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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. MIKI785

    How I do this?

    local playername1 = string.gsub(playername0, "[b]", "b") local playername2 = string.gsub(playername1, "[O]", "o") local playername3 = string.gsub(playername2, "[(SS)]", "ss") local playername4 = string.gsub(playername3, "[s]", "s") if (string.find(playername4,"boss")) then That's just... wrong... You should just simply check for the tag in the last line, that is: if (string.find(playername,"%[tag%]")) then % are used because [ and ] are "magical" characters.
  2. So you just made the recording? I see, then the authors are asslickers
  3. You use #%x%x%x%x%x%x, x = hexadecimal character. So string.gsub(name, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") will do.
  4. MIKI785


    What do you mean? Some info related to this can be found here: guiGetScreenSize. If you use GUI you have to use that function as well and do some calculations.. maybe custom function centerWindow might help.
  5. You can use string.gsub for that.
  6. Nice, ill just never understand why you people put the FFS logo in all your videos.
  7. MIKI785

    help pls

    The script gets executed just on the resource's start. Use other event or use a timer.
  8. MIKI785


    You want to get date from timestamp? Then simply use getRealTime and provide the desired timestamp.
  9. Im pretty sure you tried it in current release To author: good work.
  10. They are right, do it through SQL because XML isnt fast enough. If you have small server with few players.. maybe. I had it done thru XML as well at the start but when the number of accounts was about 1000 it started to lag.. and every time it had to load/save XML it lagged as hell.. so i went for MySQL.. today i have about 10k accounts in there and no lags at all. XML is just not supposed to be used fpr databases but more like config files.
  11. MIKI785

    FPS Cap

    The reason for that is sync... if you didnt have a limit there could be player with 100 FPS and some other with 30 and there would be difference in their game speed. Setting FPS limit to for example 40 will make that difference a lot smaller. Of course servers with gamemodes like race might have that limit a lot higher since the sync doesnt matter so much but in games where you for example shoot other players it is important. That's my opinion.
  12. viewtopic.php?f=31&t=75160
  13. MIKI785

    [Run Fast]

    This might be related to this: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=75160 so check that out.
  14. I think im not the only one that can barely understand what youre trying to say here.. the code Civilian posted is correct.
  15. Good job, your other videos are great as well.
  16. Not true.. you can use triggerClientEvent to send the files later.
  17. That won't help in any way ... He wants to fake the number of players in a server to show the total of players in his other servers. Using an external website will not help at all. I don't think so... He wants to show it in his Lobby GUI. callRemote will be enough for that.
  18. It will get sent to all playera in team, the table is fine.. the only problem is that you use the table as the source as well and you obviously cant do that.. either use the team element or root, whatever suits you.
  19. Its becquse youre creating a new image every frame.. use dxDrawImage instead.
  20. Great but the wiki is not clear... On the wiki it says: "fastsprint - Stop speed advantage by tapping sprint button". So if you set it to true (enable glitch) it will stop the advantage? Because glitches are disabled by default and the description suggests that by enabling it you will stop it.
  21. This is not a place for scripting requests, youre supposed to post issues with your own code! Try searching on the community.
  22. There are several issues with the code tag on wiki that weren't there before, possibly related to: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=75122. Firstly, we could click on any function in the code tag and it would open that function's page on the wiki, now it's like there is no link (href attribute). Secondly, i noticed this only on one page, that is getLocalization. The issue is that you can see [lua] in the code. That function was documented by me and it wasn't there before. Also, and that's been there for a long time, some functions like outputChatBox are orange coloured (server only) in the code although they are client and server.
  23. That wouldn't work because variables hours and minutes are local in realTime function. You would have to make the realTime function return those values.
  24. Good to see MTA is continuously growing.
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