there aren't accounts made with MTA so you can't track players, but the servers can run record scripts wich can display the fastest times on races, so this kind of scripts can allso be used with deathmatch later.
alltough I'm not in for limiting the field of play, the message could be "Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again." to stay in the GTA style (like the one armed bandit from vice (phil?) and the truth from SA)
they can't create a complete new xfire game support, but they can add info about if the player is playing mta, server, gametype (race, dm, etc for later releases) with the supported San Andreas.
Xfire just released their SDK
This could be of great use for the MTA team for improving the xfire support. It only works with games wich are supported (wich MTA isn't) BUT xfire sees MTA as just GTA so that makes it possible to work with it.
you can read more about it in the link above, so it might be of good use, since those SDK lines have to be built into the .exe file, it would be easily added. not meaning by editing the GTA_SA.exe but adding those into the Multi Theft Auto.exe
Well just read it and hope you can put any good use of it.
it's normall things got deleted when you press "uninstall" and if you're talking about your savegames perhaps, those aren't gone, they're still in the "my documents/GTASA user files" folder.
the team has allready said they're still making stuff for VC and 3, but they give priority to SA, wich is good in my opinion becouse there hasn't been a deathmatch for SA released yet. you have to wait a little longer for newer versions of VC and 3 wich allso are built on the BLUE core.