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Everything posted by orappa

  1. There is a small section about the SDK on our wiki: http://www.mtavc.com/docu/index.php/SDK
  2. the CJ smusshed up into a ball can be fixed by just changing the camera angle Not necessarily by changing the angle, but rotating the camera around the player in question normally makes them appear again. The fact that it can be solved does not mean that it is not a bug that needs fixing though.
  3. Does that really need proving?
  4. QFT = Quoted for Truth, which means that he agrees.
  5. If any server owners can produce some statistics, I'll add them to the Wiki.
  6. I only played Tali's map a couple of times but I remember that you had to take a certain route in order to avoid falling through the map It's probably easier to create fences around the course and only add objects below the ground in between the fences. You could, of course, just add objects below all areas of the map but it would take a long time and might exceed the object limit.
  7. Writing a manual is hard enough, let alone in a language that isn't your native one. But I agree, a basic tutorial and the documentation of certain commands is essential.
  8. Please take this argument elsewhere (i.e. PM) otherwise I will have to lock this thread.
  9. I think they mean taking advantage of low latency to offer more accurate synchronisation.
  10. http://www.game-monitor.com
  11. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=15151
  12. Could be: 1. An ISP problem - maybe they're upgrading / performing maintenance? 2. Are you running any other applications that might be eating up bandwidth or CPU usage? Remember that some applications install "helper" apps that start when Windows starts and do absolutely nothing. 3. It could be a virus or spyware. (unlikely)
  13. There's no / required. The / is only used for typing commands into the chat box, not the console ("races" doesn't work in the chat box though).
  14. I think he means a ping so low that the computer will round it to zero, not actually a value of zero.
  15. I think this would be better as a powerup or something, otherwise races will never be completed. Everyone would just kill each other at the finish line.
  16. I think this would be better as a powerup or something, otherwise races will never be completed. Everyone would just kill each other at the finish line.
  17. I'm planning to re-sort the objects at some point so that they're more logically organised.
  18. I'm planning to re-sort the objects at some point so that they're more logically organised.
  19. Plus the editor / server will ignore race-specific tags that it doesn't recognise.
  20. Plus the editor / server will ignore race-specific tags that it doesn't recognise.
  21. Good suggestions. The poor maps are generally downloaded automatically by the RSS reader so there need to be more filters available on the search page to make it easier to filter out the rubbish.
  22. Good suggestions. The poor maps are generally downloaded automatically by the RSS reader so there need to be more filters available on the search page to make it easier to filter out the rubbish.
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