0.27, 0.10, "ENTREGADOR DE GÁS", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_Gas, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") Butoon_Leite = guiCreateButton(0.01, 0.61, 0.27, 0.10, "ENTRAGADOR DE LEITE", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_Leite, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") Butoon_Eletricista = guiCreateButton(0.71, 0.61, 0.27, 0.10, "ELETRICISTA", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_Eletricista, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") Butoon_Caminhoneiro = guiCreateButton(0.01, 0.73, 0.27, 0.10, "CAMINHONEIRO", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_Caminhoneiro, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") Butoon_Minerador = guiCreateButton(0.71, 0.73, 0.27, 0.10, "MINERADOR", true, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_Minerador, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") Butoon_Sair = guiCreateButton(10, 532, 719, 59, "SAIR", false, Janela_Agencia_Emprego) guiSetProperty(Butoon_Sair, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") end addCommandHandler("painel", function() if Painel_On == false then addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),Painel_Agencia) Painel_On = true showCursor(true) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), Painel_Agencia) Painel_On = false showCursor(false) end end)
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So recently i reinstalled my PC, I had windows 11 before and still, except for now MTA is not working. I have no idea what could be modifying the process of mta, since i have nothing different other than what i had before, i have razer synapse etc... I tried reinstalling MTA on both my SSDs, reinstalled GTA:SA but nothing seems to work. I join local host and get kicked SD #4 RKE8, and on different servers too. FADD74F89263F9BEE73931EDAFB178A1 Multi Theft Auto v1.5.9-release-21334
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- windows 11
- mta
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