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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Yeah, but aren't ya supposed to just leave that when using mta??
  2. Yep, also how do you explain the different skin in the 'normal' gta3 (top pic)
  3. Why did you have gta3 and vc open at the same time?
  4. It wouldn't have to be the mta team, it could be anyone in the mta community - if everyone made a bit then it could be put all together for each radio pack..
  5. This idea should be done though...
  6. Ok i'll be there on friday, and i'll probably be around tonight to hear the result and be a backup incase i'm needed... BTW Just incase anyone hasn't seen the turfwars forum - the match is friday 8:30 GMT
  7. alias mta.command { if ($3 == !money) mta.resetmoney $1 } there you go rebel
  8. There is an edit button...
  9. I'm pretty sure he means it will be possible in BLUE
  10. Hey Bryce, i think i remember you... We definately need a dododuel soon, i should also have a script ready for scoring very soon, so we may be able to test it out...
  11. Aeron ain't gonna be happy ^^^ (/me waits to see what aeron will stab him with....)
  12. i suppose they were... i've never really seen it being abused. Anyway it can be re-added quite simply by just making a new script with those extra commands you want and using the super duper personal scripts loader in the new version of the grs /me waits for another dodo duel
  13. Mike

    MSN 7

    I'm just gonna wait for the proper release, no point installing it now and then reinstalling when the proper version comes out
  14. Mike


    Salut Здравствуйте G'Day Wasssssssup! Hola
  15. icecuby - he uses some kind of bot to blow up all the cars and crash everyone
  16. Nope, but i'm gonna keep trying....
  17. I thought i would just make a nice guidebook to caving on the rock out to sea near the crusher, enjoy The Rock The Entrance to MAD_BOY's crib (two rooms ) MAD_BOY's First Room MAD_BOY's Second Room The Entrance to Rebel's Crib Inside Rebel's Crib Inside Black_Dragon's Crib More of Black_Dragon's Crib The Entrance to My Crib (Very hard to get into - you gotta run through that wall) The Exit From My Crib Happy Caving
  18. I would post screens if i had got some I'll try and get in there again now..... brb
  19. also, can there be a button to press to stop the chat easier - for example if you're flying and you go to say something, then you need to exit quickly to stop yourself crashing
  20. Just thought i'd post the latest results: Turf 37 LMW claim - DK and TF Counterclaim 40 minute match [TF] - Kills: 13 Deaths: 21 Score: -8 [DK] - Kills: 20 Deaths: 13 Score: 7 LMW - NO SHOW RESULT: DK gain Turf. and a swift link to The Map of Portland
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