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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. If the server is hosted on gamehosting then why do you need PHP script? It's only needed if you have the server on localhost, 'cause then your IP is and you can't get country from that.
  2. If you want to get your country on localhost then yes.
  3. That's strange then, try creating the fire using runcode.
  4. I don't know if this is true but maybe you have to be near the coordinates where the fire is when it starts. Were you near the fire when the resource started?
  5. Dont double post! The problem is that youre using screen width (x) to calculate positions on Y axis...
  6. There's no need of getting the resolution every frame. Put the x, y = guiGetScreenSize() at the top of the script.
  7. You probably didn't put the event handler on that function. Post the code.
  8. That was just an example. If he had read the wiki he would find all you posted here in the guiGetScreenSize documentation, it's nicely explained there.
  9. Replacing models is client side... you can make command for restoration of default models. Use engineRestoreModel for that. (Not sure if the function's name's correct, check wiki)
  10. What's your grade from maths? ... Why would you divide it by 3 if you want centre? I can't explain it, its basic maths and logic as well
  11. Because it doesn't make sense? You can't make string have some value O_o
  12. That doesn't make sense.. local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawText ( "Ahoj",x/2,y/2,x/2,y/2,tocolor(0,255,255,255),1.0,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false) This will draw the text at the centre of the screen (it will start at the centre). Btw. you got error in your addEventHandler... check the syntax on wiki.
  13. There is example on the wiki: isObjectInACLGroup, that's what you're looking for.
  14. That's equal or less than. less than is < itself
  15. You gotta understand them... for example: addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function () dxDrawText("Testing text", 500, 500) end) Will show the text continuously, 'cause it's called every frame. Just create some function, put the dxs into it and show it with addEventHandler and hide it using removeEventHandler. All these things are on the wiki. PS: Nepouzivej google translate
  16. Not in a same lua file? If the function is not local you can call it from any file in that resource (of the same type client/server). If it's another resource, just export the function.
  17. use guiGetScreenSize and maths, that's all you need.
  18. MIKI785

    Car color

    use onVehicleEnter instead, player might get spawned before the vehicle is created
  19. "Heavier shape" - WTF? Anyway, that's because dxDrawText is rendered just for one frame, so it's impossible to see it for one frame... that's why you're supposed to use onClientRender or preRender to show it continuously, refer to wiki.
  20. I doubt that you have the author's permission to post it here...
  21. Good job, good idea of using the trailer as inspiration.
  22. Why don't you just use element data to store the data? I think that it's better and simplier solution.
  23. If it's not local and is on the same side (Server/Client) then you can call it.
  24. This is supposed to be help section, not requests section im affraid... it was said many times here. You post your code, debug and we try to help, not this...
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