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MTA Anti-Cheat Team
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Everything posted by Dutchman101

  1. Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yrjnjrkrkg7c6n/servicing.bat?dl=1 and rightclick > Run as Administrator. Let it complete, it will close itself once done, and reboot. Try again without Tunnelbear after that and let me know @MajszteR
  2. @Xabache, MTA isn't going to change/add something just because you feel like duct-taping your issues. As others have said, everything that can be executed from F8, can be executed from chat too, albeit without a slash. So if you want to hide console to cover up vulnerabilities on your server, where players can clearly access commands they shouldn't, then it's almost like conveniently hiding a whole tab in Admin panel, without actually restricting the individual function rights in that tab, thinking that it serves your purposes because they can't click buttons when the tab is greyed out. That's something similar and just an unrelated example, but it's just as dangerous as what you're trying to do. It's not safe to rely on hiding input channels (as you said, you may not have a regular chat either) because it takes a hacked client/improvisely written LUA injector just 1 query to un-hide chat, F8 console, or a tab (as from the similar case i wrote about) or just straight out execute the command/func that is vulnerable in your ACL. The security issue with your ACL will remain, and can cause issues even beyond hacked clients. So, laziness will be rewarded with hacks such as that happened last week and which you've told about. In your case, the ''admin'' command (whether in chatbox or F8 console) is equivalent to pressing ''P'' to open adminpanel, so I assume you just removed or restricted the ''P'' bind before the breach occured. If you really think that is the way to restrict something like that, I would expect you had just registered with 2 posts and weren't a scripter.. Anyways as has been said several times, we can only help you solve your security issue if you provide us your ACL.xml, please only continue posting if you're willing to.
  3. If your staff system works with ACL's, you can use https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Authorized_Serial_Account_Protection and if it doesn't you can easily make it to, or set all staff accounts to a newly created ACL to then enable it for that (without said ACL needing to carry any default admin rights, incase it's handled by your custom admin system) Open mtaserver.conf and find <auth_serial_groups> and change the ACL group name below as neccesary. If the line doesn't exist, then add it <auth_serial_groups>Admin</auth_serial_groups> Now, every time a member of that ACL tries to login, it has to be from a PC (serial) they used previously. If it isn't, you'll have to write "authserial [accountname]" in server console first before they'll be able to login. And ofcourse you can create a script that locks specified accounts to known serials but authserial method is more convenient, unless absolutely neccesary not to (ex. when you're using accountsystem that has no ties to MTA hardcoded account system). @alvarkiis
  4. Due to technical GTA limitations, you can't really change helicopter speed in MTA by editing handling, in single player it's only achievable by modding your gta_sa.exe. Because that's infact possible, maybe MTA will remove the hardcoded heli speedcap in future too, by patching memory addresses that singleplayer modders use for this. But currently it's not possible. However, some/most planes can be affected after you first use https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetAircraftMaxVelocity and then set better handling. The effect is most noticably on planes like hydra or shamal, and even more so when you also set ''1G'' and ''2G'' boost handling flags, while some planes are hardcoded to have no noticable speed improvement, or just agility changes (possibly with heli's too depending on how you modify it, but no significant speed-up) @benwilkins
  5. If you're running Linux, here's a method: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/99061-guide-how-to-make-autorestart-using-cron-debianubuntu/ @dima3367
  6. You (known as MrMattias/mattias there) were banned for DDoS'ing a MTA server community, you sent this server (called SAES:RPG) pictures of you DDOS attacking them. (Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/zExBY) The host which you attacked powers both their forums and gameserver. DDoS'ers are simply disgusting, for that reason you can get globally MTA banned for such illegal activity. I hope you understand why you were dealt with now. Your ban will be turned into temporarily, though. Moved to Trash @TRAMPE210
  7. No, it only deletes .tmp files if you give explicit permission, I don't think that picture is MTADiag. I will get back to you about the issues soon.
  8. Executables can react differently to injection of malicious code, once again, the virus attempts to keep the .exe's working. There's no way around what I said, that is how it is and you know the only way to resolve it. All that I said are facts. I wish you good luck with fixing your infected PC
  9. Your PC is infected by a virus that's capable of infecting random .exe files on your PC. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/threats/malware-encyclopedia-description?name=Virus%3AWin32%2FJeefo.A Win32.Jeefo.A: ''Win32/Jeefo is a parasitic file-infector virus. The virus infects Microsoft Windows portable executable (PE) files that are greater than or equal to 102,400 bytes long. When an infected PE file runs, the virus tries to run the original content of the file.'' ''tries to run'' is cursive, because your gta_sa.exe is so much corrupted by the virus due to it injecting malicious code, that it fails to run and results in the error you're getting. Scan results for your uploaded .exe: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/279b34db4290d8e71ac5496a22f9377083fd6186d147e1ecf843c28ed944fb00/detection It's a systematic infection, so just replacing gta_sa.exe won't solve it: you must run anti-virus and anti-malware scan, and find some removal/damage recovery guides aimed at the Win32.Jeefo virus. @gcxgvc
  10. you could make the clientside script rely heavily on serverside, and then make the serverside perform remote calls to your external host (''command & control'') so that the script only functions when said server returns a positive response. This way, you can keep a list of script buyers, and add unique ID's for each customer into your server's DB and the serverside script, so you can stop the script from working for specific customers/users who didn't buy it. Make the server that runs the resource forward its IP to your webserver. If you see multiple server IP's are using a resource with just one ID (or you made the system detect this automatically), you can disable it from working, trace said ID back to a customer, and inform them they breached your policy because their version of the resource somehow ended up leaked/spread, and that the consequence is their script to be forcefully disabled. (add it to your disclaimer..) Then, in order to shut down their script from working, you simply make the webserver return a negative response to the resource contacting with said ID, leading to end end end : ) Keep in mind that in order for this approach to work, you'll need to make each script file for customers unique (add the ID as key in code) and ofcourse compile all of it so that they can't just strip the security checks to interrupt the resource from working. Ofcourse this is theoretically possible and the solution, but the question is: do you really want to go into these lenghts just to secure a bunch of resources? Creating a whole API just for that? @PolskiSebek12
  11. You can run a public server without hamachi, you will just need to open your ports.
  12. 1) Re-run MTADiag and make sure to press 'y' when it asks to allow system changes. It can take a while, wait for it to finish and proceed to MTA-specific loggin on its own. Reboot your PC after that. 2) Download, extract & apply this BIOS update for your laptop model: http://whp-aus1.cold.extweb.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp77001-77500/sp77233.exe (be careful, to not interrupt power or turn it off, and have your battery charged well enough) because others reported the same issue with your outdated version. Reboot your PC after that. 3) Download & install the following drivers: - https://downloadmirror.intel.com/27412/a08/win64_15.60.2.4901.exe (graphics) - https://downloadmirror.intel.com/20775/eng/SetupChipset.exe (chipset) - https://downloadmirror.intel.com/27400/eng/SetupRST.exe (chipset) - http://12244.wpc.azureedge.net/8012244/drivers/rtdrivers/pc/audio/0009-64bit_Win7_Win8_Win81_Win10_R282.exe (realtek HD audio) There's some ''bad driver'' and BSOD's visible in your logs, but it's not specific so let's make sure no corrupt drivers are present (they can cause the issue you describe) by also installing these: - http://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp81501-82000/sp81891.exe - http://12244.wpc.azureedge.net/8012244/drivers/rtdrivers/cn/wlan/0001-RTLWlanE_WindowsDriver_2023.56.0502.2017.L.zip - http://12244.wpc.azureedge.net/8012244/drivers/rtdrivers/cn/nic/0019-Install_Win10_10023_12252017.zip After following all instructions, please re-generate a MTADiag log and provide it. @Speedz9
  13. If you use hamachi just to play with friends and not have others from the internet join, then that error is meaningless, with hamachi you cannot establish a connection with masterserver due to it's nature. All you got to do is the same as yesterday: provide your local hamachi IP + MTA server port, so they can join directly instead of by server name. Failure to query master server won't prevent your friends from joining that way. If you want a public server and that to succeed, hamachi isn't the right thing to use. @xSeba69
  14. The kick message explains it, the server owner added a script kicking everyone who'se not from the country he wants his players to be. ''Sorry, this server is only for CZ / SK!'' so basically it's checking your country based on IP. Maybe using a VPN located in that country will make it work, or ask the server owner if it's really needed to geoblock. However, i just noticed you're from SK so you should be able to join, possibly their script checking your country has a faulty IP2C source, report the issue to server owner as it shouldn't be blocking you individually. @Adamec189
  15. Please be clear about the exact problem, if you mean the heli on the screenshot; it's just that multiple helis were spawned at the same spot, so that they spawn into eachother and result in it appearing like that. If it's a set spawnpoint, make sure the coordinate for each heli to spawn is atleast some meters away from the other. @Victorunda
  16. It is your computer's problem, not MTA's fault, you just didn't find out about it yet. Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Press 'y' when asked to allow making changes, and 'n' when otherwise asked to. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic.
  17. Restore your gta_sa.exe to default, as the version you're using is unknown and may not handle MTA traffic properly. Then, update your network adapter's driver: https://www.ath-drivers.eu/download-driver-for-Atheros-chipset-with-id-83-and-Windows10-64bit.html and after doing that, open a new text file and paste in the following contents: (open spoiler) Click file > Save As, select ''All file types'' and save it named ''netreset.bat''. Now rightclick the file where you saved it, and select 'Run as Administrator'. Reboot your PC and see if the issue is fixed. @Nighthawk141
  18. Dutchman101


    Create a new text file in MTA installation folder root (C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5) and name it ''debug'', so it will become debug.txt. Then, when it next freezes, hold left CTRL + right CTRL simultaneously and then release, MTA will crash and a dump will be generated. Provide me the dump, upload the most recent .dmp from C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\MTA\dumps\private to http://upload.mtasa.com and post the link in this topic. @badam
  19. Please zip up the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\MTA\dumps\ and upload it to http://upload.mtasa.com, then paste the link in this topic. @ldierek
  20. 1) Re-install GTA with a clean, unmodded version (make sure to completely delete the GTA install folder, not just uninstall - as the models folder is bloated with improperly added mods taking up alot of space) 2) Update with these drivers: - https://downloadmirror.intel.com/24971/a08/win64_152824.exe (graphics driver) - http://whp-hou4.cold.extweb.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp62501-63000/sp62585.exe (audio driver) - https://downloadmirror.intel.com/27400/eng/SetupRST.exe & https://downloadmirror.intel.com/20018/a08/infinst_autol.zip (chipset drivers) - https://downloadmirror.intel.com/27239/a08/WiFi_Win7_64_19.70.0.exe After that, run MTADiag again, press ''y'' initially to allow it making system changes, and then generate a new MTADiag log to provide in this topic. Try if the lagspikes are solved and let me know the results. @Dowsha
  21. You got banned for using paid DayZ cheats, so there's nothing to ''turn off'' as having/running that proves your intentions, since it's a MTA-designed cheat. However unfortunately for you it's always detected.. No unban, wait 1 month. Next time you try to use it, the ban will be longer or permanent. @KPOBb
  22. Dutchman101

    Dannon My Ass

    You're using a leaked gamemode (OwlGaming, a more recent leak as successor of Valhalla) which has built-in backdoors. The backdoors are found in multiple compiled-and-encrypted script files (not just in a single resource), and contain a SQL write procedure to dump the database and name all players ''Danoon_My_Ass'', etcetera. Several commands allows any outsider (non-admin) to elevate his access and do that to the DB. However, here we're not supporting leaks so I can at most give you that hint, only because criminal damage is being inflicted to you and not because I sympathise with leakusers. Using a leaked gamemode is wrong and may even be subjected to consequences, but seen the amounts of servers using a oG leak (thus vulnerable), I couldn't abstain from sharing with you what really happened. The good news is, that because said script files are also encrypted, no one knows the backdoor's commands but maybe a former head dev from the leak's origin and eventually who he shared it with, so me posting this yields no more risks than already is present, despite the amounts of vulnerable leak-using servers. You're not entitled to any (script) support while using a leaked gamemode, so this will be the last thing said on this subject. However, you could use information from this post to identify script files enabling the backdoor. @salah7boss
  23. Let's wait for a possible next crash, if it doesn't happen again let me know; your GPU first ''supported'' 4294967296 colors (sounds corrupted), and now 65535 after updating the driver. Still, devices such as your GPU, CPU etc aren't queryable by MTADiag (Windows API) so there's some sort of persistent corruption within your OS, but we already knew that. I noticed that you didn't allow MTADiag to make system changes, please do that with pressing ''y'' when it first asks (and let that process complete..) I previously told you that if nothing tried here solves the problem, you could try using a clean GTA installation. If that is also to no avail, then the corruption is buried too deeply within your OS, the last thing you can try in that case is using DDU (download from: http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html) to completely uninstall the Intel GPU driver without traces left, and then re-install it with the earlier downloaded driver.
  24. Install these drivers; http://12244.wpc.azureedge.net/8012244/drivers/rtdrivers/pc/audio/0009-64bit_Win7_Win8_Win81_Win10_R282.exe https://downloadmirror.intel.com/27412/a08/win64_15. Also rightclick the sound icon on taskbar while MTA is running, then select ''Sound mixer'' and make sure MTA application volume isn't turned down, this is a common and easily overlooked mistake. If it still won't work after all that, go to Documents > GTA San Andreas userfiles and delete gta_sa.set & start MTA to regenerate it, then make sure in MTA sound settings everything is turned up too. @iLuminaToR98
  25. Download these drivers; GPU: http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/driver/drvs/2013/02/20541202_69255649c39c0b2eeaa72014f7cfb1c4fd673ae1.cab Chipset: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/downloads/eula/20018/INF-Update-Utility-Primarily-for-Intel-6-5-4-3-900-Series-Chipsets-Zip-Format?httpDown=https%3A%2F%2Fdownloadmirror.intel.com%2F20018%2Fa08%2Finfinst_autol.zip After installing these, run MTADiag again so I can see if it correctly detects the hardware now (it didn't with your last log). Try running MTA for a while after updating the drivers, and if you get the crash again, then install a clean un-modded GTA. Also after running DISM (Vista's replacement) didn't you forget to run the other command, sfc /scannow in cmd? That was part of the instructions, and it's vital to repair a possibly corrupt d3d9.dll, which is an OS file. Besides that, be aware it's better to just leave Vista behind, as ancient it is.
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