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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. Hi, I’m trying to make a "tetris" inventory like DayZ/Tarkov/RE4 where you have say 10x5 squares and you have to carefully place items so you optimize your space, the problem is I want to be able to turn items by 90degree so you can take better advantage of the space, all good other than actually drawing the image, I can’t seem to figure out what the rotation offet x and y should be, also note that Items will have different sizes like 1x2 2x3 4x1 etc.. You guys have any idea?
  2. Also always use client variable server-side instead of source and/or passing the localPlayer as an argument when referring to the player that triggered a server event.
  3. I'd highly suggest switching to pAttach as it has way better performance
  4. Tekken


    Hello, I've moved your topic to the apropriate language section for the best results.
  5. Salut, ti-am mutat topicul pe sectiunea RO deoarece ai postat in romana pe sectiunea engleza.
  6. Hi, What is your host? Also check /debugscript 3 whenever someone join to see if you have a lot of erors/warnings that may give your server a hard time and try to fix them.
  7. Tekken

    4k scale

    Ro: Lasa-mi mesaj aici, si ar trebui sa poti sa-mi trimiti DM, nu prea mai folosesc Discird, si te rog daca mai scrii in romana fie lasa un mesaj in ambele limbi fie foloseste sectiunea romaneasca, mersi. Eng: Leave a message here if you wish, also you should be able to send me PM’s
  8. Tekken

    4k scale

    Hello, check this out:
  9. Tekken


    Wait, is this your server or not ? Also you should check out how to give a resource admin rights here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Access_Control_List
  10. Tekken


    Hello, does your Login/registration resource have Admin access ? It needs it in order to create an account
  11. <>= this is not a valid operator! what do you mean by "in his hands" ?
  12. Make sure to use the scaling for both position and size like so: local sW,sH = guiGetScreenSize(); local scalex,scaley = sW/1920, sH/1080; -- make sure to check they look good on 1920*1080! -- so to draw a square or 200*200px on the middle of the screen: local width, height = 200, 200; dxDrawRectangle(sW/2-(width*scalex)/2, sH/2-(height*scaley)/2, width*scalex, height*scaley); Also i suggest you to checkout this tutorial:
  13. Replace if isCardShop(true) then with if isCardShop == true then Also to set it true or false do isCardOpen = true or isCardOpen = false
  14. Just change player and thePlayer with source restart and reconnect it should work
  15. May I see how you implement it?
  16. Hello, "onPlayerJoin" > fadeCamera(player, true) also spawn the player and setCameraTarget(player)
  17. You will have to check if the player is in that colshape https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsElementWithinColShape or check when he hits that colshape https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnElementColShapeHit
  18. Tekken


    function onPlayerChat(msg,type) if (msg:lower():find("mtasa") or msg:find("://")) or msg:find("%d") then --the 3rd operation was and instead of or :) cancelEvent() source:kick("Divulgação!") end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, onPlayerChat) This should work
  19. Tekken


    Then yes you've posted in the wrong section I moved you topic in the right section.
  20. Well first of all what's wrong ? Second of all the script you shown only create a col sphere and save it to a table so I assume it's more to it isn't it?
  21. Tekken


    Hello, by client you mean a client script file or the MTA client ?
  22. Hi, why not sending the code already? Also to do so you might need: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetDistanceBetweenPoints3D or a 'better' solution for me would be: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateColPolygon
  23. Hi, check this out, might help you https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:OnElementSpawn
  24. Tekken


    You can also use showChat( false/true )
  25. Hi, for better assistance we need to see the code
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