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Everything posted by K4stic

  1. addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, function () for i, theBlip in pairs( getElementsByType("player") ) do if ( isElement( i ) ) and not ( i == localPlayer ) then if ( getElementData( localPlayer, "gang" ) ) and ( getElementData( i, "gang" ) ) then if ( getElementData( localPlayer, "gang" ) == getElementData( i, "gang" ) and ( i ~= localPlayer ) and not groupBlips[theBlip]) then if not ( groupBlips[i] ) then local Tx, Ty, Tz = getElementPosition( theBlip ) groupBlips[i] = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip(Tx, Ty, 10, 10, "blips/groupblip.png", 1500) attachElements ( groupBlips[i], i ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipRadarScale ( groupBlips[i], 2 ) end end end else if ( isElement( groupBlips[i] ) ) then exports.customblips:destroyCustomBlip ( groupBlips[i] ) groupBlips[thePlayer] = nil end end if ( getElementAlpha( i ) == 0 ) then setBlipColor( theBlip, 225, 225, 225, 0 ) if ( isElement( groupBlips[i] ) ) then exports.customblips:destroyCustomBlip ( groupBlips[i] ) groupBlips[i] = nil end else local R, G, B = getTeamColor( getPlayerTeam( i ) ) setBlipColor( theBlip, R, G, B, 225 ) end end end ) No error's nothing just then resource start they create blip but no attach it :3
  2. say line error and post full whole Script code
  3. K4stic

    blip table :3

    Thanks it's work now
  4. K4stic

    blip table :3

    for ID in pairs(blips) do local x, y, z = blips[ID][1], blips[ID][2], blips[ID][3] if blips[1] and blips[2] and blips[3] and blips[4] and blips[5] and blips[6] and blips[7] and blips[8] and blips[9] and blips[10] and blips[11] and blips[12] then local blipizza = createBlip ( x, y, z, 29, 0.5, 0 ,0, 0, 0, 0, 400 ) setBlipSize ( blipizza, 0.5 ) end if blips[13] and blips[14] and blips[15] and blips[16] and blips[17] and blips[18] and blips[19] and blips[20] and blips[21] and blips[22] and blips[23] and blips[24] then local blipcluckinbell = createBlip ( x, y, z, 14, 0.5, 0 ,0, 0, 0, 0, 400 ) setBlipSize ( blipcluckinbell, 0.5 ) end if blips[25] and blips[26] and blips[27] and blips[28] and blips[29] and blips[30] and blips[31] and blips[32] and blips[33] and blips[34] then local blipburgershot = createBlip ( x, y, z, 10, 0.5, 0 ,0, 0, 0, 0, 400 ) setBlipSize ( blipburgershot, 0.5 ) end end The Prob is that is making all blip id same how solve it? ( it make all blips id 10 = BurgerShot Blip )
  5. How i can do to know if player change interior?
  6. realy? follow better the instructions for me it's work Perfect
  7. CReative Long time not see you Bro
  8. be sure that login panel folden called login_register to be same with
  9. K4stic

    Vehicle Help

    How get from one Vehicle the max speed that it can reach? and calculate for it RPM
  10. sorry for double post but Pαίй and me post almost at same time
  11. function openClass() local thePlayer = getPlayerAccount(source) if (thePlayer) then local Class = getAccountData(thePlayer, "theClass") setElementData(source, "theClass", Class) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(), openClass) function saveClass( ) if (isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) then else local account = getPlayerAccount (source) if (account) then local theClass = getElementData(source, "Class") setAccountData(thePlayer,"theClass", theClass) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, saveClass)
  12. Thank you skipper, how you enjoying your server so far? Perfect i love VXS Host
  13. K4stic

    player sync

    They will stop lose health but still can be killed if he/she in car and car blowed or can be killed by stealth kill(knife,katana) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, function(attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss) cancelEvent() end ) so for Stealth kill you can use addEventHandler("onClientPlayerStealthKill", localPlayer, function (targetPlayer) cancelEvent() end )
  14. Vortex Servers are Best HOst who i have see Perfect Speed Fast answers on Ticket's 24/7 working fair and good Prices server up time 96.86% ( i think can be better if you up it for 1% or 2% ) 1 bads accepting ony paypal and cashU anyway Perfect HOST i'm Happy
  15. K4stic

    3D text

    Just Idea because error saying line 12 local defdd = 6 if ( dist < 6 ) then make it like 10 no 6
  16. Download from Community one save system
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