Solidsnake14, that works, but sometimes it doesn't output player's nick but just $Player
EG. $player has been muted by admin...
Where's the problem now? Admin's nick works every time.
How to remove HEX codes in nick from chatbox messages sent by Admin resource? I couldn't find the function which send all the messages in the code.
I mean, like: "Someone has been muted by #FF0000miki_cz (x secs)" and i want it to be: "Someone has been muted by miki_cz (x secs)"
Hi, i want to do when is the winner "Last Survivor" (raceDM) then newxt map won't start until this winner die. I don't know how to od it, in settings, there is no this option. Thanks
I did it using this tutorial...
Now it says: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ERROR: Could not load ./
* Check installed data files.
Press enter to continue...
OMG.... i tried apt-get instal libncursesw and to download it manually but it doesn't work...
I tried to start server (./mta-server) and it display: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ERROR: Loading mod (/emul/ia32-linux/mtaserver/mods/deathmatch/ fa
Press Q to shut down the server!
I don't know what to do... I googled it but i didn't find anything that could help me..
I have a Linux Debian.
I have problem with Map editor.. I put a car in the map and then I cant add more cars.. when i go into the car menu I cant click OK or Cancel and I have to disconnect...
I have a small problem
I have a deathmatch and I have some vehicles in it. But if I destroy it it wont respawn. How to make a respawn of these vehicles?
I have a problem, if I start server using Putty, its OK. Server is running but If i close the putty server will shutdown, why? Please help how to make server still runing.
I try command exit but the same > Server shutdown
I have Linux debian