oh, i know how to, i jsut wanted to check it was ok
Also, i did it differently (i used your code)
alias mta.command {
var %a = $readini(%dir $+ $1.ini,ID $+ $2,level),%b = $iif($4 == $null,$2,$mta.findid($1,$4))),%c = $readini(%dir2 $+ admin.ini,$3,level)
if (%a > -1) {
if (%a >= %c) {
and then added it into the admin system customiser
Edit: Also i found !money was still in the mtama.mrc script, but just not in the admin system customiser, so now i've re-added !money for mine
Yeah! It would be so cool to go in with an RC plane in a gangwar, attack the enemy and while they're distracted, the rest of you team goes in and shoots up 'em up
I have one small suggestion, is there any way the the psl can goto the last folder used when it starts. Tiny thing but it would be useful
Also, just checking if it's allowed for me to add in my own admin commands (as a psl script, not breaking the crc) for using with it...
First off, use the mirc script editor - you have a bracket mismatch
Goes more like this
alias mta.command {
if ($3 == !getip) {
mta.msg $1 $2 IP from $4 is $readini(joins.ini,IP,$mta.name($1,$4))
alias mta.join {
writeini -n "joins.ini" IP $mta.name($1,$2) $mta.ip($1,$2)
;This is ini file
Also: Don't know why you'd want this as you can just have a script which just uses $mta.getip without the ini.
On Wednesday's race could I do my racing as early as possible so I don't have to wait around as I have a GSCE exam the next day and have to revise
You can just start a local (lan) server if you just wanted to test some scripts, that's what I used to do. Unless you have complicated ones that need more people to test it, then you can probably find someone with a server that's willing to help (i can help if they're for GTA3)