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Everything posted by K4stic

  1. First Call me with Nick Second if you not Understand what do the script them don't talk Third This Script not make Peds or Haverster on Farmer Place they Just do if you have haverster and touch Ped or Player them he will die it's just make the Haverster More Real so it's Good for RP servers
  2. Jackob like always you makking awesome Maps Good Job
  3. They work 100% for Peds and players i test it and lopezloo Good Job and Perfect idea it's Very Good for Rp server to make it more real
  4. Here you are! without Join and quit Messages: Click Here to Download! with Join and Quit Messages: Click Here to Download!
  5. it's Very Good and Pro map for Race Gamemode so Good job!
  6. lol Hard and cool map Good Job
  7. How remove the hud? that hud down right that saying how much zombies want you mind
  8. Anyway Thanks you TAPL for Trying Help me I solve the prob
  9. that's the most strange they nothing show
  10. they are most new not admin2 and ACL is Ok i'm not modify the admin and it show only 2 tabs and not any button work
  11. Guys Help me Please i don't know what to Do http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/265/rx96.png all admin files are in folder but they not work and shows only that you see in Photo not any button work anyone know how solve it?
  12. K4stic


    Anyone Know what's is the ID or Marker? becausell all objects .dff that in gt3.img is and in MTA so they have an file called cylinder.dff i want to know the model ID of it to replace it
  13. Sorry but how you trying fix it if the script are compiled ?
  14. K4stic

    Help .

    you need a script
  15. K4stic

    Help SQL plis

    To work that i make it's easy do the next (it's the same example that you give with little edit) function getAccountZkill ( account ) local result = exports["server"]:dbQueryZA( "SELECT * FROM zkills WHERE account = ?", tostring ( account ) ) return tostring ( result ) end
  16. K4stic

    Help SQL plis

    Try This: local connection = nil addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) connection = dbConnect( "sqlite", "database/database.db" ) if ( connection )then outputDebugString ( "Successfully connected to database.db" ) else outputDebugString ( "Failed to connect to database.db", 3 ) end end ) function dbQueryZA( ... ) if (not connection ) then return false, "Couldn't connect to SQLite database." else local hadler = dbQuery( connection, ... ) return dbPoll( hadler, -1 ) end end function dbExecZA( monkey, ... ) if ( not connection ) then return false, "Couldn't connect to SQLite database." else return dbExec( connection, monkey, ... ) end end
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