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Everything posted by K4stic

  1. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=8448 They isn't real athors and uploaded without permision of real athor DONE
  2. in MTA wiki says oxygen: the amount of oxygen you want to set on the ped. Native values are from 0 to 1000 (At the maximum value of UNDERWATER_STAMINA full oxygen level is 2500. Higher values do not appear in the HUD). but if it's 250 them copy my code again and test But Correct setPlayerOxygen to 1000 them replace in my code the 2.5 to 10
  3. it's simple and easy :3 addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() local oxygen = string.format( "%.0f", (getPedOxygenLevel ( localPlayer ) ) ) -- i remake it to it give correct value of oxygen without decimals i mean like 1.0000147 dxDrawRectangle(900, 94, 266, 20, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), true) dxDrawRectangle(901, 95, (oxygen/2.5)*26.5, 18, tocolor(8, 154, 246, 255), true) end )
  4. K4stic


    Just a Amizing and Unique Hud Good Job. Keep it Up
  5. i[R]anLee* Bro This is Amazing Map, it's fo Fandastic Map i realy love it Coo Style and Deco
  6. may because you cahnge the time of spawn because of default it must be 5 zombies per second if spawn by pozitions, 6 seconds if spawn little away fro. player
  7. agree since like 1 year CIT are Craped they just fuck up it
  8. K4stic

    2 questions

    Why the fuck you need it? you need the marker or any other shit? function start() marker = createMarker(1000, 1250.1, 13.6, "cylinder", 2, 25, 60, 95, 125) triggerClientEvent( root, "JobSystem.CreateCustomBlip", root, 1000, 1250.1, 18, 18, "images/medic.png" ) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, start )
  9. K4stic

    2 questions

    marker = createMarker(1000, 1250.1, 13.6, "cylinder", 2, 25, 60, 95, 125) the data on trigger getting from marker used onClientResourceStart any else need? i think that wasen't need
  10. K4stic

    2 questions

    1. How to calculate percents( % ) ? I mean i have number a = 100 and number b = 20 the number b must be the % or a and return result ex. 80 2. what wrong i do here? Serverside: triggerClientEvent( root, "JobSystem.CreateCustomBlip", root, x, y, 18, 18, "images/medic.png" ) ClientSide: addEvent("JobSystem.CreateCustomBlip", true) addEventHandler("JobSystem.CreateCustomBlip", root, function ( x, y, w, h, pach ) exports.customblips:createCustomBlip( x, y, w, h, path, 400 ) end ) ERROR saying Serverside trigger Clientside event JobSystem.CreateCustomBlip, but event is not added Clientside
  11. To make multi-Gamemode is Hard you must found realy Pro Scripter that have Time to make it but and it will not cost free or will have low price.
  12. K4stic

    Moving Gui

    i want it to resize gui to 0 and them close but it's only close without any resize
  13. K4stic

    Moving Gui

    -- Gui sizes = 266, 450 function closePanel() local x, y = guiGetSize ( window, false ) if ( y - 15 ) > 0 then guiSetSize( window, x, y - 15, false ) else guiSetSize( window, x, 0, false) guiSetVisible ( window, false) removeEventHandler ( "onClientPreRender", root, closePanel ) end end function openPanelPrepair() addEventHandler( "onClientPreRender", root, openPanel ) end That stuck at 4th line don't know why [ No eny Errors in Debugscript 3 ]
  14. function createCar () car = createVehicle (.....) end Just remove the local to do it there is code ^
  15. 1 think we talk about MTA physics not Real life so try my code to get rotation you can use SetElementRotation( blabla, rotation ) or return rotation
  16. z it's just up or down they not used as rotation thing
  17. K4stic

    dx edit

    Not Avaible any Event handler with name 'onClientDXClick' avaible 'onClientGUIClick'
  18. if the script1 file it's in same folder with the script2 file then instead of use tiggerEvent you can use function name ( elements ) example: function blabla( player ) if isElement( player ) then return true else return false end end function blabla2 () -- insteat of use triggerEvent [ This is just one example you can use it and for more things ] if ( blabla( localPlayer ) == true ) then blabla else blabla end end
  19. use this: ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( x - px ), ( y - py ) ) ) ) % 360 example: x, y, z = getElementPosition( player ) px, py, pz = getElementPosition( player2 ) local rotation = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( x - px ), ( y - py ) ) ) ) % 360
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