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Everything posted by K4stic

  1. Use there Functions: playSound getPlayerTeam fadeCamera
  2. Cool map,Unique Ideas That's Perfect, Good Job i love the part 2:34 - 2:50
  3. or pay a Scripter to do that for you
  4. K4stic

    lua - html

    use PHP and MySQL for web Them use Lua at server to make a list ex creating a Lua script that will every 10 min take data of all players in Server (Name,Money,Ping etc) to MySQL Database Them at Forum use PHP to get that data drom MySQL
  5. K4stic


    Learn Lua and make self or pay an Scripter to he make for you the scripts
  6. 1. i say Thx it's fixed 2. i was need that to them resource start to that apply all every Car with this ID not them enter a Player to car
  7. The images Selling Login Panel? that have only Register,Login and play as guest functions? realy? ( i only that see in picture )
  8. Thx it's work P.S i'm bad understand the ipairs
  9. i want up only to carID 596: maxVelocity,driveType,engineAcceleration,numberOfGears and it's saying Error at line 3: function speedup() for i, vehicleiD in ipairs ( getElementsByType("vehicle") ) do local Type = ( getElementType ( i ) == "vehicle" ) if ( Type and getVehicleModelFromName( i ) == 596 ) then local handlingTable = getVehicleHandling ( i ) local newVelocity = ( handlingTable["maxVelocity"] + ( handlingTable["maxVelocity"] / 100 * 40 ) ) setVehicleHandling ( i, "numberOfGears", 5 ) setVehicleHandling ( i, "driveType", 'awd' ) setVehicleHandling ( i, "maxVelocity", newVelocity ) setVehicleHandling ( i, "engineAcceleration", handlingTable["engineAcceleration"] +8 ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, speedup )
  10. K4stic


    You search Free or with payment Scripter?
  11. Creative Bro you make an Awesome Record,Perfect Stunts! and this map is Very Good
  12. use This: function takeLSD ( player ) if ( player == localPlayer )then setPedWalkingStyle(localPlayer,120) setTimer(setPedWalkingStyle,60000,1,localPlayer,54) setTimer(setGameSpeed,60000,1,1) setTimer(triggerServerEvent,60000,1,"removeLsd", localPlayer) setTimer(setElementData,60000,1,localPlayer,"LsdT",false) end end addEvent( "takeLsd", true ) addEventHandler( "takeLsd", getRootElement(), takeLSD ) function countDrug( source ) local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) lsdC = getAccountData(acc, "LSD") if ( lsdC ) then setAccountData(acc, "LSD", tonumber(lsdC)-1) setPedAnimation( source, "BAR", "dnk_stndM_loop") setTimer(setPedAnimation,3000,1,source, nil, nil) triggerClientEvent( source, "takeLsd", getRootElement() ) outputChatBox("1 hit of lsd used",source) else outputChatBox("you don't haveany hit of lsd",source) end end addCommandHandler("lsd", countDrug)
  13. K4stic

    Help pls!!!

    Try This: gMe = getLocalPlayer(); gRoot = getRootElement(); gResRoot = getResourceRootElement( getThisResource () ); btn = {}; ipodCoor = { moving={}, pos={} }; addEvent( "clientReceiveMusicTable", true ); local sound = {} addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", gResRoot, function () outputChatBox( "Press 'i' to open your iPod", 0, 255, 0 ); ipod = guiCreateStaticImage( 1.0, 0.2279, 0.1916, 0.4036, "ipod.png", true ); --0.7744 ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = false; ipodCoor.pos[ipod] = "out"; songDisplay = guiCreateGridList( 0.0671, 0.0245, 0.8504, 0.4663, true, ipod ); btn[1] = guiCreateButton( 0.64, 0.67, 0.15, 0.05, "Abspielen", true, ipod ); btn[2] = guiCreateButton( 0.185, 0.67, 0.15, 0.05, "Stop", true, ipod ); btn[3] = guiCreateButton( 0.42, 0.825, 0.15, 0.05, "vD", true, ipod ); btn[4] = guiCreateButton( 0.42, 0.525, 0.15, 0.05, "vU", true, ipod ); for i=1,4 do guiSetAlpha( btn[i], 1.0 ); guiSetFont( btn[i], "default-small" ); end; songList = guiGridListAddColumn( songDisplay, "My Songs", 0.85 ); triggerServerEvent( "serverLoadMusicTable", gMe ); addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", gRoot, function () local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( gMe ) if source == btn[1] then local selSong = guiGridListGetItemData( songDisplay, guiGridListGetSelectedItem( songDisplay ) ); if selSong then if not sound then triggerServerEvent ( "createSound", root, selSong, theVehicle) else stopSound(sound[source]); triggerServerEvent ( "createSound", root, selSong, theVehicle) end; end; elseif source == btn[2] then if sound then stopSound(sound[source]); sound = nil; end; elseif source == btn[4] then if music then setSoundVolume( music, getSoundVolume( music ) + 0.25 ); if getSoundVolume( music ) > 1 then setSoundVolume( music, 1 ); end; end; elseif source == btn[3] then if music then setSoundVolume( music, getSoundVolume( music ) - 0.25 ); if getSoundVolume( music ) < 0 then setSoundVolume( music, 0 ); end; end; end; end ) bindKey( "i", "down", function () if ipodCoor.moving[ipod] == false then if ipodCoor.pos[ipod] == "out" then showCursor( true, false ); ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = true; addEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, openIPod ); toggleControl( "fire", false ); else showCursor( false, false ); ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = true; addEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, closeIPod ); toggleControl( "fire", true ); end; end; end ) end ) function openIPod() local x, y = guiGetPosition( ipod, true ); guiSetPosition( ipod, x - 0.01, y, true ); if x < 0.775 then ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = false; ipodCoor.pos[ipod] = "in"; removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, openIPod ); end; end; function closeIPod() local x, y = guiGetPosition( ipod, true ); guiSetPosition( ipod, x + 0.01, y, true ); if x > 1.0 then guiSetPosition( ipod, 1.0, y, true ); ipodCoor.moving[ipod] = false; ipodCoor.pos[ipod] = "out"; removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", gRoot, closeIPod ); end; end; addEventHandler( "clientReceiveMusicTable", gRoot, function ( mTable ) if mTable == nil then triggerServerEvent( "serverLoadMusicTable", gMe ); else for _, v in ipairs ( mTable ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow( songDisplay ); local streamtable = split(v, ';') guiGridListSetItemText( songDisplay, row, 1, streamtable[2], false, false ); guiGridListSetItemData ( songDisplay, row, 1, streamtable[1]); outputChatBox(streamtable[2].." has ben added to your ipod", getLocalPlayer()); end; guiGridListAutoSizeColumn( songDisplay, 1 ); guiBringToFront( songDisplay ); end; end ) addEvent ( "createSoundClient", true ) addEventHandler ( "createSoundClient", root, function ( id, theVehicle ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(theVehicle) sound[source] = playSound3D(id, x, y, z ) attachElements ( sound[source], theVehicle ) end )
  14. K4stic

    Help pls!!!

    try use destroyElement(sound) [some times work better than stopSound]
  15. function arrestGui ( player, arrest ) if ( player == localPlayer ) then outputChatBox ( "client arrest " .. arrest ) guiSetVisible(windowArrest, true) showCursor(true) guiSetText ( GUIEditor_Label[2],"arrests:"..arrest ) end end addEvent( "onArrestRequest", true ) addEventHandler( "onArrestRequest", getRootElement(), arrestGui ) Just then you tigger to open gui use double the player ellement example: triggerClientEvent( "onArrestRequest", player, player, arrest )
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