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Everything posted by robhol

  1. DD is draw distance, yes. FYI I also have this problem on my laptop. To be honest I haven't bothered trying to fix it, if it's even possible.
  2. What the hell is the point of putting a .txt file on rapidshit... -.-'
  3. Lemme guess: you have an ATI card and DP2? I think this flickering problem was fixed in 1.0. In the meantime you could try messing a little bit around with graphics settings etc., maybe setting the DD lower will help.
  4. Don't double post, you've already posted the same thing in DM Server-Side Help Area. This is the server side help area. (Fail.) Anyways, jack, take a look at any of the first 5 pages in this forum, I bet you'll find at least three different threads about exactly the same problem.
  5. /binds /unbind Should do it. Ofc, if servers require you to bind commands, there's something wrong with them.
  6. Sigh, you're still nagging about this? Learn scripting, then, if you need help, ask. Stop trying to get people to script all your scripts for you.
  7. Sigh... back to the basics. In these four lines of code, you've already managed to make 4 major mistakes. Read the scripting intro again. I suppose what you want to do is something like this: I'm not sure what's the default value for setGameSpeed, you'll have to figure that out.
  8. It's not. Joinquit extremely simple to make though. If you can't find it anywhere, you can either make it, or just remove it from mtaserver.conf.
  9. Erm... run another mode, or get another VPS.
  10. What, you mean the mouse inversion? You gotta do that in the singleplayer settings, ie. by starting GTA-SA without MTA. If that's not what you meant, I'm afraid you're going to have to describe the problem a bit better.
  11. Are you sure you have the latest Admin resource? If you would like to get the latest resources you must download an SVN client from HERE Then after installing right click on your desktop and you should see 'SVN checkout', click on that and then enter this link http://multitheftauto-resources.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/. Now, to save you from re-porting another problem that;s going to pop up I shall tell you what to do, once you manage to get the latest resources, after pressing P the Administrator panel shall come up but you wont be able to click on anything, so open that file of the Administrator resource and click on 'conf', you shall see a acl.xml, now open it and migrate all those functions to your main acl.xml and you should be done. For the last part, you can also just open the admin\conf\settings.xml and remove this: <installed>true</installed> I'd say it's one badass timesaver.
  12. Admin resource has the register function/command, it must be started for it to work.
  13. Omg, here that's my bad - it's a concept that stuck around from the later time of my SFDM server where we used a sync mod that attempted to gloss over some of the sync issues, I forgot it wouldn't happen if shooting was handled by the server, like normally... Stil, these funcs would be useful since even the M4 is less accurate than, let's say, throwing turds.
  14. That's pretty odd. Using Vista? Try running as administrator. If you're using XP, I'm assuming the archive is corrupt... try downloading again. Preferably from another internet connection.
  15. So I'm thinking, since there are vehicle handling functions, that people should think about adding functions to modify weapon.dat. This would be very useful for any number of reasons: Prevents cheating (where people modify accuracy, range and fire rates. Once deagles start firing at minigun tempo, normal players are in serious trouble.) Lets DM server owners (like me ) modify the accuracy and ranges until all weapons aren't necessarily shit. Would be interesting for, let's say, an experience/leveling system. Cons: none that I can think of.
  16. Hard to tell, since none of us are prophets or own a time machine. It's on the "to-do" list, though with low priority. So, it might be a while.
  17. Just to make sure: .exe is an executable file type, please tell me you aren't trying to open it up in a program? Running the .exe is enough. When it asks for a destination directory, give it the location of your GTA San Andreas folder.
  18. Hmm... I can't really spot any mistakes, but you might want to change the color thingies to, say, a minimum of 100. So, 100 + math.random(1,155), since a marker with 0,0,0 will not be black, but invisible. I don't know how many times you tried, but this can also be the reason you didn't see anything.
  19. I'm noticing that lots of people here are extremely good at giving loads and loads of info. Do you get any errors?
  20. Discussed to death in the old topic, and this was my point exactly.
  21. I think SFPD is interior 10 at 246.40, 110.84 ,1003.22
  22. robhol


    If you're planning on making a decent server, I suggest buying some hosting. That means your server will be on 24/7, but you WILL have to pay for it. (No such thing as a free lunch, as it were..) You can also host it from home, but there's no real point in that unless you have an insanely good internet connection... and well, most people don't.
  23. I seem to remember the same thing being taken up before - while the 3D would be interesting it would still only be useful for people who are actually interested in voicechatting, and 98% of them would already be using a voicechat program like teamspeak, ventrilo, you name it. There are also tons of bugs to fix and quite a few more important features to add before even considering something like this, IMO. Apart from the 3D part, this is the exact same thing. Since it was pretty much discussed to death there, I don't see the point in taking it up again.
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