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botder last won the day on August 22 2024

botder had the most liked content!

About botder

  • Birthday 22/11/1995

Member Title

  • Godfather (The MTA Team)


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King of San Andreas

King of San Andreas (54/54)




Community Answers

  1. It didn't require any updates so far. Adding websockets to MTA natively would remove the node.js relay server requirement.
  2. The require function is disabled in MTA. Every script in your meta.xml shares the same global table _G, you don't have to import any scripts. If you define a global function in one script, it will be available in the other script - but you can't call functions directly on client/server from server/client respectively, you would have to use events.
  3. If you can't replicate something from an .ASI plugin then please report the missing functionality to offer an implementation for scripters. Also, the .asi plugins probably won't play along with the Anti-Cheat due to anti-memory tampering measures.
  4. Untick "Enable Device Selection Dialog" in video tab of settings
  5. You have to disable function inline'ing for Game SA and Multiplayer SA in Release config due to a compiler bug. You can find the setting under Project settings > C/C++ > Optimization > Inline Function Expansion, set it to Disabled (/Ob0) (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/47238hez.aspx) and recompile.
  6. You know that I did Pull Request testing recently and I am planing to do more? There were 30 open pull requests in this month. The problem with PRs was that nobody felt responsible for testing and merging or maybe had no time to do so. https://web.archive.org/web/20180112232210/https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue
  7. You could try to use Boot Camp to run an installation of Windows or any other way. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/MacOS
  8. botder

    Help me pls

    This particular function, which you copied from GitHub, is already given to you through the MTA functions. I gave you the link to the wiki and a little example function call how to do it, where did you get stuck? I mean, you only have to call the function hash with the first parameter being the algorithm as a string, in your case it should be "sha1", and the second parameter the to-be-hashed string. In your code you did sha1(password), replace it with hash("sha1", password). Work done and you don't have to include any third-party code to your resource.
  9. botder

    Help me pls

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Hash Use hash("sha1", "input")
  10. You can only create server-side modules. https://github.com/multitheftauto/multitheftauto-modules
  11. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Compiling_MTASA You don't have to copy anything from your Nightly installation. Running win-install-data.bat should download the most recent net.dll and netc.dll for your development purposes.
  12. A resource-pointer doesn't exist on clientside - you can't send "resources" to clientside. You can send resource root elements to clientside, but these will only work if the corresponding resource is running.
  13. botder

    Blurry text

    I can't help you with AMD, I own a NVIDIA card.
  14. botder

    Blurry text

    You have to change a setting in your GPU settings.For nvidia this is called "Optimize for computing power" or similiar. Turn it off.
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