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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. It doesn't output nick when it doesn't have HEX codes in it.
  2. Solidsnake14, that works, but sometimes it doesn't output player's nick but just $Player EG. $player has been muted by admin... Where's the problem now? Admin's nick works every time.
  3. Hello, How to remove HEX codes in nick from chatbox messages sent by Admin resource? I couldn't find the function which send all the messages in the code. I mean, like: "Someone has been muted by #FF0000miki_cz (x secs)" and i want it to be: "Someone has been muted by miki_cz (x secs)"
  4. MIKI785

    Race help

    Hi, i want to do when is the winner "Last Survivor" (raceDM) then newxt map won't start until this winner die. I don't know how to od it, in settings, there is no this option. Thanks
  5. This add-on can be used for editing database in Linux mta server? (1.1)
  6. Is there any way how to edit SQL database which is included in server? It need it. Thanks.
  7. I did it using this tutorial... Now it says: libncursesw.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ERROR: Could not load ./core.so * Check installed data files. Press enter to continue... OMG.... i tried apt-get instal libncursesw and to download it manually but it doesn't work...
  8. I tried to start server (./mta-server) and it display: libreadline.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ERROR: Loading mod (/emul/ia32-linux/mtaserver/mods/deathmatch/deathmatch.so) fa iled! Press Q to shut down the server! I don't know what to do... I googled it but i didn't find anything that could help me.. I have a Linux Debian.
  9. Can someone re-upload gta-eng.zip???
  10. Hi, I have problem with Map editor.. I put a car in the map and then I cant add more cars.. when i go into the car menu I cant click OK or Cancel and I have to disconnect... WTF?
  11. MIKI785

    Server help

    Contact your internet provider.
  12. MIKI785

    Linux bug

    Shutdown/restart VPS
  13. But it doesnt. I destroyed the car and nothing happened. It dont respawn.
  14. MIKI785

    Can't Register

    Via console? Or just /register on server?
  15. MIKI785

    Server help

    Or you dont have Public IP. You need it if you do server on your computer
  16. And this will perform on all vehicles? I need that.
  17. Hi, I have a small problem I have a deathmatch and I have some vehicles in it. But if I destroy it it wont respawn. How to make a respawn of these vehicles?
  18. MIKI785

    How to..

    It doesnt work...
  19. MIKI785

    How to..

    How to disable thata blurry when you use the nitro? Please help. I couldnt find any script.
  20. MIKI785

    Something wrong

    Thanks, its OK now.
  21. MIKI785

    Something wrong

    Hi, I have a problem, if I start server using Putty, its OK. Server is running but If i close the putty server will shutdown, why? Please help how to make server still runing. I try command exit but the same > Server shutdown I have Linux debian
  22. I have this problem too, now. Its not solved.
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