It wouldn't have to be the mta team, it could be anyone in the mta community - if everyone made a bit then it could be put all together for each radio pack..
Ok i'll be there on friday, and i'll probably be around tonight to hear the result and be a backup incase i'm needed...
BTW Just incase anyone hasn't seen the turfwars forum - the match is friday 8:30 GMT
Hey Bryce, i think i remember you...
We definately need a dododuel soon, i should also have a script ready for scoring very soon, so we may be able to test it out...
i suppose they were... i've never really seen it being abused.
Anyway it can be re-added quite simply by just making a new script with those extra commands you want and using the super duper personal scripts loader in the new version of the grs
/me waits for another dodo duel
I thought i would just make a nice guidebook to caving on the rock out to sea near the crusher, enjoy
The Rock
The Entrance to MAD_BOY's crib (two rooms )
MAD_BOY's First Room
MAD_BOY's Second Room
The Entrance to Rebel's Crib
Inside Rebel's Crib
Inside Black_Dragon's Crib
More of Black_Dragon's Crib
The Entrance to My Crib (Very hard to get into - you gotta run through that wall)
The Exit From My Crib
Happy Caving
also, can there be a button to press to stop the chat easier - for example if you're flying and you go to say something, then you need to exit quickly to stop yourself crashing
Just thought i'd post the latest results:
Turf 37
LMW claim - DK and TF Counterclaim
40 minute match
[TF] - Kills: 13 Deaths: 21 Score: -8
[DK] - Kills: 20 Deaths: 13 Score: 7
RESULT: DK gain Turf.
and a swift link to
The Map of Portland