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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. The problem is most likely that you have got the "Announce to ASE" box checked. Announcing to ASE requires internet access, and if you are not connected the client seems to crashed. Good luck, post if there are problems
  2. to be honest i dont think we need so many topics as draco said, he hasnt started real porting yet, and wants to finish VC. its not like it doesnt fit in here. if anything they should both me unlocked, not this one locked and the other one unlocked? surely if he hasnt started real hard work on sa its not really necessary yet
  3. Does your Vice City Single Player funtion properly?
  4. have you tried changing the version in the 'Options' tab of the client
  5. MTA does not support Windows 95, 98 or Me. Do you have one of those operating systems?
  6. damnit my ps2 one was awsome, i cant be bothered to redo it for PC
  7. he (Blokker) used the hierarchy mod, search for it on the phphacks website
  8. i thought the movie finished too quickly, and i just got off my seat to get some popcorn. that 2mins seemed like 20seconds . thanx for the update, the community really needed one
  9. i think their saving multiplayer support for when they're free from sony's contract, and the GTA4 is released. The main guy (dan houser?) of rockstar said he wanted to make gta4 a huge leap - similar from gta2 to gta3
  10. well, we've been told it'll be much easier to convert since the blue platform is much more expandble than the old one. so it'll be a nice big leap for the first release, rather than just some basic netcode (of course, afaik)
  11. i think ive thought of an easy modable solution. Firstly, a crosshair is always displayed on screen. Now, when ever you press the fire button, instead of shooting, it holds down the aim button then fires, then releases aim, very fast. yes, i realise this is possible without doing any mods, but i think it'll be a very suitable substitute. ill explain some more since its hard to put into words: Example 1: Im lookup upwards at a chopper. I want to shoot the pilot off. I use the mod's crosshair thats always on screen to aim at him. as soon as i press fire, then the game switches into aim mode (right click) and fires. Example 2: I have a pistol. I sidestep because i see someone on the right i want to kill. i use the mod's crosshair to get a rough idea where to shoot. as soon as i press fire, it holds right click and fires. thus it eliminates the slow ass movements. i hope other people agree, cause i would love to play it with a mod that does this. This must be easy to do, it could even be done with one of those programs that follow a combination of buttons after you press a button. about jacob mentioning the problem for having a different position for each gun - only a rough crosshair has to be given, lets say: ---------| -------------- ---------| the position of each crosshair is only slightly different for each weapon, right? oh, and if you hold down right click, it carries holding down both aim and fire. edit: some problems ive thought of: * Each gun takes a different time to prepare after pressing aim
  12. i think if it was limited to san fierro it'd be cool, like that mission when you grab the packages from the guys on the bikes. about nfs style, ive been waiting for a gamemode like this. i was disspaointed with the fact that you could not race with your own personal cars, and have to do it with set cars it'd be cool to have this as an alternative
  13. damnit jacob you stole my post and made it better. if they just made the crosshair always seeable, then you can walk around aiming it, and ONLY if you shoot then it holds down right click and shoots where you aimed, zooming in etc as if you pressed right click. If this was possible it'd be a fine solution what dya think, for those more experienced modders
  14. yes there is, you need to set it to classic mode, which in SA is joystick. ive been using my 8button joystick with autoaim
  15. there is classic mode, its the equivalent of setting the controls to 'Joystick'. this allows auto aim and joystick movement. Im not having that many problams with the controls, but i miss the old ones
  16. well im gonna get it today for pc, but if it helps, heres how you do it on ps2 you have to take off the landing gear, R3, then push up the right analog stick to throttle. i have no idea how this works on PC, but right analog stick on the ps2 is the same button to change the angle of car view, if that helps On Topic: i like this idea. the hydra was fairly well made on SA. we could also have little ships with people trying to shoot down the planes ^.^.
  17. yeah on the ps2 game im constantly pulling the right analog stick to get a decent view, it sucked. i always thought they set the view at that angle because thats the angle you drive off of...but when you drive for realy, you look through a window and dont have a friggin car in the way that you cant see thru EDIT: about holding down delete constantly, although i havent got sa on pc, on ps2 this WOULDNT allow you to enter buildings or do any interactive stuff
  18. It'd probably be up to the gamemode you apply. What i'd love to see would be like having it split into sections, and when you leave one section you join another server, with it somehow being linked, it'd be awsome
  19. Well, firstly, you need audio hardware to play mta, which evidently you dont have. Have you also tried setting the correct version in the Options tab of mta?
  20. Okay there is a solution, if you know the directory directly, do the following Go to the root Multi Theft Auto directory (default C:\Program Files\Multi Theft Auto\) and open up mta.ini scroll to the bottom, and look for [Game-GTA3] Version=1 Location= After Location= type Your gta3.exe directory, (default: Location=C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTAIII\gta3.exe) My mta.ini looks like this [Game-GTA3] Version=1 Location=C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTAIII\gta3.exe Then try pressing start game
  21. Does it crash when loading the pink screen?
  22. FOR THE LAST TIME, the unkown version comes because you are using a NO-CD backup, thats not the original version. You can play using a backup, but if your audio is NOT installed properly you wont see anyone ingame. you either need to run the audio off of the cd, or if you installed it fully it can be run off of the hdd Can i request the fact that audio needs to be installed fully, or the cd needs to be inserted for VC, or you will see no one ingame, should be added to known issues
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