local xmlFile = xmlLoadFile ( xmlFileName ) <= line 2
instead on give it xmlFileName you must add the location of life example xmlLoadFile ( "FileName.xml" )
Not complete there is one at line 42 too.
gghvc: replace thePlayer by source on line 42:
givePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, 1700 )
and 54:
givePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, 1700 )
and stop copying and pasting without knowing what you are actually doing.
Sorry i just find a line of the bug and solve it My Mistake that i wasen't see and others. Also it Bad Coded you can reduse lot of lines there
function getAliveGuys ( mode )
if not mode then return end
pAlive = { };
if mode == 1 then
for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do
if ( getElementData ( player, "state" ) == "alive" ) then
table.insert ( pAlive, player );
return pAlive;
elseif mode == 2 then
return #pAlive;
elseif mode == 3 then
if pAlive then
pAlive = nil;
return false
by logic the table must be up i mean before asked if mode == blabla as all modes use that table
I recommend Vortex Servers, because they cheap giving a Good Security[ about DDoS and etc], Server no lag and Everythink is Berfect
P.S Lag that you getting from server it's your fault because of Big Distance from Server that locating the player for example
if you Host a server in United Kindom just all American will have little slow speed but Players in Europe will have Good speed