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Everything posted by robhol

  1. No. whatismyip.com is the way to go. No, my local ip: 192.168...... http://Www.whatismyip.com gives your external ip. Duh. I'm assuming that if he wanted to play on a LAN, he'd say so.
  2. Ermm... no, you haven't. Where did you download it?
  3. No. whatismyip.com is the way to go.
  4. Apparently someone fucked up the server browser. Not much to do about it. Use game-monitor.com instead.
  5. Further proof that naming the mod "deathmatch" is kind of a dumb move. /me hides.
  6. You're trying to assign an event handler a function you haven't declared client-side. (joinHandler)
  7. If it happens on one server only, find another. If it happens on all servers, you have a firewall blocking MTA:SA. Unblock it and profit.
  8. No, to be precise, it only works where the command /ss sets your skin. At any rate it's not an MTA issue, it's a script issue.
  9. If you're having trouble with a script, the best thing to do would be to ask here, especially when you already have a topic opened. On another note, I'd like to suggest that you use "fire" in bindKey, instead of mouse click. That way it won't fuck up if people have re-mapped their controls.
  10. No, you're not- ss is just a command handled by some random resource. Probably a freeroam-ish one. But it's not an MTA issue.
  11. What exactly is this supposed to do?
  12. Processor core count? GTA:SA fucked up majorly on my dual core, that might be your problem too. I solved the problem by using a neat little program called imagecfg.exe (google) which lets you set a program's affinity to a certain core. It should also come with instructions.
  13. robhol


    http://development.mtasa.com/ Seriously. Have a look in there. It should take you 2 min to find what you need.
  14. Does nobody search? Like, ever? You can't use any gamepad with MTA in its current version.
  15. It should probably be brought to mind that hyping up the progress bar is probably a bad idea - there are probably quite a few hidden issues etc. to take care of too. And of course, progress is frequently pushed back as bugs are added and reopened.
  16. ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL no. As you say, making a server is time consuming, and nobody will part with their server scripts, much less publically, without getting anything in return. The server config files are straight-forward enough for most people, there are tons of default resources including gamemodes and maps coming with the server, and if you need help with them, you can always go to the IRC or ask here. But nobody is going to give you their server. (Duh)
  17. That's more SA-MP than MTA, in my experience MTA lag is unpredictable, and not even forward aiming is a good solution. It either works or doesn't.
  18. I doubt this is the right place for topics about individual servers - if the server has its own forum, that would be the place. Otherwise, one or more of it's admins or even players might be found on IRC, and can either discuss the ban with you there, or provide you with a way to contact someone who can.
  19. You can't use a gamepad with DP2. I'm not sure, but I think it should be in the latest nightly release.
  20. In MTA (especially dp2) and SA-MP, it also has a lot to do with luck, the sync being the way it is. As far as actual skills go, reacting quickly, aiming accurately and quickly, quick thinking, strategic thinking, mastering controls, keeping an overview of surroundings etc. are all very important.
  21. I don't know if ALTER statement is usable in MTA because I never needed it in MTA, but that's what it's for. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_alter.asp If you can edit a table in SQL database with SQL Database Browser then you can theoretically edit it with Lua script using executeSQLQuery Or better, bypass scripting for simple changes. MTAs SQL functions aren't that good, and tbh I don't trust them. I use this program to create and edit my databases.
  22. You're right. You need to use {...}
  23. Script it. I suggest reading about SQL functions, as this would be the best way of storing the data for each player.
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