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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. MIKI785

    The last reply

    Oh my god there are so many smilies i didn't know about And noone uses them
  2. That's very nice, i love maps with custom objects
  3. Well then the simplest solution is to combine the scripts together so you don't have to use wasEventCancelled.
  4. That's strange, because spawnPlayer sets interior to 0 by default, i don't think that the script would spawn it wrong. Try this: addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", root, function () setElementInterior(source, 0) end) To make sure that it's 0.
  5. Try this: addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, function() if wasEventCancelled() then outputChatBox("Cancelled") end end, true, "low") The last argument sets the handler's priority to low so this piece of code should get called after the other one where you cancelled the event.
  6. MIKI785

    [Help] Ban

    Of course it will if you ban yourself using the default functions... you have to make your own one.. using a database like internal SQL one.
  7. At least reaolution could be somehow auto detected because too many players on my servers are using 800x600 and GUI is then horrible for them, many of them just dont know how to change it. I even show notification for people with low resolution to change it.
  8. I dont think thats such a good idea.. the topic would be difficult to orientate in.
  9. The script isn't loaded most likely.. either you didn't put it in meta.xml or you have some error there.
  10. But still.. it gets called before it explodes... youre setting the health before it gets damaged. Maybe onClientVehicleDamage.
  11. I don't think that that gets triggered at all.. you're looking for this: onClientProjectileCreation. But still that gets called before the grenade explodes.
  12. When do you set the health?
  13. I don't quite understand, but what you are doing there is that if the skin is 132 you change the walking style to 10 which does not exist according to wiki (setPedWalkingStyle). You set it to default one for all other skins.
  14. you don't name functions if used inside addEventHandler... It would be like this then: function ( url, id ) fetchRemote( url, function ( datas, errno, player, url ) triggerClientEvent( player, "onClientGotImageResponse", player, url, datas, errno ) end, "", false, client, url ) end ) Please use lua tags. Btw. the way you wrote it, everything on a new line is just horrible... but if you like it..
  15. MIKI785

    Dosen't Work

    I'm sorry but if you can't fix even THAT you should leave this forum and learn the very basics of scripting... In the first line the table ends with ), that should be } ...
  16. That's not true, you can save the data to some file and then display it using guiCreateStaticImage, I do it that way myself.
  17. MIKI785


    Use this: if isObjectInACLGroup(player, aclGetGroup("Government")) then Whenever you want to restrict something.. player being the player checked.
  18. You can but since the web server the image is on is on different server than your MTA server you can't download it directly to the client. You have to use fetchRemote server-sided and then send the image data to client using triggerClientEvent. You then save these data to some file using fileCreate, fileWrite and fileClose and then you can use that to display the image.
  19. MIKI785

    Dosen't Work

    Simply add the right command.god to ACL to whatever group you want it to use and use the third argument of addCommandHandler so it will be: addCommandHandler("god", toggleGodMode, true) Then add this: <right name="command.god" access="true" /> To desired ACL groups. Then delete all that right checking nonsense of yours and it will work.
  20. What do you mean by 'dead'? That it's not being played anymore? That's not true at all... there are way too many freeroam servers.
  21. There is a slight problem there, as far as i know the object won't start moving/falling till you touch it. And if he is attaching it just for this purpose i myself would disable collisions for it.. so that wouldn't work. Using vehicle as denny199 said would work, small vehicle like flower pot is gonna do.
  22. Well, what i would do is to detach it then get the ground position using getGroundPosition and move it there. I see that moveObject supports easing, definitely use that. But either way you have a little problem, the object would be half in the ground... so you would need to calculate the height of the object (not sure how to do that..) and divide that by 2 and add it to the end position the object would stop at.
  23. [14:03:18] Dany: tak někomu se třeba na 800x600 hraje líp
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