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Everything posted by RekZ

  1. function drawSpeedo() if isPedDead(localPlayer) then Player = getCameraTarget () else Player = localPlayer end if isPedInVehicle(Player) then veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(Player) if isElement(veh) then specHealth = getElementHealth(veh) sHealth = (math.max(specHealth - 250, 0)/750)*100 colorR = sHealth > 50 and (255/100)*(100 - sHealth*2) + 255 or 255 colorG = sHealth > 50 and 255 or (255/100)*(sHealth*2) sx, sy, sz = getElementVelocity (veh) spectSpeed = math.floor(((sx^2 + sy^2 + sz^2)^(0.5))*180) dxDrawText(spectSpeed.." km/h", (1680/1920)*sX, (940/1080)*sY, (1804/1920)*sX, (966/1080)*sY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), (1/1920)*sX, font, "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false) dxDrawRectangle((1620/1920)*sX, (990/1080)*sY, (((specHealth/10)*2.5)/1920)*sX, (7/1080)*sY, tocolor(colorR, colorG, 0, 255), false) dxDrawCircle (((1620+(specHealth/10)*2.5)/1920)*sX, (993/1080)*sY, 7, 0, 360, tocolor(colorR, colorG, 0, 255), tocolor(colorR, colorG, 0, 255), 32, 1, false) if getVehicleUpgradeOnSlot(veh, 8 ) then nosLevel = getVehicleNitroLevel(veh)*100 or 0 nosColor = isVehicleNitroActivated(veh) and colorTable[ "using" ] or isVehicleNitroRecharging(veh) and colorTable[ "chargin" ] or colorTable[ "stock" ] dxDrawRectangle((1620/1920)*sX, (1020/1080)*sY, (((nosLevel*250)/100)/1920)*sX, (7/1080)*sY, nosColor, false) dxDrawCircle (((1620+(nosLevel*2.5))/1920)*sX, (1023/1080)*sY, 7, 0, 360, nosColor, nosColor, 32, 1, false) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawSpeedo) I dont test it but i think is cool
  2. RekZ

    Password Server Error ?

    Is empty, no all players appear blocked, others can connect without problems, but some have that problem that I comment, now I will try to change the name to the server to see if it has any effect.
  3. Many players tell me that they see my server closed (password) but my server isnt blocked, I tried to restart it and restart the dedicated server, what is the problem or what can I do to fix it?
  4. so in theory i can call the client use ProcessLineOfSight and return it to the server, but i will try another efficient way.
  5. i can get the body part where the shot hit using onPlayerWeaponFire ?
  6. Driver2 Link is dead
  7. I have a problem with blocked files, i cant use blocked files for replace model i dont known why but only blocked files give me error >-< i will try all the form you give us to repair my problem thanks :3
  8. RekZ

    Replace Error

    yeah i think that is the firts place but i test many and maaany models but nothing work, maybe there are only compatible with weapon models ?
  9. RekZ

    Replace Error

    Any way to repair the error of the next image? ( You can see how the replaced weapon doesnt charge properly and only appears as a shot ) happens when he replaced a normal mapping model with a weapon ( I clarify that only happens with some weapons )
  10. RekZ

    Lock DFF Error

    Many weapons work, the only weapons that doesnt work are locked, dont known why, but ifthere isnt any solution no problem
  11. RekZ

    Lock DFF Error

  12. RekZ

    Lock DFF Error

    the id isnt the problem i tried to use a custom object and happen what you see in the photo.
  13. RekZ

    Lock DFF Error

    what can I do if, when replacing a DFF, the object transforms into the next thing ( You can see the item in the ped hand like a "fire" ) I have assumed that only happens with blocked DFFs, there is a solution without having to unlock the DFF ?? ( i talk to the creator of the mod and the stupid only think that I want to steal the mod )
  14. RekZ

    Debug setting

    I wanted to know if there is a way to prevent players from using this client option on my server, since I have some very smart users use that option to disable some disadvantages in the server like textures or shaders that creates a lot of disadvantage between some players and others .. because obviously there are players who play legally. With the debug setting option I mean this that you can see in the photo.
  15. RekZ

    Debug Setting

    Queria informarme si hay alguna forma de evitar que los jugadores usen esta opcion del cliente en el servidor, ya que como tengo unos usuarios muy inteligentes y algo tramposillos usan esa opcion para desactivar varias desventajas en el servidor como texturas o shaders y la verdad es un poco pesado que por una opcion extra que tiene el cliente se cree un desbalance entre unos jugadores y otros.. porque obviamente siempre existe gente que juega legal. Con la opcion de "Debug Setting" me refiero a esto que podran ver en la foto la cual tampoco me deja insertar asi que dejo el link y ya. https://imgur.com/a/ApNAxnJ
  16. Gracias buen señor :3
  17. Se que esto lo hice muchas veces pero no me acuerdo de como hacerlo ahora mismo si dentro del a siguiente tabla solo quiero editar la "armadura" del jugador como hago para acceder solo a ese dato sin afectar al skin y la vida setElementData( jugador, "EstadoJugador", { skin = 2 , vida = 100 , armadura = 0 } )
  18. RekZ

    MTA Update problem

    My users have some problems update the MTA, i update my server to 1.5.5-13846 but if a player want to enter the MTA dont update the client and the https://mtasa.com/ dont have the last version so players cant enter, some players and me download the latest version in nightly.. but not all players know how to do it.
  19. RekZ

    Low Fps Problem

    and what proccesor you have, much Ram ?
  20. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetAccount maybe you say this :3 see the example in the wiki
  21. getAccountPlayer maybe you can explain more
  22. Te falta un - en la posicion x de la segunda puerta, si no me equivoco son dos puertas cerca del hospital de fort carson, la segunda puerta es la del hospital que con el - aparece al lado y si le quitar el negativo pues se va la cantera
  23. 200$ = GTX 1050 ti + Bugsunkons Bugground on Steam
  24. RekZ


    yeah is enabled like the wiki said " Note: This event works only with weapons which have enabled bullet sync. "
  25. RekZ


    What ever i post the function in the Mantis because i think is a bug :3 just i need to wait now https://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=9827
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