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Everything posted by robhol

  1. Grrr... for the record, restarting doesn't work. Edit: SOLUTIONIZED! It had to do with dual-core core affinity. Setting affinity via imagecfg.exe to proc core #2 solved the problem. I'll take my cake now, please.
  2. You can't be late for this year: March comes before December in one year. ;o
  3. Happens both in MTA and single-player. In singleplayer, the menus don't work: or rather, you can move the cursor around like usual, but clicking menu items no longer works. In SP AND MTA, you can't move the camera, nor use the mouse to aim, shoot or change weapons. SP is version 1.0. This started rather suddenly after working perfectly, without any changes to HW or SW for that matter. I tried reinstalling GTA; didn't help at all. PC is windows XP and has like 3x the powar needed to run GTA:SA, and as I said it worked perfectly OK for ages...
  4. If you want to move the marker "smoothly", try finding an invisible or very small object, attaching the marker to it, THEN using moveObject. A marker isn't an object, and setElementPosition will "snap" it to the new coords instantaneously.
  5. robhol

    race marker

    If you want real "ranking" by order, this would be better: ranking = 1; -- start at one, of couse... addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerHit", theMarker, function () -- there are two arguments, but we won't use any of them. outputChatBox( getPlayerName(source) .. " finished as #" .. tostring(ranking) .. "!"); ranking = ranking + 1; -- count upwards. end ) Erm... I think I used a 1.0-only function, it's likely to be the getPlayerName. If you use DP2.3 and the server nags you about an attempt to call a nil value, replace getPlayerName with the valid function from DP2.3, i think it's getClientName. Also, although this is DEAD obvious, I didn't make the marker, that's up to you.
  6. <+MeKorea|Laptop> KWKSND, its not fag if the balls dont touch!
  7. Most likely (probably definitely) a bug at GM's side. All you can do is wait.
  8. robhol

    element count

    Your example doesn't make any sense. It's amountOfObjects=#getElementsByType("object")
  9. Wtf? Erm... no, it's definitely a problem...
  10. I don't see why you'd want to do that. It's a comparison that does nothing at all. What MIGHT work is using relative coordinates. Although, the HUD positioning might be different in different resolutions.
  11. You could probably make "gamemode" resources that start AMX and the "map" though - a little hacky, but it should work.
  12. large_Toady used his special KGB powars and fucked up the server list. OK, ok, maybe it wasn't toady, it could be anyone. What matters is, it's screwed, you would probably be better off using the website itself.
  13. Double killing is a rather common bug. I _think_ it's fixed in 1.0. Also, this has fuck all to do with maps.
  14. to change server name (in a dM server): go to your server folder, click on mods, deathmatch, then mtaserver. in mtaserver u can change lot of things. mtaserver.conf
  15. Not if he decides not to release it, you're not.
  16. robhol

    MTA not working?? D:

    Kind of, but it's only based on cold, hard math and statistics. It's pretty much something I made for fun, it's not reliable.
  17. Most SA-MP scripts are a reflection of its poor customizability IMO. I can't think of any SA-MP script off-hand that I couldn't rewrite for MTA@Lua in about 15-30min.
  18. FYI, the latest "really released" version is DP2.3 which is why you find it under the download section of the home page. To get 1.0 you can either go to nightly.multitheftauto.com. Some other files from http://code.google.com/p/multitheftauto/ will be required.
  19. I'd sure like to be able to use a signature too. Come on, what's the point of witty comments if you don't have a signature to put them in! D: As for the oversizing and fugliness issue (incidentally, interestingly, Talidan's is an example of a sig from Hell ) removing a sig takes 30sec. You can also, IIRC, block images larger than X*Ypx.
  20. robhol

    After all

    If you take a look at the earlier posts in this topic, you might find that he knows a lot less than he should... Like... reading... clicking links... searching...
  21. robhol


    Wtf! Yes, it does! getPlayerFromNick(nick)
  22. IMO, 1.0's release is a near-perfect excuse to go through your scripts, reorganizing and rewriting them where needed. That's what I did with my server script, and it turned out to be a good idea, (if you have the time, of course,) since a lot of my script just grew out where it fit at the time, and got pretty cluttered over time. Besides, the upgrade command seems a bit unreliable, although maybe it's only that my luck with it sucks.
  23. robhol

    MTA not working?? D:

    I'm assuming it's the GTA SA folder it wants... try letting it have it. Default location: %program files%/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas And, although this should be obvious: if you don't have GTA SA installed, you can't play MTA. Besides, being more descriptive wouldn't hurt... don't assume people are psychic and/or can guess what error messages, prompts etc. on your computer say.
  24. robhol


    Hax! Pretty useless, but damn funny! Nice work!
  25. robhol

    After all

    This isn't a support forum for your router! Which, incidentally, is password protected, which, incidentally, might be the reason you can't access it... Ask your parents if they can log in for you, or something.
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