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Everything posted by Tut

  1. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Clothing_Component_IDs If you're looking for a more convenient method of loading custom textures, use shaders instead. They don't change any file data but are mere overlays. Think of them as a clean paper that you wrap n tape on top of a rusty paint of a beer can. You're not editing the beer can's paint, but instead you're wrapping a patch around it. This is why shaders are more sought after from servers which want to customize themselves without limits. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxCreateShader
  2. Tut

    HUD Error

    Textures looks right to me. Might be an issue with the script.
  3. Tut

    HUD Error

    Can you please attach the file that you edited here. Additionally, mention which program you were using.
  4. @(?)Necroslord there's already an advertisement thread up for the same server. Can you and your team please coordinate who creates the post instead of having multiple people create duplicates. Thanks. For reference: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/125314-the-walking-dead-dayz-500-vehicles-the-unknown-clan-english-zombies-killing-survival-100-players/
  5. Tut

    [HELP] Convert map

    Can you please try Patrick's converter:
  6. Tut

    Textures problem

    Can you please help us understand what resolved the problem?
  7. Tut

    Textures problem

    I suggest you install GTA with a clean, legal copy of the game to verify that it isn't a cause of modded files, which are found in cracked, illegal game copies.
  8. I think you should be able to use this resource if you just need to move a selection of objects simultaneously:
  9. Tut

    Textures problem

    I don't know. Best bet would be to install a clean copy of the game just to make sure that it isn't an issue belonging to local files.
  10. Hello @Alshikeh, welcome to the forums. Can you please explain why you need to merge it to one object? Your performance will (in some cases) be hurt a lot by doing so. What exactly are you looking to merge?
  11. Tut

    Textures problem

    Alright that looks far from a case of occlusions. It seems that your PC does not have enough resources to use on MTA so it's unable to load every object. Try going into MTA settings > advanced > set streaming memory to maximum. It could also be an "out of bounds" area in the race map where players aren't mean to go. This would be ideal to improve performance, albeit I don't think that's the case for this one.
  12. Tut

    Textures problem

    The video is unavailable on my end. Can you please try uploading to streamable or some other website. When you say that some buildings disappear, my immediate thought would be it's related to occlusions. Can you please try using the function https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetOcclusionsEnabled to disable occlusions in the entire world. It's as simple as this: setOcclusionsEnabled( false ) If this resolves it, you can define where to disable occlusions by creating a colshape and attaching the function to that shape.
  13. Tut

    Error loading TXD

    Can you please mention the problem with the mod before I load it in. Last time it worked just fine except it was missing a few textures.
  14. Tut

    Unknown Error

    Can you please send a screenshot of the error message. There must be a code tag or something more than just 'Unknown error'.
  15. Hey @TheLegend-EG, can you please look into adding more details surrounding your request. See:
  16. Hello and welcome to the forums @TommyInfinity. I'm sorry to disappoint you but this has already been asked and answered many times in our forum. There's currently no plans for this. I can however say that there are other multiplayer mods for GTA V such as RAGE MP and alt:v to mention a few. For reference: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/124999-mtav/
  17. I suppose you mean this mod. https://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=9062 You can make any vehicle enterable, so long as you know how to create vehicle models and collisions. I have some beginner's guides to that in my sig, should you be interested.
  18. Tut

    Substitutions do not work

    You'll have to modify your mtaserver.conf file found in: MTA San Andreas 1.5\server\mods\deathmatch\ to allow clients to connect with custom gta3.img. For anticheat reference, see: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide As far as I'm aware this will resolve the issue.
  19. You can use MagicTXD or txdworkshop for replacing textures. Beware though, not all servers allow custom gta3.img on connection. Also, given there are dozens of files you'd have to run through manually, I cannot recommend doing this. Using a shader like the one that Patrick made is a lot more practical. However for this you'll also need to have admin access on your server.
  20. Tut

    Error loading TXD

    For the record, what I sent in PM concluded it was an issue with the model loader, not the model itself. The model replaces correctly but has a few missing textures. Can you please make sure that the bitmaps stored in the materials are named that of the textures stored in the TXD. As for your script, please add it here so that someone can help you correct the code.
  21. Hello @VoLcAnoMC, in order for us to maintain an easily usable forum please avoid posting duplicate threads. If you think a thread does not belong in certain section, it's better to flag it and have forum staff move it to the appropriate section. This does not only apply to threads you want to report, but you can also flag your own threads.
  22. No admin = can't add the resource. Same goes for the batch remove shader which Patrick made. You can however modify every vegetation .txd used in the game and load them onto your gta3.img. I do not recommend this however.
  23. You need to be logged in as administrator on your server to be able to start/stop resources. Alternatively do it through your server console by typing start leaf.
  24. Please send debug errors
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