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Everything posted by Dutchman101
Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic You're saying the type of ''crash'' is a game freeze. Please create a new text file in the MTA installation directory, and rename it ''debug'' so it will be debug.txt Wait for the next time MTA freezes, and then press left CTRL and right CTRL at the same time, holding them down simulaneously, MTA will then crash (with crash dialogue isntead of just a freeze up) then go to your MTA install directory > MTA > dumps > private and upload the most recent crashdump to: http://upload.mtasa.com and share the link in this topic.
Go to C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas 1.5\MTA\CEF and please zip up the whole directory. Then upload the .zip file to http://upload.mtasa.com and post the link in this topic.
1) Uninstall MTA (and manually completely delete the MTA San Andreas 1.5 install folder) 2) Temporarily disable your anti-virus/malware software (might silently quarantine cef files because of false positive.. or check Quarantaine or detected items first) 3) Re-download & reinstall MTA (don't deselect anything, keep complete install) 4) Before launching, rightclick MTA installation folder > properties > security tab, 'Edit' and select Full control over all checkboxes for ''Users'' group/and or your account name Try all that and let me know.
There was a row of patches making MTA more sensitive to corrupted gta3.img, you can verify 1.5.3 is runnable without this crash by 1) disabling auto-update in MTA settings, and then installing: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/mtasa-1.5.3-full_rc-11199-20170223.exe Let us know. Using 1.5.2 until those issues are nailed is far from ideal. Also, the nature of this underlying issue guarantees your GTA isn't unmodded (as said, corruption causes it for you). It simply can't happen with a 100% clean installation.
I hope you didn't solve that by evading, it looks like a global ban and without listed time-remaining that could be indefinite one, For that reason, mind telling me how you ''solved'' it barely a day later? And if you feel like it also give me your serial (press F8 > type ''serial'') so the problem could be investigated to prevent it from re-occuring.
General MTA > Other languages > Portuguese / Português https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/97-portuguese-português/ (marca páginas)
Movido o seu terceiro tópico / thread (este) que você postou na seção de Inglês. Pode ser seu último erro. Da próxima vez que você vai enfrentar advertência oficial / conseqüência.
Fixed, next time simply add the ''< >'' shortcut in the text editor: (and select LUA for highlighting)
This crash (0x000C9691) and the underlying mechanism is known to me, and most likely related to local mods to certain (vehicle) models that fail to load properly. Possibly this specific server, FFS, is interfering with your (corrupted/bad) installed mods by trying to replace them, or (pre)load them on connect where other servers you don't neccesarily encounter the mod you got installed except when you directly spawn or face this object or vehicle. (Assuming so as you said; the crash happens when you join FFS server). The crash more specifically is known to occur when your gta3 vehicle mod (one of them) is applied to a wrong vehicle type, like a train model on a car ID, and then the server (or another event/maybe even facing or loading it) tries to replace this original car ID with a car-type model again. (You can use this info if you want to try fix your mod install, however for a quick fix attempt I'd suggest starting with a clean install or even keeping it unmodded). Possibility 2 is that you have no existing, or unloadable (corrupted) model in your gta3.img which is being loaded/rendered at the server you're crashing on. (where the server doesn't neccesarily try to load a server-modded version of it) So the first solution to try would be re-installing GTA with a clean, non modded version. However, also please: Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic
@shay103 This is a progress show-off, even when it's not finished yet that belongs in the Resources section. It would only be appropiate for Scripting section if you also ask a set of concrete scripting questions on how to proceed/finish it, which you didn't. There's no need for that attitude, and those reporting the post to be moved were right. I suggest you cut off this argument or else it will be locked, and hope that you understand better now you're not right. No more fights after this (my) comment.
Why don't you just listen and follow all the steps as I provided, or else inform you didnt follow a certain one. Please follow the steps including removing that file.
Videocard. And make sure the slider for 'streaming memory' in MTA settings > Advanced, is set to max.
To solve this for players on your server, change <allow_gta3_img_mods>none</allow_gta3_img_mods> (in mtaserver.conf) into containing 'vehicles' in that setting. If you already have 'peds' listed, just separate with a bracket: ''peds,vehicles'' See how and when it was changed: https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/commit/38fdbb56f840325f1c4e101b8165b20808a9bfd9 The new description of the config line is: ''By default, the server will block the use of locally customized gta3.img player skins and vehicles'' So yes, the change is a decision to also block client vehicle mods by default. Server owners now opt whether to allow it or not.
MTA doesn't regulate bans for specific servers, so your assumption your ''MTA for CIT'' is still banned is wrong, atleast this means we can't help you here. If you're still getting a ban message while the staff at CIT tell you that you were successfully unbanned, it's a script or ban system problem at their side and you got to request help in a support topic or other way over there at CIT forums. (Assuming your interpretation of hearing you *should* already be unbanned and they took the steps to do so already... is true and correct)
It's not MTA's problem, but a technical problem on your PC, which we're trying to find. You said it ran fine for 2 days before it happened again; can you check if the Trainer.exe perhaps re-appeared in the GTA install directory? And once again, what's your MTA serial? ( @ccw )
His problem is already solved as he PM'ed me. @kaevix it would be good to also let us know how you fixed it. Was it the timecyc file? I wouldn't be surprised, because you said: ''It legitimately has to do with the time''
Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic Do you know if your GTA installation is in any way modded? Also go to MTA settings > Advanced, and make sure Streaming memory slider is set to max. Does it happen on a particular server or everywhere?
You're very unclear, guessing what you mean here's the answer: when you have GTA San Andreas installed, you can play MTA by yes, downloading it (the mod, as you named). Download MTA from the homepage (mtasa.com > Download) If that's not what you meant, explain better please.
Are you using ''trainer.exe'' in GTA install directory while running MTA? You're saying it started happening out of nowhere, but if you aren't using it manually, some GTA SA install dir file may auto-start trainer.exe, but for that your GTA install must be modded and then I don't think it ''started happening out of nowhere''. The provided gta_sa.exe is the correct one, and not modded, as ''EXEMOD'' indicates. Maybe trainer.exe is hooking into gta_sa.exe but for that, once again, something has to trigger trainer.exe. Start with deleting trainer.exe from your GTA install folder. What's your serial? (open MTA, press F8 and type ''serial'' & copy paste) The next step is to install a clean GTA. Judging from the MTADiag log you got some shady modded version as I suspected, and it, through some kind of mod, likely manages to run Trainer.exe (Assuming we believe you.. for this reason you also just gotta wait out until this ban expires too) 1) Completely uninstall GTA SA 2) Fresh install with official GTA SA disk 3) Uninstall MTA 4) Delete all MTA & GTA shortcuts (it may contain a run commandline in properties, redirecting to Trainer.exe) 5) Perform a full virus scan with your AV kaspersky 6) Re-download and install MTA
Just extract anywhere, and then run MTADiag.exe & follow the rest of my instructions. So you got EXEMOD detection before, and you've already re-installed GTA as you said. Tell me, did you re-install with retail (official) GTA disk or some shady downloaded version? Also, please run antivirus/malware scan as someone suggested before, to prevent a virus from infecting (modifying/adding malicious part) to the gta_sa.exe, although (incase of that) the code added in there is unlikely to be flagged by MTA anticheat as hack-like, so I still suspect you're using another gta_sa.exe rather than official or supported one. Before you do anything please upload your gta_sa.exe from GTA install directory to http://upload.mtasa.com and share the link in this topic. Also I'm afraid you'll just have to wait out the ban, but just make sure you don't try to run MTA again after it expires but incase we didn't find a solution here in this topic. You'll be re-banned and chances for more severe bans will only increase, if the issue is not yet solved. Just follow the instructions until you can run it. But until you post the MTADiag log I cannot do much, although 1 of the likely steps will be re-installing with a clean GTA and making sure it's from the official disk without pre-modding.
I don't believe from your last reply of second ban you're trying to/intend using a cheat twice, if so at 1. you'd already know it was detected. So i'm going to assist you under the assumption something is running that you're unaware of. 1) Did you install any GTA mods recently, are running a tool/app related to, or designed to aid or mod something in GTA To answer the last question, think back to when this problem started happening: did you change anything, or was it just an MTA update? Did you start getting AC # kicks first before the global bans? Did you start using something around these days. in combination with GTA:SA or MTA, that you thought was just useful/enhancement, and you don't suspect it of being this detected ''Trainer''? then still list it to me please. And also Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic
He's (also) running ancient MTA 1.1 which MTADiag detects as primary installation, to prevent that he should ensure MTA 1.5.3 is the last installation ran before launching MTADiag. However it's odd, as normally it should still detect 1.5.x when 1.1 is *also* installed, even more weird is that for a few directory queries MTADiag made on 1.5 folders, it returns nothing, as if files weren't present there. That would make it look like 1.5 isn't even installed. But as you cannot connect to your server with 1.1 client, are you sure he's not making up that error message? Or is he trying a random 1.1 server (if they are even still alive) believing it's yours, from which he got that error? It can also be possible he ran the MTADiag on the wrong PC, except for that or uninstallation of 1.5.3 in the midst, I cannot find clarification for why MTA 1.5.x isn't (doesnt seem to be) installed but 1.1 is. Also just to continue helping you, the primary goal has to be getting a proper MTADiag for the 1.5 installation.
Please download, extract and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic
You're completely on the wrong track, TS is not asking to cancel a ban-''kick'' when the ban system got that player as banned, nor if you meant to cancel-kick joins (I wouldnt be surprised if you mean this as your other comments also make little sense) as he wants the players to persist while drawing that information screen about ban details. I've read your other replies in here and I don't think its really contributing
The goal should then be preventing the player from doing anything useful on your server such as playing, giving them nothing to interact with as that matches the purpose of a ban. So then, any resource from A to Z making part of your gamemode should be intercepted if the player is ''banned'' through this system, aka from the chat to spawning should be cancelled/disabled if the ''banned'' player is listed in your script's ban data storage. So the principle isnt all that complicated, just add a check on all existing scripts that give interactive experience, or spawning as player, if their serial is listed they are 'banned' and you just draw them the screen showing ban details and acknownledgement they are banned. Don't give them anything but that and they can just idle and stare at their fate. Spawning them inside a jail and taking away any interaction or usage of scripts can be an alternative that comes down to the same, if you're looking for a replacement of the MTA ban system with something like this.