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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Ok here's how you would join them: Script 1: alias mta.join { mta.say $1 Hello There } Script 2: alias mta.join { mta.say $1 How are you? } When you join them they'll go like this: alias mta.join { mta.say $1 Hello There mta.say $1 How are you? } Hope this helps...
  2. Mike

    MTAMA Scripting

    should go something like this: alias mta.kill { if ($mta.kills($1,$3) == 10) && ($mta.deaths($1,$3) == 0) { mta.msg $1 $3 You are suspected to be cheating (Youd have 10 kills and no deaths) mta.kick $1 $3 } } Just paste that into a script file and load it in mtama BTW: I don't think this is really a good way to find cheaters - there's no substitute for a good admin... Also this may work, not sure though (works out whether the kills = 10 more than the deaths) alias mta.kill { if ($calc($mta.kills($1,$3) - $mta.deaths($1,$3)) >= 10 { mta.msg $1 $3 You are suspected to be cheating! mta.kick $1 $3 } }
  3. Welcome to beta software Your problem may be made worse by the v1.1 patch, i don't know much about it but i think you only need it if you have had gfx problems with v1.0. So try it with v1.0 unless you had problems on it before.
  4. Mike

    MTA auto ban script

    Either copy that into scripts.mrc or make your own *.mrc file, then load it in mtama
  5. Mike

    MTAMA Scripting

    Should go something like that: (put you random lines in random.txt, each on a separate line and put it in the root mirc directory) alias mta.admin { if ($2- == !start) { .timerrandom 0 600 mta.say $1 $read(random.txt) } }
  6. just incase anyone hasn't found out somewhere, from now on, to be included in matches you must sign up at the forum on our site: Clicky here or on my sig
  7. Already got one theres a members only forum (which i've added all the people who bothered to sign up to now ) and theres also a members web page thingy, and you can access it if you send me a username and pass for it (both case sensitive)
  8. Also remember to only have one script loaded at a time, so for example if you were running manhunt and you want to run ctw, then you unload manhunt then load ctw and type the command to start it
  9. Please don't post links to trainers - there's enough people cheating already without you helping new people to find cheats
  10. Turfwar: Wednesday 13th, 5 People, 8:30pm GMT I'll be there
  11. Mike

    MTAMA Blacklist

    Sounds good, i'll report any i.ps i get (and proof) here if i see any cheaters
  12. Make sure you close as many of your other programs as possible when using MTA as these can affect the way MTA looks for trainers and can make it think it has found one.
  13. I made a website Doesn't seem to be working right now but heres a link anyway Dodokillers Site P.S: PM me a username and pass for the members area (case sensitive)
  14. Mike

    Seats in cars

    But he wanted it in mta and you can't mod in mta. Are you telling him to use mods in mta?
  15. Mike

    Taxi Driver

    Update: I've found a way that i can pm them (yay ) and i'm working on it now
  16. Mike

    Taxi Driver

    I don't think i can actually do this - i don't have time and it's actually more complicated than i though (unless you don't mind if it just says " needs picking up at " instead of pming the taxi-ers, thne i could do it)
  17. Turfwar: Next Friday, 11pm GMT, 3 vs. 3 or 4 vs. 4 I can't be there
  18. Mike

    Taxi Driver

    ok, i'll be kind and do a bit of work on this brb
  19. Mike

    Taxi Driver

    That would be quite simple to do, you could also add a register function so they can register ingame if you want..
  20. Mike

    Multi Scripts

    Nope, there is no easier way - also you can't add your own stuff to the grs as it has a crc check, so if you want to run multi scripts, put them into one big one of your own and use the scripts loader on the grs. I think i saw somewhere that oli is going to make it so you can use more scripts in later releases
  21. Mike


    It's quite simple for it to just say from admin a warning but if you want a system that kicks after 3 warnings for example it's slightly more complicated. For a simple warning system: alias mta.text { if (CRACK isin $3-) mta.say $1 elseif (OTHERWORD isin $3-) mta.say $1 }
  22. Apparently you've been beaten (Look at the "Digging Up The Corpses" video thread)
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