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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. max-668, that is actually a bug in the game not MTA. the issue is corrected in the hot coffee patch (i think) but that means it will no longer work with MTA. i suggest you try upgrading sound drivers, if that doesnt work, hold on for a while till the hot coffee patch is supported edit: check this topic anad see if the solutions there work: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=16917
  2. Like blokker said, its there for a reason. the object limit isnt so that it can annoy people and stop them from building big things
  3. Please read all the wiki and manual http://www.mtavc.com/docu
  4. This is really nice, i like the interface. you may want to post it here: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=15525
  5. Not at the moment, that may change. so wouldn't get that a bit too powerfull? you can't get hit while inside a car, but you can shoot while being driver... like your own shield, and when the car is about to blow up, you run away or just get a new one.so 1 in combination with 3 will get a little to powerfull and maybe it will be good do enable/disable driver gunner serverside since it allso wasn't done like this in single player. Your kidding right? If normal drive-bys are enabled, (meaning just left and right aiming for the driver) that would be the most overpowered thing in the game. The smg's rate of fire multiplies by like 10 when firing with the normal drive-by mode, but not with aiming drive-by mode. That's why it's good that the driver can aim. If you think the aiming (cheat) would be bad... As for the drive-byers having a 'shield', well cars don't take much to kill, and if the car has 3 or 4 people in it, then it's 3 or 4 against 1 anyway, so your just gonna have to run. And if the in-car damage is added later, then it'll be even better. Besides, we haven't actually tried it ourselves yet. It might be completely different than we think. Just wait and see. I entirely agree, particularly with the drive by part. The SP drivebys come equiped with increased rate of fire, plus auto aim and its piss easy to kill people with...not good for multiplayer Cars can be damaged while no one is in them, yes. And all weather effects are available just like MTA: Race.
  6. darkdreamingdan


    there already is a speedometer in the current MTA, its just above your HP bar
  7. This will hopefully be possible in future. Maybe they'll sync dynamic objects
  8. i got something that sounds similar in GTA3. I installed the mod 'realgta' and because all the cars were so high poly it caused my game to randomly (well, when near lots of cars) freeze for a second or two then continue. this was in single player. I would assume its just because its putting lots of stress on your computer. you might want to try updating video drivers to improve performance, or turning down some settings
  9. darkdreamingdan

    Xfire SDK

    xfire plus already supports MTA at the moment, you can use that right now but im glad xfire finally released an SDK so we dont have to rely on them so much, if only ASE were the same...
  10. the patch leaves your main.scm be. I did this so you can use your old savegames. This means that 2.0 savegames are only compatible with this patcher, which is the reason why the downloaded savegames (designed for 1.0) are not working
  11. Yeah, I did notice in the video that you can actually park on top of the enemy. That seems a bit retarded. Didn't seem like it happened too often though. That's what GTA is all about.
  12. der der, duh duh duh, der der der der...ENGLAND So yeah who needs rooney anyway
  13. weapon models possible...but car models will affect the game a LOT. different collisions of cars can cause huge crashes
  14. oh god this just hit me...i'll always remember the quote wall. he made his mark there for all people that dont know him. I knew wheelman pretty well, this is pretty shocking for me. RIP Wheelman, and i wish his family well.
  15. Sorry we cant allow any comparisions or discussion on SA-MP here. Please find somewhere else to discuss it. Leviathan has provided you with a link where you can continue the discussion on the framerate As for vehicle kills, id expect itd be just like MTAVC
  16. Please stay on topic. We'd like all users to avoid discussion on SA-MP at all - making comparisions does not help
  17. yeah i dont think it really effects gameplay that much, but everything can be haxored, so if it is bad i reckon some sort of comprimise could be made. I have a feeling its a integer set in the weapon.dat
  18. Maybe if you werent so ignorant and actually read up youd understand.
  19. its unlikely that you'll be able to go in places like Houses like you can in SP (when you go to rob a house), since there are actually only 5 interiors or around that number. Not every house has thier own interior, but in SP they dont expect you to be able ot tell that your warped to the same interior as you were in in another house (if that makes sense). Basically you'll find yourself meeting friends in a house on the other side of the city even though they're in another. (this is all afaik) I'm sure all other major interiors can be implemented though.
  20. I thought id repost this in here. There are always the special ones and at least this is a comprimise - no auto aim but you can still use the analog sticks to aim.
  21. GTA:SA is moddable...just like GTA:VC xbox is moddable. There is the infamous **CENSORED** mod which was released for xbox. The xbox version is very moddable - it can go as far as handling, models, collisions etc. MTA however relies on extensive memory hacking and stuff and it is based on the windows platform, so it will never ever happen.
  22. FOR ALL GAMEPAD USERS. I expect in the final release of MTASA DM joystick controls will be disabled. Although this means you can still drive with your controller and shoot with kn & mouse (as JHXP pointed out) it means that on foot will be pretty crap. Now, if you're mad enough to give up the mouse and keyboard for a controller on foot, there is a solution that could work if you have analog sticks. Get JoytoKey http://www.electracode.com/4/joy2key/Jo ... ersion.htm which allows your Joystick to emulate Mouse and Keyboard inputs, so you can pretty much minipulate your Joystick however you like. This is a compromise i feel and means you dont get the nasty PS2 style aimbots.
  23. Please keep your posts in english. Edit your post or this will be potentially locked.
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