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Everything posted by Vinyard

  1. Moving this to Scripting.
  2. Vinyard

    MTA uncommon Crash

    Hi, welcome to the forums! I've moved your post into a new topic since the one where you posted was quite old. Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.
  3. Vinyard

    Ban for nothing

    Hi, welcome to the forums! Do you still run into this problem or it has been resolved? If you still run into this problem, please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.
  4. Hi, welcome to the forums. Please create a new ban appeal in which you also provide your MTA serial. This is needed so the anticheat team can further investigate your case. You can grab your serial by launching MTA, opening the console (F8 key by default) and typing 'serial' without any quotes.
  5. Locking this since the issue was resolved.
  6. Is your performance drop happening on every server you're trying to join or it's happening on a specific one?
  7. Vinyard

    Help verdana.ttf

    Try reinstalling MTA altogether. If this doesn't work, follow the steps of Dutchman's solution here:
  8. Vinyard

    Help verdana.ttf

    Please download and run MTADiag again and make sure you're using the latest version of MTA.
  9. Vinyard

    Help verdana.ttf

    This is quite strange. So have you tried reinstalling the font altogether? (This is one of the proposed solutions in the previously linked topic by Vampire) You can do this by doing the following: 1) Head over to your fonts in the Windows settings; 2) Look for the Verdana font and click it; 3) Click the uninstall button; 4) Download the font from here: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/files/verdana.ttf 5) Open the newly downloaded font and hit the install button. Again, do a system restart and try launching MTA, see if it works.
  10. Hi, sorry for the delay in responding to your thread. Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post here any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you. Also, please let us know if you're using a legitimate copy of the game or one downloaded from the internet?
  11. Vinyard

    Help verdana.ttf

    Replace it with this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yvv5h6x822euwbb/verdana.zip?dl=0, do a system restart and then try to launch the game. Let us know if it works.
  12. Vinyard

    Help verdana.ttf

    Head over to C:\Windows\fonts\ and check to see if you've got the verdana font file in there. MTADiag throws an error about it, stating there's no such file/file could not be opened.
  13. Hi, welcome to the forums! I'll lock this thread because you've posted another one (which has just a little more details in it) about the same issue. Please make sure you avoid creating duplicate threads in the future!
  14. This is indeed quite strange. What are you using to store data/bans? As in, do you use a certain DB or the default way of handling accounts (through the internal DB)?
  15. Vinyard

    Help verdana.ttf

    If none of the solutions presented by Vampire worked for you (those found here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/136337-verdanattf-error/?do=findComment&comment=1011766), then please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions provided there. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.
  16. Vinyard


    Locking this as OP is inactive (hasn't logged since posting this topic) and there's no issue presented in order for us to provide solutions.
  17. Vinyard

    GENRL problems

    Hi, sorry for the delay. You might've installed them wrong or maybe the mod files could be corrupted? Haven't really worked with sound mods, but MTA closing due to the modified sound may only mean something's either wrong with the installation of that mod or the mod itself has a problem. There's really not much we can do on our side about it. Only advice I can give you is to remove the mod and play without it. If you're not sure how to revert your mods, perform a clean install on GTA.
  18. Hi, Based on your information, I'll rather escalate this. Please wait to be contacted here or in private. @Tut
  19. Hi, welcome to the forums! What's your issue exactly? You don't have to provide any private information, but there's a big chance your issue can be resolved without PMing forum admins.
  20. Locking this as the thread is a bit old. There are code snippets above, as Shady stated, but if you have further issues/questions on this matter, please create a new topic. @Gyrosos
  21. Locking this as the issue has been solved.
  22. Moving this to the Arabic section.
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