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  1. Esta Dando Esse Erro 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 5) near '<eof>' Server-Side function dxMsg(source, text, type) exports.dxmessages:outputDx(source, text, type) end function darDinheiro (source) if commandDelay[source] == nil and not istimer(commandDelay[source]) then local Dinheiro = getPlayerMoney(source) if Dinheiro >= 1200 then return dxMsg(source, "Você possui dinheiro de mais para receber o auxílio.", "error") end givePlayerMoney(source, 1200) dxMsg(source, "Você recebeu o auxílio.", "success") resetCommand(source, 1000) else dxMsg(source, "Você ja recebeu o auxílio.", "warning") end addCommandHandler('auxilio', darDinheiro)
  2. I would like to know about two things: 1. Are the server-side and client-side timers dangerous and why? 2. Is it possible to do the function GetTickCount () timer?
  3. Здравствуйте, недавно появилась задача подключить Google Authenticator на сервер, но я не знаю как создавать токен и получать код по времени, прошу объяснить
  4. So I wanted to ask if someone would explain to me how to make my own shaders, I immediately say that I know there is an MTA page with examples but I don't understand anything of them so I prefer someone to explain it to me and what it is and how to create although the easiest script with shaders
  5. Is there a way to check for collisions where the player is looking without aiming the gun as if the getWorldFromScreenPosition and GetPedTargetCollision functions were combined?
  6. Hello. I am new to creating servers but I just wanted to host a server with my friends, but I don't know what the IP of my server is. When I open console, it just says my server IP is "auto". How do I get the IP of my server?
  7. I have one question about client objects, if I use the "TriggerClientEvent" function on the server side script, whether the object that was saved on the client side and will be set with the triggerClientEvent function on the server side, will every player see it and will work in the same way as normally I would call it in the server side script "createObject (object, x, y, z)"? For example, such -- client addEvent("createObject", true) addEventHandler("createObject", root, function(object, x, y, z) createObject(x, y, z) end ) -- server triggerClientEvent(root, "createObject", root, 1372, 0, 0, 5) -- Would that be the same as this? -- server createObject(1372, 0, 0, 5)
  8. How to set dxDraw to the back of the screen?
  9. ShayF


    Hello everyone, my name is Shay. I'm a 19 year old scripter from USA who started a good community called CoreMTA. This community is dedicated towards teaching people how to script. We also occasionally post public scripts for download on our website, which are free to download and edit. It's our goal to help the MTA community as much as possible. If you have any questions feel free to message me, email me, hit me up on discord, whatever you need. ~ ShayF Website: CoreMTA Forums: CoreMTA Forums Discord: CoreMTA Discord
  10. I have a problem with my script and I don't know what the problem is, in the debug I write to me that in line 6,7 there is arg 1 in "nil" and I don't know why what's going on? local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function CommuncationMouse() local cursrox, cursory = getCursorPosition() local cursrox = tonumber(cursrox) local cursory = tonumber(cursory) dxDrawImage(cursrox, cursory, screenW * 0.0766, screenH * 0.0593, ":test/guiBackgroundLongsquareLines.png", 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255), true) dxDrawImage(cursrox, cursory, screenW * 0.0766, screenH * 0.0593, ":test/guiBackgroundLongsquare.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), false) dxDrawText("TEST", (cursrox) - 1, (cursory) - 1, (screenW * 0.3948) - 1, (screenH * 0.1657) - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1.00, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText("TEST", (cursrox) + 1, (cursory) - 1, (screenW * 0.3948) + 1, (screenH * 0.1657) - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1.00, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText("TEST", (cursrox) - 1, (cursory) + 1, (screenW * 0.3948) - 1, (screenH * 0.1657) + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1.00, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText("TEST", (cursrox) + 1, (cursory) + 1, (screenW * 0.3948) + 1, (screenH * 0.1657) + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1.00, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawText("TEST", cursrox, cursory, screenW * 0.3948, screenH * 0.1657, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1.00, "bankgothic", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end
  11. Lo siento por el Spam chicos. Pero... Me alegra anunciar al apertura de !!ESPAÑA RP!! ¿Tienes ganas de vivir la vida a tu gusto pero tu ordenador no llega a los recursos necesarios o simplemente te gusta mas la comunidad de GTA-SA? Únete ya a España RP. Un server de Roleplay con mapeos INCREIBLES y una buena comunidad de rol. Únete ya y empieza a rolear en la ciudad de Palomino. https://discord.gg/xvsskaa ;-; IP del servidor: mtasa://
  12. So the problem is that there is a function called "animate" https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Animate and with this function we can animate the GUI etc ... but there is one problem, because I would like to stop this function at some point and stop animating at some point, there is a way to do that ?
  13. I started scripting with GUI / dxDraw and would like to do some panning or alpha animation. And the question is how this animate works, I know it is shown on the MTA wiki, but I don't quite understand how, If someone would explain it to me, I would be grateful. By the way, I am sending the function I am talking about ... https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Animate
  14. My goal is simple, after using GetPedCollisionTarget, I want it to return 3 numbers that correspond to the coordinates of the target that has collision detection, but for this function to return something, you must first aim the weapon. And here is the problem because when the player is aiming, the crosshair is somewhere close but not in the center of the center, and I want to get the coordinates of the target in the center, not somewhere nearby. And here comes the question, is it possible to make GetPedCollisionTarget work but without aiming the weapon? PLEASE HELP
  15. So if i using function "setCameraMatrix" then i can't rotation it. For example i want set camera in one point and turn it 90 degrees in left but i can't pls help! function DropCamera(player, command) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) setCameraMatrix(player, x, y, z+1.5, 0, 0, 90, 0, 0) end addCommandHandler("setcamera", DropCamera)
  16. Witam , Nazywam się Szymon w grach nazywam się Tib0 od pewnego czasu mam chęć stworzyć serwer Multi thef auto SA. Ppdchodzacy jak najbardziej pod realne życie. Staram się zebrać dobrą, dużą i mocną ekipe do zrobienia projektu. Oczywiscie kazdy znajdzie miejsce dla siebie. Osoby które będą chciały zostać przy projekcie serdecznie zapraszam. Ale nie widze serwera bez zamówień wiec osoby które znają się na mapowaniu, skryptowaniu w Lua, moddelingu pojazdów lub postaci. Jezeli praca zostanie solidnie wykonana na pewno te osoby zostaną nagrodzone. Nie przedłużając przejdę po prostu do listy osób ktore sa niezbedne w projekcie. Osoby których szukam: Administracji - osoby odpowiedzialne, pomyslowe, zaangażowane, umiejętność rozmowybi rozwiazywania konfliktów. Skrypterów - znajacych się na pisaniu skryptów oraz modyfikacji Maperów - pomysłowych znajacych sie na robcie Modelerów - znajacych się na modyfikacji pojazdów budowaniu ich od nowa ewentualnie do edycji postaci Oczywiscie zalezy mi na osobach które znają sie na rzeczy ! Liczba osób jest nienograniczona kazda jedna osoba która ma chęci ci współpracy jest mile widziana. Dziękuje za zwrócenie uwagi na ten post jeśli ktoś będzie chętny proszę pisać na e-mail [email protected] . W temacie jak będziesz pisać wiadomość wpisz o jaka posadę się starasz. Pozdrawiam i życzę miłego dnia. Tib0
  17. Hello MTA team i've expected an error while trying to run mta on linux . this is the screenshot of the error : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/623268793803603999/757220417923448862/unknown.png and thank you in advance :)
  18. Necesito ayuda. Cada vez que ingreso a un servidor y juego un rato, se cierra el MTA y me arroja el error CL04 (error al reiniciar MTA)
  19. Ola pessoal, então eu ativei um radar aki que tenho configurado para meu servidor, mas esta aparecendo o radar do mta nativo ( O do GTA:SA) e o Radar modificado que eu coloquei alguem me ajuda por favor pra deixar somente o modificado ligado. Link Erro: https://prnt.sc/udxm62
  20. Bom Dia, Gostaria que alguém pudesse explicar como instalar o plugin MTA LUA, para o Notepad++, Estava lendo o Topico, mas não consegui entender muito bem e nem achar o Download!, Desde ja Obrigado!
  21. ola pessoal, andei pesquisando e tentando fazer um script que quando eu der /stats ele aparecera as mortes as kills e o KD(ratio) mais por algum motivo n sei pq esta dando errado olhem os codigos e pfv me ajudem com isso. Codigo server: function chat( sourcePlayer, commandName, targetPlayerName ) if ( thePlayer ) then local kills = getPlayerKills( getLocalPlayer() ) local deaths = getPlayerDeaths( getLocalPlayer() ) outputChatBox ( "O Player"..getPlayerName(player).."Tem"..kills.."/"..deaths"", root, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addCommandHandler("stats", chat) Codigo Client: function kills() setElementData ( getLocalPlayer ( ), "kills", 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, kills ) o KD(ratio) n testei por enquanto mais se vcs quiserem ja colocar pra me ajudar eu ficaria muito grato OBS: Nao deu nenhum erro mais tambem n apareceu no chat quando eu digitava /stats
  22. Ola pessoal meu sistema de radar esta dando o aviso de função deprecated não sei oque é isso pois sou novo no .lua, mas se alguem conseguir me explicar e me ajudar a resolver fico grato:) Codigo Erro 1: local states={ ["radar_zoom_in"]=false, ["radar_zoom_out"]=false, ["radar_move_north"]=false, ["radar_move_south"]=false, ["radar_move_east"]=false, ["radar_move_west"]=false, } local mta_getControlState = getControlState function getControlState(control) local state=states[control] if state==nil then return mta_getControlState(control) else return state end end local function handleStateChange(key,state,control) states[control]=(state=="down") end for control,state in pairs(states) do for key,states in pairs(getBoundKeys(control)) do bindKey(key,"both",handleStateChange,control) end end Codigo Erro 2: function checkMovement() -- Zoom if getControlState("radar_zoom_in") and zoom<maxZoomLimit then zoom=zoom+zoomRate if zoom>maxZoomLimit then zoom=maxZoomLimit end elseif getControlState("radar_zoom_out") and zoom>minZoomLimit then zoom=zoom-zoomRate if zoom<minZoomLimit then zoom=minZoomLimit end zoomOutRecalculate() end -- Move if getControlState("radar_move_north") then local newY=y-yOffset*zoom+(yOffset+movementSpeed)*zoom if newY<0 then yOffset=yOffset+movementSpeed end end if getControlState("radar_move_south") then local newY=y-yOffset*zoom+(yOffset-movementSpeed)*zoom if newY>(-vSize+screenH) then yOffset=yOffset-movementSpeed end end if getControlState("radar_move_west") then local newXOff=(xOffset+movementSpeed) local newX=x-xOffset*zoom+newXOff*zoom if newX<0 then xOffset=xOffset+movementSpeed end end if getControlState("radar_move_east") then local newX=x-xOffset*zoom+(xOffset-movementSpeed)*zoom if newX>(-hSize+screenW) then xOffset=xOffset-movementSpeed end end end addEvent("onClientPlayerMapHide") addEvent("onClientPlayerMapShow") Erro: https://prnt.sc/uca2gd essas 2 funções esta dando deprecated pfv alguem me ajude.
  23. Ola pessoal, estou procurando um script de que qundo eu der /stats tanto faz o cmd ele mostrar quantas pessoas matei e quantas morri e o "kd" que eu estou, pfv se alguem me ajudar
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