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Everything posted by Tut

  1. You brought this on yourself. Please don't make us feel bad for not removing the ban, that is not really fair. Try to figure out a way on partaking in the interview outside of MTA. Good luck.
  2. I am very sorry, it doesn't matter how many threads you create but we are not going to remove the ban for you. Depending on your location it may or may not be common for people to play MTA, but usually buying a PC that is banned in MTA is very rare. The person who sold it to you is a scammer, and so it is up to you to get a refund for the purchase or find another way by selling it somewhere else.
  3. Closing this. Please see the response left to you on your existing appeal. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/137045-multi-theft-auto-10-day-unban-request/
  4. Tut

    я вас прошу

    Get a refund for your purchase, and then buy another PC.
  5. I'm sorry, there is nothing that we can do about this.
  6. Tut

    Добрый день

    The person who sold you the computer did not tell you that they are in fact banned online (Multi Theft Auto). This is an issue that you will need to speak to them about and possibly request a refund.
  7. @Erayberkay1903 please advise your friend to appeal their ban on their own account
  8. Tut

    Server toplist

    As this is a server support inquiry rather than a server complaint, it has been moved into the Turkish Yardim section. For information on Toplist see https://multitheftauto.com/toplist/
  9. Hi, we understand that using cheats with a few friends on their own servers can make for a fun time. However, using cheats helps fuel the interest and development of cheats and so it is not something that we will tolerate. Instead, something you could do is install fun resources from our Community Resources website which includes various cheat-like commands and gamemodes that can be used without violating our terms. Upon checking the ban I can see you have been trying to spoof your serial in hopes of circumventing the ban. It wouldn't really be fair for us to unban you now if you are going to continue cheating anyway.
  10. We'll need your MTA serial for this to be looked at - to find your serial run MTA, press F8 and type serial
  11. You can get your MTA serial by clicking F8 in MTA and typing serial
  12. @egorshan23 I have moved this into the Russian support section for you. Good luck.
  13. Tut

    Error Loading Fonts

    If you're getting "Nonstandard GTA file" warnings on your MTA diagnostic result, it means the file was either modified by you, another device user, or the game is not an original copy (i.e. it is a pirated copy of the game). To fix this buy an original retail copy of the game such as a Steam key from G2A. It's best to do your own research and on resellers though.
  14. @DonNobody are you installing those mods locally or are you loading them using MTA server scripts? If they're being loaded locally through gta3.img, you'll want to make sure that the server you're playing on allows custom gta3.img. It's disallowed by default. You can configure this in server config which should be located in \MTA SA\MTA\server\. Since skins don't use embedded textures, you'll need both TXD and DFF.
  15. Moving this into the Resources section.
  16. Are you able to be a bit more brief on what the problem is?
  17. Please create a new appeal containing your MTA serial
  18. Hi, I've checked this and there was no mistake made to ban you from MTA. If you feel you did nothing wrong, it means someone else is in control of your device and has actively been cheating on MTA.
  19. Closing this as duplicate. Please wait for a response to your existing appeal https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/136936-fui-banido-injustamente/
  20. Tut


    Closing this as duplicate. Please see the response to your existing appeal
  21. I understand your intentions by including those links in your post, but unfortunately this cannot be posted within the public forums as it might fall into the wrong hands. We are aware of the cheats and there is currently no need to provide us with any more information about them. To touch on your concern, we do not want cheaters in our project and in this instance the ban remains permanent.
  22. Tut


    I have moved your other post into the existing thread @zezim, as it seems they share the same topic
  23. We have no plans of removing the ban. Sorry, but you will have to find another game to play.
  24. Please see the response left to you on your existing thread https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/136995-blue-screen-of-death-error-cd47-when-entering-the-server/
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