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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. You cant disable reconnect as far as i know. Its hardcoded in the client itself.
  2. MIKI785


    I need it to be either through the admin panel or the following "/mute LoL 60 spam" "LoL has been muted by LoL (60 sec) (spam) and this is also the need to kick/ban so please someone to do it for nothing. The linked topic os what you need.. just read it. Also there is already mute command in admin resource, there should be no need to create your own.
  3. MIKI785


    As they said before this is not request section. This section is used to seek help with a chunk of YOUR OWN code. Read viewtopic.php?f=91&t=47897.
  4. They force us to use luac.multitheftauto.com to compile scripts, but you don't have the source (the uncompiled one) so you can't do anything about it.
  5. MIKI785


    Just read the damn description of the resource.. everything you need is in there.
  6. Good, though i'm still waiting for the removal of that stupid "Diagnostics" message forcing us to use your online compiler.
  7. You might want to check this: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=4571, i doubt it will happen.
  8. Just look into the debug, if there's anything wrong it will say something... or you may have invalid character in the .zip's name, if that's the problem it will show it when you use refresh command.
  9. MIKI785


    Are you actually kidding? This is not PHP forum. Enough said.
  10. MIKI785


    just call it using for example runcode
  11. Changing background to image is not a good idea as its size is not defined and keeps changing (as players connect/disconnect).. so the size of the image changes and that can't be good.
  12. MIKI785


    What?? Or what do you mean?
  13. You can ignore that, it's just the stupid way the developers have done compiling scripts... you can use it anyway.
  14. Don't copy just the DBs in the databases folder but the ones in mods/deathmatch/ as well.
  15. What? Does debug output anything? It can be anything..
  16. GameQ does work... im using it on my web: http://mshost.cz so your php script is wrong then. There is no need for any Lua scripting at all.
  17. There is no such thing as "next map". I suppose you mean nextmap command in race, if so then in race's settings there are ACL groups which have access to nextmap and redo commands, just put the groups in there.
  18. simplest way is to use ACL editor in default admin panel
  19. This compiler thing is plain stupidity. Its nice that they're trying to protect our scripts but it should NEVER be mandatory to use this online compiler, it may be recommended but shouldnt be the only one you can use, thats just stupid.
  20. There is built-in command for password change, chgmypass. So you don't have to make your own one, try executeCommandHandler maybe?
  21. This person always copies other people's work. No wonder he doesnt know what to do.
  22. That compiling thing is just stupid... all i have to do now is to run 1 batch file and it compiles everything into 1 file, but now when anyone joins it keeps spamming those stupid messages that it wont be supported in next versions blah blah... like why? We'll have to compile every single script through some stupid website? Nonsense...
  23. bind is client command like quit I dont know if it works but maybe client sided onClientConsole might work, but trying to block bind command is kinda stupid.
  24. Hello, Is there a way to remove anything in between '<' and '>' characters from string? Any help would be appreciated.
  25. MIKI785


    You want to use it for the Money column in scoreboard, right? Use this then: exports [ "scoreboard" ]:addScoreboardColumn ( "Money", 3 ) -- Add the "Money" column to the scoreboard. function updatePlayersMoney ( ) -- Create "updatePlayersMoney" function. for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType "player" ) do -- Loop through all online players. setElementData ( player, "Money", convertNumber(getPlayerMoney ( player )) ) -- Set "Money" element data to the player money. end -- End our loop. end -- End our function. setTimer ( updatePlayersMoney, 2500, 0 ) -- Set a infinite 2.5 seconds timer to execute "updatePlayersMoney" function. Was that so hard?
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