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Everything posted by K4stic

  1. K4stic


    i just asking because i bad know string.gsub i read about it on Lua.org but still no understand it
  2. K4stic


    i have this code and i wan't make it smaller guiSetText ( blabla, string.gsub ( guiGetText( blabla ), "%p", "" ) ) guiSetText ( blabla, string.gsub ( guiGetText( blabla ), "%s", "" ) ) guiSetText ( blabla, string.gsub ( guiGetText( blabla), "%a", "" ) ) so it will like that? is correct? guiSetText ( blabla, string.gsub ( guiGetText( blabla ), "%p%s%a", "" ) )
  3. i need it like luac.exe and no online compiler
  4. Guys i need an Good compiler because now the SciTe Compiler on MTA not work, i need an compiler like this https://luac.multitheftauto.com/
  5. i was make fail sorry i just have other thinks anyway i fix the code and add meta.xml
  6. you can see all info here about Development Mode=> Click Here! and Here my Example: client.lua addCommandHandler("devmode", function ( ) if ( getDevelopmentMode( ) == false ) then setDevelopmentMode( true ) else setDevelopmentMode( false ) end end ) meta.xml
  7. K4stic

    An Question

    like i say i use onPlayerQuit so is Server side the save system not client -.-"
  8. K4stic

    An Question

    My server realy on newest Version
  9. K4stic

    An Question

    i use Event onPlayerQuit to save the Data but if a Player have MTA Crash they not save what to do? if you can give and an example
  10. I was remember that one day i find here a Zombie resource that allow spawn zombies at 1 place where i wan't and zombies can't spawn out of that arrea or quit from it Can you help me find it?
  11. i don't know about zGaming Host But VortexServers is cheap and Trustable so i comment you use VortexServers
  12. fail ---- if the lua is server side
  13. Bro this is the most Epic and Coll map that you make and Thanks for download link
  14. it do that then openning gui
  15. for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( isPedInVehicle( player ) == true ) and ( getVehicleType( source ) == "Automobile" ) then transport = "Automobile" end end getVehicleType not work :3 what wrong i do? ( not full code )
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