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Everything posted by RekZ

  1. Yes, i use that system because of this, if more easy than create a system using elementdata or tables for known who is loggin https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsGuestAccount
  2. On my server, I use both: the MTA database to know only whether the user is logged in or not, and MySQL to store all the information and be able to share it across servers. I have several tables in MySQL: one just for login, where I store the email, password, and username, and another one to store user information.
  3. Good afternoon, I have a Wireguard server installed on Windows Server, and when I activate it, it blocks the Server Browser UDP port ( <serverport> + 123 ) of my MTA servers. I assume it also blocks other services, but since I don't have them, I can't be sure. I would like to know if anyone knows why this happens or if there is any solution. Thank you.
  4. Thanks, I will do some test using checkPassiveTimer, It would be nice in the future, the same event that controls the repeated execution of events could also tell you which event is being indiscriminately executed. This could help (in my opinion) make older resources lighter or let you know what event are the modders trying to exploit.
  5. Use the performancebrowser and monitorice your client to see what resource have the data leaks
  6. Hi! @FernandoMTA This will be my last Issue, I promise xD you need to add The Skin ID 199 in the Data.lua
  7. @Shibsol try to use this resource, maybe there are some leaks in your way to import mods, i have 2gb of mods (vehicles, skins and maps) and all works fine, the resource is very easy to use, and it loads the mods 'friendly' for the CPU
  8. Is this a joke? Haha, you didn't read my post... I'm asking for a way to figure out which trigger is causing me problems, I don't want to control invalid triggers..
  9. Hello, I wanted to know if there is any way to see the name of the event that is causing me problems. In older scripts like Slothbot, it's very difficult to know which event is being continuously executed, there are many of them. function processPlayerTriggerEventThreshold() kickPlayer(source, "Event spam") end addEventHandler("onPlayerTriggerEventThreshold", root, processPlayerTriggerEventThreshold)
  10. Hi, I need help to code that sends a photo to a Discord using his webhook, but I can't get it to work. I'm using the 'takePlayerScreenShot' and 'onPlayerScreenShot' I've made several attempts with the code, but none of them have work... I can't really find any useful information that works.
  11. I Think the wait list is like a year jajajaja
  12. I like your resource and its potential, but the fact that i cant group the model types into folders to keep it more organized... it makes me anxious have weapons, vehicles, skins and etc... all in the same folder jajaja Maybe you could add it in the future if you are interested in improving it Great job
  13. I think I'm 1 year late, I had never noticed this post. Honestly, it seems you put a lot effort in the application, it looks very cool, I hope you get more impact and reach more people
  14. RekZ

    Scale shaders

    I would like to know if there is a way to scale the world shaders within the game, without the need to create different versions for different resolutions. For example, I have the shader images at a resolution of 512x512, and I would like to reduce the resolution IN-GAME to 128x128. I know that the 'DxCreateTexture' function creates mipmaps for textures, but I'm not sure if that could be used to benefit my case.
  15. RekZ

    resources limit

    I have a server with 7700 resources, I hope it helps you as an answer
  16. the Russians and Brazilians go to the server and kick out the players with that message and I don't have any triggerServerEvent where the player is kicked out... I don't understand how it could be a security flaw in my server that allows a player to come in and kick everyone out just like that. If it's a security issue, it should be with the administration panel, not my server. The problem is that when someone comes to seek help on the forum, all they find is people judging their comments and others downplaying the situation, nothing new.
  17. I'm sorry, but this problem is not the server owner's or their staff's responsibility. These are issues that cannot be combated in any way. I have literally banned the same person three times because they join the server with fake serials. There are Russians who join and kick everyone on the server just because they can. There are Brazilians who fly across the map, going through all kinds of obstacles. They teleport to players and kill them with aimbot and wallhack. I don't believe all of this is my server's problem because I don't have any aimbot or wallhack systems in place. It's a headache to combat an entire community of people who dedicate themselves to ruining other people's game just because they are bored at home
  18. RekZ


    Hi Melvin, thank you for your response. However, I think you should carefully read the post before randomly responding as if you were an NPC jajajaja. I'm referring to the payment system that ranks the server in the top 20 of the server search engine.
  19. RekZ


    Is that server search tool still in use? I've been on the waiting list for almost a year (the last time I used it was in September 2022), and it still says I have over 100 servers ahead of mine. I don't know if I'm correct or not, but does so many people use that tool that it has a waiting list longer than an organ transplant? jajaja
  20. RekZ

    Weapon Zoom

    The M4 FOV is 50, with this function adjust the fov to 50 when the player aim, I can manually adjust the fov to 50 so that it loads faster than the GTA Default FOV, it's a bad implementation but for what I'm looking for it works for me xd
  21. RekZ

    Weapon Zoom

    i found something that i think i can use jajaja, thanks for help anyway setCameraFieldOfView
  22. RekZ

    Weapon Zoom

    Sorry @Spakye I didn't explain myself well, i want to edit the zoom of weapon like the M4 or MP5, the handgun and the MP5 have a small zoom comparate to the M4 or the AK.
  23. RekZ

    Weapon Zoom

    Hello, i'm looking for some way to fast the weapon zoom when i'm aiming. Maybe i can edit the flags using ? setWeaponProperty
  24. Uuuh that really hurt me i think i will stop my project and wait for that function, i really dont want to change 70 or more IDs Thanks for your time.
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