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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Mike

    MTA Modding

    That sounds good, i know VB
  2. Mike

    MTA Modding

    If that was a question, then no, it is not possible to write addons at the moment, but you can do it with Blue
  3. Ok, the eastiest wsay to find server it to use The All Seeing Eye (found here) and then in the options add Multi Theft Auto to the games. Then go to either the GTA3 or Vice City filters and press F5 to refresh the servers and find some, then double click on them and it should connect. (By the way: If you're gonna use GTA3, you'll need the v1.1 patch installed for it.)
  4. That probably could be possible but:
  5. Mike

    MTA Modding

    Well the mods in this section are MTA:mA and MTA:SG which are made in mIRC and PHP, but I think the mods you are talking about would be the mods for blue, and they will be in C++.
  6. Nice , gotta go test those out Edit: I also have a suggestion, make different options for punishment from Heli kills, car kills etc. e.g. slap, !warn, or just a text warning
  7. Alright, this has been sorted out now Lock request
  8. I found selecting v1.1 when you have 1.0 triggers the "Suspected Trainer Usage" error. Also, if you haven't installed any patches then you've got v1.0
  9. 1st make sure it says v1.0 in the top corner (if it says 1.1 and you don't have it, it can cause probs) If that doesn't work, make sure you have as few other programs open as possible; anything with the word "trainer" in could trigger that error.
  10. Mike

    MTAMA Scripting

    Look a tiny bit further down the post... (i think he's titled it "Status Flooder" or similar)
  11. Mike

    MTAMA Scripting

    Check out page one of this topic (second post)
  12. Cool, i like the way you've only included moddable files, so as not to promote warez Also, if you want to put the links so the link is in the text: Gta Backup Centre [url=http://oejnz.url.cjb.net/]Gta Backup Centre[/url]
  13. that is if blue gets confirmed for gta3
  14. For the tempan it's quite simple to use, here are some examples: !tempban Mike 1 mins - bans Mike for 1 minute !tempban Mike 30 secs - bans Mike for 30 seconds !tempban Bob 2 hours - bans Bob for 2 hours
  15. Well, i don't know much about multiplayer yet, but i've seen two icons so far for it. From what i've heard you can just roam about (you can't go too far away from each other as it isn't split screen ) and i think there are also special missions you can do together (not sure tho...) Also, i just found a cool thing (kind-of like the taxi at the hospital when you die in a mission), i was doing this mission for tenpenny where you have to drive to the docks before you do much (and i'd tried it 2 times already), and i got on a bike and a d-pad flashed up in the corner saying TRIP SKIP!!!, so i pressed right and then it said "later that day..." and took me to the docks
  16. Yeah, the parachuting/skydiving is great. Also, if anyone didn't know, you can try out the parachute from the beginning, just go to Downtown Los Santos and find the really tall building, go into the little yellow marker and it'll take you to the top. Then grab the parachute and jump!
  17. Mike

    General addon question

  18. Finally got that vid downloaded, and it was worth it. Amazing vid man
  19. Nice work with 3.05/.051, i like the tempban, i've already used it
  20. I'd quite like to have a go at this (i'm not sure how great i'll be but it should be fun )
  21. Yes you can, if v1.1 works in single player it'll probably work in MTA. But i've heard that the v1.1 patch can cause problems in VC unless you have had problems without it.
  22. Damn, the confirmation e-mail ain't arriving I wanna watch this
  23. I think Aeron's manhunt script has 3 people as the minium number, doesn't it? Edit: Find it at http://www.aeron.tk
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